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 A reconstruction of the Library 911 call in Real Time.

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A reconstruction of the Library 911 call in Real Time. Empty
PostSubject: A reconstruction of the Library 911 call in Real Time.   A reconstruction of the Library 911 call in Real Time. Icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2021 4:20 pm

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This is a reconstruction of the entire library massacre 911 call using all the leaked audio + the FBI transcript, - so that we have everything that occured as it happened, in real time.

The original call duration was 27:26 (minutes/seconds), but the FBI transcript was made using a sped-up version that is 26:19. Still, using these two values, i was able to stretch all the entries in the transcript to match up with the original call. You'll see that as u watch.


There are minor errors, which originate from within the transcript itself. Theres one weird moment where they mistake Dylan speaking for a gunshot at Velasquez, but otherwise, the transcripts focus is on the gunshots and those are accurately timed.
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Posts : 10
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Join date : 2021-08-28

A reconstruction of the Library 911 call in Real Time. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A reconstruction of the Library 911 call in Real Time.   A reconstruction of the Library 911 call in Real Time. Icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2021 9:37 pm

**** It seems that the audio at 9:19 is Kelly Flemming screaming for her life, since by this point everyone else at table 2 had been shot, and Val Schnurr was playing dead
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A reconstruction of the Library 911 call in Real Time.
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