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 Music Eric & Dylan Listened To

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PostSubject: Music Eric & Dylan Listened To    Music Eric & Dylan Listened To  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2021 8:55 pm

Howdy ta'll,

Long time lurker here. I'm talkin' as far back as the days of the Super Columbine Massacre RPG / Shocked Beyond Belief Forum, whilst Lanza was still among us. He was always a lil' sus lol. But, as far as I can recall, I'm a first time poster here.

I've had whatever attraction to Columbine that we all share since about '08 when I was 14 years old. During the depressingly long time since then I've periodically completely immersed myself in the topic of Columbine. Like, I used to have the entirety of the police files printed out in massive binders. I've read probably every page, every single little detail. I've watched all the films E&D watched, played all the games they played, and done my best to cataloged and listen to every single song related to them. Everything from CD's on receipts of theirs to the songs they explicitly mentioned or wrote about and even just songs from their favorite movies. Which brings me to the first part of my question: does anyone else like to listen to the songs they enjoyed while browsing this forum or, shall we say, studying Columbine in general? Or am I just some sort of autistic lol. Idk, but personally I just feel like without consuming the media they consumed nobody can ever really understand what it must have been like in their heads. If that makes any sense.

Second question: I compiled a playlist of the aforementioned songs, as well as a couple modern songs that just have Columbine vibes - Spotify Playlist (must be logged into an account to view link)

How's it look? Anything I'm missing?
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Music Eric & Dylan Listened To
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