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 What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman?

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What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Empty
PostSubject: What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman?   What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Icon_minitime19/12/2021, 05:11

What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman.


Would rather be a chimp.
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Mr Bubbless
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Mr Bubbless

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What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman?   What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Icon_minitime19/12/2021, 05:56

I may find the time to read it some day. Right now I don't have enough time to read all 1,905 pages.

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What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman?   What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Icon_minitime31/12/2021, 20:55

It might be interesting, but really it is very long for me, in my opinion, especially now with lack of time.

"So-called civilized, well-brought up people will eat their own fellow kin, often their own friends, without being able to say why.
Their subconscious will cause them to do so."
-Oscar Kiss Maerth
"Said he was a wolf, only the difference
Was, a wolf’s skin was hairy on the outside,
His on the inside;"
- John Webster
"I cannot allow the cheap fireworks of some amateur terrorist to trigger my beatiful apocalyptic display!"
-Dr. Kabapu
"But hey, you wouldn't have signed on if you weren't planning to becoming a martyr. So let's get to work."
-Mannagaer lol
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What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman?   What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Icon_minitime1/1/2022, 12:29

I'll need some adderall for this one
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Location : Klendathu, the bug planet.

What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman?   What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Icon_minitime1/1/2022, 22:33

Killisaki wrote:
It might be interesting, but really it is very long for me, in my opinion, especially now with lack of time.

It's worth reading the first 100 pages some time and deciding if it's something you want to investigate further.


Would rather be a chimp.
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What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman?   What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman? Icon_minitime

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What are your thoughts on the document "Suicide Note" by Mitchell Heisman?
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