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 what do you think of Christopher Carl Thomas being released on parole?

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humanity is overrated

humanity is overrated

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what do you think of Christopher Carl Thomas being released on parole? Empty
PostSubject: what do you think of Christopher Carl Thomas being released on parole?   what do you think of Christopher Carl Thomas being released on parole? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2022 9:53 pm

Perpetrator of the 1984 Palm Sunday massacre Christopher Carl Thomas was released on Parole after serving Thirty-Three years of his 250 years sentence in 2018, 

On the 19th of July 1985 Christopher Thomas was acquitted on ten counts of murder on but was found guilty of ten counts of manslaughter on the basis that Mr. Thomas not only had a cocaine addiction but was high on cocaine and was suffering from depression over his marital problems he was also distraught over the state of his marriage with a unknown woman at the time of the massacre.

Mr. Thomas was sentenced to eight and one-third to 25 years in prison on each of 10 counts of first-degree manslaughter. Aiello ordered the sentences to run consecutively for a total of 83 to 250 years. However, under state law, he would spend no more than 50 years behind bars,

He was first eligible for parole in 2009 but was denied he denied for parole five times however he was granted parole in 2018
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what do you think of Christopher Carl Thomas being released on parole? Empty
PostSubject: Re: what do you think of Christopher Carl Thomas being released on parole?   what do you think of Christopher Carl Thomas being released on parole? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2022 10:56 pm

humanity is overrated wrote:
Perpetrator of the 1984 Palm Sunday massacre Christopher Carl Thomas was released on Parole after serving Thirty-Three years of his 250 years sentence in 2018, 

On the 19th of July 1985 Christopher Thomas was acquitted on ten counts of murder on but was found guilty of ten counts of manslaughter on the basis that Mr. Thomas not only had a cocaine addiction but was high on cocaine and was suffering from depression over his marital problems he was also distraught over the state of his marriage with a unknown woman at the time of the massacre.

Mr. Thomas was sentenced to eight and one-third to 25 years in prison on each of 10 counts of first-degree manslaughter. Aiello ordered the sentences to run consecutively for a total of 83 to 250 years. However, under state law, he would spend no more than 50 years behind bars,

He was first eligible for parole in 2009 but was denied he denied for parole five times however he was granted parole in 2018

If this guy can walk free, then James Holmes can live out his days in a psych ward.

Become a techno-barbarian today and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and regular waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.

Think with your noggin, not your n!ggin'.
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what do you think of Christopher Carl Thomas being released on parole?
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