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 Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father.

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Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father. Empty
PostSubject: Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father.   Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2022 8:54 am

Let's be honest his father was obviously an ascended incel. He failed to transfer his solutions to the problem (getting well off and marring a woman from a poor country) to his son. Instead was pushing insane bullshit like The Secret.
He also failed to recognize his son's massive writing talent and failed to guide him to creative career and failed to promise to support such career.
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Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father.   Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2022 12:11 pm

I remember watching Mumkey Jones taking the piss out of Peter (clip here) and I think the most telling moment is when Peter told his son to go hire a prostitute in Vegas rather then offer him advice on how to attract a girlfriend and maintain the relationship.

Watcher wrote:
Let's be honest his father was obviously an ascended incel. He failed to transfer his solutions to the problem (getting well off and marring a woman from a poor country) to his son. Instead was pushing insane bullshit like The Secret.
He also failed to recognize his son's massive writing talent and failed to guide him to creative career and failed to promise to support such career.

Come to think of it I don't think Peter ever tried to guide his son towards any kind of career. I remember reading in My Twisted World Elliot quit a menial job after only one day, declaring it beneath him. Why was the subject of Elliot being jobless never brought up to him? Was it because the family was relatively well off? I feel like if Elliot had a degree of responsibility to adhere to and a place where he could socialize to some degree that he might've been better off.

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Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father.   Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2022 11:04 am

Peter just sort of...let his son flounder in the world. It always read to me like that whole family was fake in some way, and Elliot was their unintentional magnum opus; just as spoiled, fake, and hateful as the rest of them, only he let it show much more than the others.

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Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father.   Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father. Icon_minitime

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Elliot Rodgers was failed by his father.
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