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 What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism?

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PostSubject: What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism?   What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 03, 2022 11:58 pm

Eric said his mom should stay in the kitchen (Because she was a woman) and like other stuff. Was Dylan sexist in any way? What caused Eric to view girls like objects?
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PostSubject: Re: What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism?   What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 04, 2022 7:05 pm

Well the thing with Eric is that he seemed to want to look tough and exaggerate to do so.
Yes, he was a teenager with anger issues, but a lot of what he said could be seen as an act to look ''cool''.
For exemple,if one was to take a look at his journal, they would probably conclude that he was a racist (mentions of the n-word and other things) yet in his blog (you can find a version of it online) he states that racists are stupid and irrational. He's a hypocrite, something that he acknowledges in his blog too,I believe.
People write in their journal for different reasons: Eric seemed to write in it when he was angry and Dylan, when he was sad. When you're angry, you don't always say things you mean.
That doesn't mean that Eric was any less suicidal than Dylan or that Dylan was any less angry than Eric, it's just that that's the version of them we see in their journals.

For Dylan, I don't believe he's been found of saying anything sexist,but some witnesses claim that he called the black kid he killed the n-word before shooting him.
Of course though, it wouldn't be suprising if they both were actual sexists considering their age and the time.

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PostSubject: Re: What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism?   What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2022 1:50 pm

Considering that people wouldn't hang out with them because they would strike nazi salutes during bowling, I think being edgy was just a part of their personality, and they didn't truly mean any of the racist, sexist, and homophobic things they said. It was their own little way of communicating with one another.

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PostSubject: Re: What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism?   What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2022 4:36 pm

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PostSubject: Re: What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism?   What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 07, 2022 12:03 pm

It was the time period too, I know it is a dumb excuse that no one likes, but it is true.

They wanted to be edgy and seem bad ass, maybe as a defense mechanism? Who knows?

In the BT Eric does talk about how a woman should go make him a sandwich and his mom belonged in the kitchen where women belonged... but he also seemed to really love his mom.

I think Eric loved and liked his family more than Dylan liked his. I don't think Dylan was sexist but he did put women on a high pedestal, and I feel like if she sneezed the wrong way he'd be like "well I thought she was my true love but her sneeze is so dumb, f her. I will be alone forever"

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PostSubject: Re: What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism?   What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 10, 2022 8:25 am

That one VHS tape of Eric trying to kidnap a girl/keep her tight as a prank. Probably thought it was an easy victim compared to a male.
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PostSubject: Re: What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism?   What are some Instances of E&D's Sexism? Icon_minitimeThu May 30, 2024 3:08 pm

These were taken from some yahoo groups a while back...

”..eric and dylan were standing at the very end of a hallway. and they were standing there talking to two other guys. one of the guys was complaining about his girlfriend [troubles he was having with her, fights, etc] and they were talking about it and eric said ”these bitches need to learn to stay in their place”. and they nodded their agreement. and then he went on to say how the world was fucked up about that now because in the 1500’s women knew what they were supposed to do- clean, fuck, and cook. one of the guys said something about having kids and he said oh yea and keeping the shitty human race going. this was a while before the shootings and they all laughed of course..” (girl)

”..he also told me of another incident which in a way highlights their attitude towards women—-eric and dylan and a few other guys were watching theses two blonde girls one day. they were standing talking to each other. one was sucking on a lollipop as she talked to the other one. eric called to them and he said ”hey i’ll give you something to suck on” and made an obscene gesture involving his crotch.. the girls were all pissed off and they stomped away. dylan and the other guys didn’t say anything , but they hooped and yelled.he said that eric was a perv a lot of the time.” (girl)

”..i had no classes with them. they were really cool guys. eric was very funny. dylan was nice and polite. where you saw one you always , almost saw the other one. they were really close friends. they were always talking to each other. sometimes they would carry out these long convos in german. eric was very forceful about some things. dylan was too in ways but not as much as eric. they always tried to defend themselves against assholes, but sometimes it was just too much for them. people in the caf would throw things at their table;say mean things. they were humilated but angry. some people liked them but most thought they were weirdos. dylan’s feelings were easy hurt. dylan was so big physically he looked a little scary but he was nice. erics sense of humor was sarcastic a lot of the time. they talked about girls a lot. eric was kind of a perv. but he was nice to girls most of the time.” (boy)

” time they were talking about that David Koresh guy. they were saying that he had had the perfect setup. they were talking about how cool it was that he had all those wives and kids. and they said they wished they could have the same thing. eric said it would be awesome to have all those women under your complete control. and dylan agreed. eric said that you can have all the children to let the world know that you were master of your domain and dylan said yeah. eric said he would give his children AND his wives a hard smack on the ass if they got out of line .and dylan said he would do the same thing. they talked about how cool it would be to live in a huge house with all their wives. but eric said they would have a much better place than koresh had. that he wouldn’t live in a place like that. they talked about all the cool guns he had and that it would be great to make your living selling guns like he did. they just seemed very fascinated by his lifestyle.”

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