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 What pisses me off about parents of mass shooting victims

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What pisses me off about parents of mass shooting victims Empty
PostSubject: What pisses me off about parents of mass shooting victims   What pisses me off about parents of mass shooting victims Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2022 7:16 pm

I get it, no one can imagine what it's like to have your child murdered by someone. But using it as a political message for gun control, is just sickening. I mean, I get it, you're pissed off that someone used a gun to murder your kids. Well, tough shit? I mean the United States specifically has a code within the constitution that states that firearms laws and regulations are not to be flat-out banned.

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PostSubject: Re: What pisses me off about parents of mass shooting victims   What pisses me off about parents of mass shooting victims Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2022 7:32 pm

Can you blame them? They are just trying to do something, anything so that another family doesn’t have to go through what they are. Whatever they feel will make a difference is their choice and if it gives them strength to carry on all the better. Maybe they feel that a child’s right to life is more important than a right to have someone shooting in a school with legally brought guns. They pick a range of issues not just this one, and they have the right to a voice as much as the next person.

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What pisses me off about parents of mass shooting victims
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