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 Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie

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Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie Empty
PostSubject: Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie   Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie Icon_minitimeMon Jul 18, 2022 12:21 pm

Looking at his IMDB page, Seung-hui Cho has been credited in an upcoming movie "World Cup Heist: Directors Cut" coming out the 1st of August 2022.

So apparently, "the producers wish to thank" Cho. But why? I haven't seen the movie but it kind of seems to be unrelated to it. What are your thoughts on this? Why would he be credited at all?
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Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie   Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie Icon_minitimeMon Jul 18, 2022 10:27 pm

Could be just a minor error/troll putting him in. Doubt he had any influence.
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Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie   Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie Icon_minitimeFri Jul 22, 2022 11:29 am

Maybe just a Korean actor with the same name, a error or whatever who knows.
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PostSubject: Re: Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie   Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie Icon_minitime

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Seung-hui Cho has been thanked for a movie
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