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 What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax?

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What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax? Empty
PostSubject: What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax?   What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 28, 2022 4:44 pm

To me honestly, Umpqua Community College. That shit got memory holed literally a day after and to this day we don't know anything about Chris Harper Mercer, and his Manifesto just leaves more question than answers.

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What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax?   What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 28, 2022 5:51 pm

Vegas, 2017.

Weren't there reports of people hearing multiple shooters? And nobody has ever looked deeper into that? There's no way a gun can be so loud that it echoes throughout several blocks from the height Stephen Paddock was at.

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What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax?   What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 28, 2022 9:11 pm

itsokaytoeatfish wrote:
To me honestly, Umpqua Community College. That shit got memory holed literally a day after and to this day we don't know anything about Chris Harper Mercer, and his Manifesto just leaves more question than answers.

I'm afraid I don't follow your logic.

To answer your question though I sometimes entertain the possibility that some rampage killings are allowed to happen in the sense that authorities purposely disregard warning signs or otherwise actionable behavior in order to enable a push for gun control. I have nothing besides a hunch to base this off though.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax?   What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax? Icon_minitime

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What are the shootings you think the most "fake" or a flat out hoax?
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