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 What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream?

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What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Empty
PostSubject: What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream?   What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 03, 2022 10:50 pm

I know remove kebab, gas gas gas, and fire were songs, but were those the only ones he played?

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What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream?   What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 03, 2022 11:18 pm

The only songs heard on the live stream were: "Serbia Strong", "British Grenadiers fife and drum", "Fallschirmjäger Remix", "Fire by Arthur Brown" and "Gas Gas Gas". It's unknown what played after the stream cut off as far as I know.

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What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream?   What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 04, 2022 3:42 am


What do you expect to see here, you little bitch?
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What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream?   What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 04, 2022 3:50 am

Wanderer wrote:

Isn't his name brendan??

Become a techno-barbarian today and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and regular waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.

Think with your noggin, not your n!ggin'.
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What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream?   What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 04, 2022 3:58 am

Wanderer wrote:

Isn't his name brendan??


What do you expect to see here, you little bitch?
Extremism in Christchurch -> [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream?   What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 04, 2022 12:58 pm

Wanderer wrote:

Isn't his name brendan??
no, but it sounds similar his name is Brenton Harrison Tarrant
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What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream?   What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 04, 2022 1:05 pm

humanity is overrated wrote:
Wanderer wrote:

Isn't his name brendan??
no, but it sounds similar his name is Brenton Harrison Tarrant

Thx for clarification, was just screwed up because there are so many goddamn T's in his name

Become a techno-barbarian today and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and regular waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.

Think with your noggin, not your n!ggin'.
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What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Empty
PostSubject: The Other 2 Brenton Songs   What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 10, 2023 7:22 am

I know remove kebab, gas gas gas, and fire were songs, but were those the only ones he played?
the other 2 songs he played are Fallschirmjäger and The British Grenadiers fife and Drum
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What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream?   What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 10, 2023 7:30 am

ResistanceXP wrote:
I know remove kebab, gas gas gas, and fire were songs, but were those the only ones he played?
the other 2 songs he played are Fallschirmjäger and The British Grenadiers fife and Drum
Already said bruh
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What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream?   What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream? Icon_minitime

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What songs were played by Brendan Tarrant on the livestream?
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