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 Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza?

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Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Empty
PostSubject: Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza?   Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2022 2:09 pm

I've read somewhere about the note Nancy wrote about Adam Lanza, but I forgot where I found it.
As far as I can remember, the note detailed about how Nancy was worrying about how AL could fit into society and how he should be able to know about how dating works? She also mentioned there that AL is "possibly suicidal" something along this lines, I'm not sure.

If the majority of the people who have researched about Sandy Hook will say that I'm crazy then I'll assume that I'm probably crazy. But if anyone is familiar with what I said, please share the source?? Cool
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Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza?   Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 10, 2023 7:03 pm

I remember reading about how nancy thought adam was suicidal and im not exactly sure where this was said but i think it was probably in an email she sent to one of her friends
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Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza?   Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 20, 2023 8:48 pm

joaingo wrote:
I remember reading about how nancy thought adam was suicidal and im not exactly sure where this was said but i think it was probably in an email she sent to one of her friends

Where can I find Nancy's emails? All articles just paraphrase and quote, I'd like the full versions, if available.
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Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza?   Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 26, 2023 3:14 pm

Here you can find the full Emails between Nancy and her friend Marvin LaFontaine:
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I searched for "suicide" and "dating" but couldn't find something in there. I don't know if there are other Emails of Nancy.

Mirwais500, anna444, Sylar, jubjubpuffball, Woundfucker and M0rbidway like this post

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Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza?   Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 17, 2023 1:12 pm

Most likely buried in the state of Connecticuts archives that and people they met throughout their lives potentially have something just choosing selfishly not to share
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Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza?   Where to find Nancy Lanza's notes about Adam Lanza? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 23, 2023 11:23 pm

On, there's a file called 'Sandy Hook: Final Redacted Release.' Pages 2-16 are notes that I assume Nancy took on how to prepare Adam for college and some of that stuff included 'dating etiquette' and talking to members of the opposite sex (she also wrote "be careful of porn" lol). In those notes, she also wrote some stuff about comorbidity between Aspergers and depression and how '10%' of people with Aspergers have been suicidal.

Is this along the lines of what you were thinking of? I actually think those notes are really interesting. It's crazy that some of the stuff she wrote down was super relevant to what he was struggling with and then other stuff seemed a bit much.

NEXT STEP UP, AlienPenguin, Sylar, jubjubpuffball, Kwasi, Woundfucker, M0rbidway and mischa like this post

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