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 Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos.

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Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Empty
PostSubject: Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos.   Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Icon_minitimeThu Aug 18, 2022 7:21 pm

Salvador Ramos. A major problem everyone seems to be in… | by kaela durden | Jul, 2022 | Medium

Become a techno-barbarian and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and normal Waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.

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Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos.   Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 19, 2022 10:31 am

Quote :
While I do not condone his actions, I will say that there was a point in time in his life where he was still a person with potential for a normal future.

Very true statement about most shooters.

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Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos.   Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 23, 2022 12:19 am

Humiliation is a real killer. Not sympathizing with him but man being out of school, not graduating, and being an outcast really makes you feel like crap and sometimes a psycho.
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Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos.   Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Icon_minitimeThu Sep 22, 2022 10:48 am

The school shooting in Uvalde is what inspired me to research mass shootings in the first place.
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Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos.   Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 30, 2022 3:47 pm

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Archive link in case it’s ever taken down.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos.   Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2022 5:37 am

Is there any articles similar to this but with Nikolas Cruz?

“The message here is there is no message”-James Holmes
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Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos.   Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos. Icon_minitime

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Found a pretty good article about Salvador Ramos.
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