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 Andrew Blaze: When evil is born of the supernatural.

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Andrew Blaze: When evil is born of the supernatural. Empty
PostSubject: Andrew Blaze: When evil is born of the supernatural.   Andrew Blaze: When evil is born of the supernatural. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2022 5:59 am

You can believe what you want and this article will not make you disbelieve anything, but I will attest to a fact left by Andrew that is vital and very important and that almost nobody but his fans attest: The Supernatural was behind the attack . this is more than made clear in the videos, and in the two diaries of Andrew that I personally read and it is more than revealing. you might think that's crazy on Andrew's part, but we have to vouch for what was left. something influenced Andrew and that's more than certain. whether it was his own mind, or something uncharacteristic present in reality we don't know, and it will probably lead to deep existential questions. but what is certain is that yes, he saw Ember, heard and felt the presence. whether this is due to a "disorder", imagination or even drugs, that is something only those who are willing to see will see. the fact is, Andrew died convinced of what he believed, and that was due to his experience. and to deny these facts is to deny the case itself and all that Andrew left behind. everyone believes what they want, but when belief only exists due to fear of the unknown, it becomes dangerous. and it's always good to ask: what if reality is stranger than we think? we like to be in our comfort zones and is one of the reasons for this the fear of the unknown? what happens when this unknown enters the human mind?
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Join date : 2023-05-11
Location : Exeter, England

Andrew Blaze: When evil is born of the supernatural. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Andrew Blaze: When evil is born of the supernatural.   Andrew Blaze: When evil is born of the supernatural. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 07, 2023 1:11 am

He was literally just mental, just like you.
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Andrew Blaze: When evil is born of the supernatural.
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