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 active shooter drills

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active shooter drills Empty
PostSubject: active shooter drills   active shooter drills Icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2023 12:35 pm

hello friends! i’m writing an article for my journalism class about active shooter drills in schools and workplaces, mainly about the effectiveness and controversy. as an american, i’ve had plenty of active shooter drills all throughout school and even at girl scout camp. i'm wondering how widespread shooter drills have actually been implemented across the country and maybe even overseas? in my research i’ve found that school drills are not regulated or enforced federally in america, which i found pretty shocking.

as for the controversial aspect, i’ve actually found a bunch of teachers who want the drills removed because they “scare the children” which in my opinion is the dumbest thing in the world. a more valid argument is bringing up shooters who utilized the drill/evacuation plan and used it to their advantage. are there other reasons that people don’t want to have active shooter drills?

"ain't no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people"

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PostSubject: Re: active shooter drills   active shooter drills Icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2023 6:08 pm

I haven’t had one but I’m not in america and haven’t been to school for many years. In my country we have never had a mass shooting so it would be deemed unnecessary I suppose, and more traumatising than the risk likely is. Not sure if I can help at all but am happy to answer any questions you may have.
It often feels like schools should be doing things and being active so these drills are probably meant to be reassuring. I don’t know how many lives they actually save but I would be interested to see any data or studies in the area.

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