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perpetual state

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PostSubject: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 6:27 pm

Hi, new here, so I know the SBB forum was closed down a year ago and I didn't know there was a rebvodka forum made after that. But that close down too. I heard it is now but for some reason I cant get into the website. The page cant be displayed. So, I was wondering if anybody has a problem getting on or if anybody knows about the website.
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PostSubject: Re: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 6:34 pm

Shocked Beyond Belief was closed down in February, 2013. The Reb-Vodka forum was closed down in March, 2013 and that is when I created this forum.

The Reb-vodka forum web address is still there but all of the topics have been deleted.

Here is the link to that forum.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
Zachary Patrick Bowen (March 7, 1995-November 5, 2021).
I miss you little brother.
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perpetual state

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PostSubject: Re: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 7:39 pm

Thanks, even though I can't seem to log in. =/
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PostSubject: Re: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 8:22 pm

perpetual state wrote:
Thanks, even though I can't seem to log in. =/

You should still be able to log in and access your profile. I can still log in but there are no threads; everything has been deleted. Maybe you need to reset your password?

"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
Zachary Patrick Bowen (March 7, 1995-November 5, 2021).
I miss you little brother.
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perpetual state

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PostSubject: Re: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 9:09 pm

im wondering why the SBB forum close down and the reb-vodka forum close down
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PostSubject: Re: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 9:21 pm

perpetual state wrote:
im wondering why the SBB forum close down and the reb-vodka forum close down

SBB is not completely closed down. It is still an archive; you can go there and read all the old topics but you just can't join or add new topics to it. I suppose the new Admin over there didn't want to deal with running it anymore. I really don't know though and can't speak for them.

As for the Reb-vodka forum, I am almost certain that one closed down because the owner of that forum only purchased the domain for a year.

Oh and just a side note: The Reb-vodka forum wasn't created after SBB closed down. It was created in March, 2012 and was opened for only 1 year.

"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
Zachary Patrick Bowen (March 7, 1995-November 5, 2021).
I miss you little brother.
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PostSubject: Re: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitimeMon Sep 29, 2014 3:51 am

I can't help feeling like part of the reason SBB got shut down was because Adam Lanza frequented the site and had almost 300 posts over the years he was there, and it was shut down only a couple months after the "Sandy Hook Shooting" which I'm not convinced wasn't a false flag but that's besides the point. If you even try to search SBB nowadays almost every result that comes up is in relation to Adam Lanza No

"I am too self aware to just stop what I am thinking and go back to society because what I do and think isn't "right" or "morally accepted"...
I will sooner die than betray my own thoughts" -REB
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Juicy Jazzy

Juicy Jazzy

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PostSubject: Re: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitimeMon Sep 29, 2014 5:21 am

Apparently the domain expired, or something. That forum, along with CRTF, was probably the best source of Columbine information avaliable.

Is it possible to get into contact with the original owners. I'm willing to donate money to renew the domain.
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PostSubject: Re: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitimeMon Sep 29, 2014 5:40 am

The original owner of SBB is Danny. He owned it when it was call Super Columbine Massacre RPG. I tried buying it from him back in 2012 and he was ready to sell it to me but then sold it to the person who opened it up as Shocked Beyond Belief instead. For some reason, Danny kept no back up to it whatsoever. So getting a back up from him is going to be impossible. The owner of SBB? We have tried many times to buy the back up from her. She's not having it. It is only my opinion but I think she'd rather let all that information go down the drain than to ever sell it to anyone else. I would buy it from her in a heartbeat but I don't see it ever happening. As far as her reopening it? I don't see her doing that either because she has said that she'd run it for 2 years and that was it. So many people have offered to donate or take it over but she won't budge. I will be shocked if I see it open back up and if it does, I am sure she will still be the owner and it will be nothing more than an archive. I think its time as a forum is done.

"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
Zachary Patrick Bowen (March 7, 1995-November 5, 2021).
I miss you little brother.
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Juicy Jazzy

Juicy Jazzy

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PostSubject: Re: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitimeMon Sep 29, 2014 6:12 am

Jenn wrote:
The original owner of SBB is Danny. He owned it when it was call Super Columbine Massacre RPG. I tried buying it from him back in 2012 and he was ready to sell it to me but then sold it to the person who opened it up as Shocked Beyond Belief instead. For some reason, Danny kept no back up to it whatsoever. So getting a back up from him is going to be impossible. The owner of SBB? We have tried many times to buy the back up from her. She's not having it. It is only my opinion but I think she'd rather let all that information go down the drain than to ever sell it to anyone else. I would buy it from her in a heartbeat but I don't see it ever happening. As far as her reopening it? I don't see her doing that either because she has said that she'd run it for 2 years and that was it. So many people have offered to donate or take it over but she won't budge. I will be shocked if I see it open back up and if it does, I am sure she will still be the owner and it will be nothing more than an archive. I think its time as a forum is done.

Hi Jenn, can you please PM me the details of the owner. I'm willing to attempt to buy it. I'm willing to give it a try.
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PostSubject: Re: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitimeMon Sep 29, 2014 7:42 pm

Juicy Jazzy wrote:
Jenn wrote:
The original owner of SBB is Danny. He owned it when it was call Super Columbine Massacre RPG. I tried buying it from him back in 2012 and he was ready to sell it to me but then sold it to the person who opened it up as Shocked Beyond Belief instead. For some reason, Danny kept no back up to it whatsoever. So getting a back up from him is going to be impossible. The owner of SBB? We have tried many times to buy the back up from her. She's not having it. It is only my opinion but I think she'd rather let all that information go down the drain than to ever sell it to anyone else. I would buy it from her in a heartbeat but I don't see it ever happening. As far as her reopening it? I don't see her doing that either because she has said that she'd run it for 2 years and that was it. So many people have offered to donate or take it over but she won't budge. I will be shocked if I see it open back up and if it does, I am sure she will still be the owner and it will be nothing more than an archive. I think its time as a forum is done.

Hi Jenn, can you please PM me the details of the owner. I'm willing to attempt to buy it. I'm willing to give it a try.

Private messaging on this forum is disabled and now that Shocked Beyond Belief is closed down, I do not have any other way to get in contact with her. I checked for her on Facebook but it looks like her account has been disabled and I do not remember the URL to it.

"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
Zachary Patrick Bowen (March 7, 1995-November 5, 2021).
I miss you little brother.
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PostSubject: Re: reb-vodka forum   reb-vodka forum Icon_minitime

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