School shootings that occurred on the same dates (days of months):
- Wilno school shooting and South Pasadena Junior High School shooting (6 May)
- University of Virgina shooting and Rose-Mar College of Beauty shooting (12 November)
- Dundee school shooting and University of Iowa shooting (1 November)
- Lyamino college dorm shooting and University of Pennsylvania shooting (11 February)
- Chicago elementary school shooting and Stockton schoolyard shooting (17 January)
- Computer Learning Center shooting, Bethel Regional High School shooting and Freising school shooting (19 February)
- Droysigg school shooting, University of South Carolina shooting and Nong Bua Lamphu shooting (6 October)
- Valley High School shooting and Toulouse school shooting (19 March)
- Orme School shooting and Michigan State University shooting (13 February)
- Oakland Elementary School shooting and Izhevsk school shooting (26 September)
- Atlantic Shores Chrstian School shooting, Kluczbork School of Economy shooting and Peshawar school shooting (16 December)
- Ecole Polytechnique massacre and Fort Gibson Middle School shooting (6 December)
- Bard College shooting and Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (14 December)
- Central Middle School shooting and Penn State University shooting (17 September)
- Garland Community College shooting and Aarhus University shooting (5 April)
- Wickliffe Middle School shooting and Jokela school shooting (7 November)
- Dunblane school massacre and Suzano school shooting (13 March)
- Pearl High School shooting and Umpqua Community College shooting (1 October)
- Parker Middle School dance shooting and Red Lion High School shooting (24 April)
- Columbine High School massacre, Sioux Falls school shooting, Barcelona school shooting and Forest High School shooting (20 April)
- Hubbard Woods Elementary School shooting and Heritage High School shooting (20 May)
- Buell Elementary School shooting and Madisn Junior High School shooting (29 February)
- Brampton Centennial Secondary School shooting and Walisongo school shooting (28 May)
- Pennsylvania catholic school shooting and Atzmana school shooting (7 March)
- Erfurt school massacre, Hampton University shooting and Veshkayma kindergarten shooting (26 April)
- Canberra university shooting and Sparks Middle School shooting (21 October)
- Carmen de Patagones school shooting, University of Texas library shooting and Townville Elementary School shooting (28 September)
- Red Lake shootings and Shadrinsk school shooting (21 March)
- Dawson College shooting and Freeman High School shooting (13 September)
- Emsdetten school shooting and Florida State University shooting (20 November)
- University of Washington shootings, Oikos University shooting and Garissa University College shooting (2 April)
- Springwater Trails High School shooting, OAED College shooting, Dearborn university shooting and North Park Elementary School shooting (10 April)
- NIU shooting and MSD High School shooting (14 February)
- University of Alabama shooting and Independence High School shooting (12 February)
- East Carter High School shooting, Hazard College shooting and Colegio del Noreste shooting (18 January)
- Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting and CVPA shooting (24 October)
- Kharsadda University shooting and West Liberty High School shooting (20 January)
- Brockton High School shooting and Goyases School shooting (20 October)
- Rancho Tehama Reserve shootings, Blagoveshchensk college shooting and Saugus High School shooting (14 November)
- Medianeira school shooting and Perm State University shooting (20 September)
- ASO Academy shooting and UNCC shooting (30 April)
- Taft High School shooting and Colegio Cervantes shooting (10 January)
- Christansburg college shooting and Austin-East High School shooting (12 April)
Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom
His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.
I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022
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