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 Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?

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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitimeThu May 29, 2014 7:01 pm

I read his journal 10 times by now and I've NEVER seen this before, taken from a tumblr page, not sure I'm allowed to link it ...

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Is this real or made up?

Same with E.H's opinion about lyrics, seems it was hard to find it since after 2 years I stumbled upon it thanks to SBB
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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitimeThu May 29, 2014 10:02 pm

It's not a journal entry, but in one of his school assignments. I forget which one, but it's far too formal for it to be an entry.
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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitimeThu May 29, 2014 11:14 pm

It is in the Columbine Documents

page 026202

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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2014 5:06 am

Magnaphoria wrote:
I read his journal 10 times by now and I've NEVER seen this before, taken from a tumblr page, not sure I'm allowed to link it ...

No, we're not allowed to link direct posts from blogs here.

The screen-cap is fine, just try to remember to hide the blog name (I edited the photo for you and did so).

I hate to go off topic like this, but just so everyone understands why this rule is so strictly enforced:

Tumblr in general is essentially unrestricted and entirely public, unless you make a password protected side-blog, and in cases of password protected side-blogs, nothing that is posted ends up in public tags.

As most know, everything else on tumblr is ENTIRELY public. When one tags their posts with ANYTHING, it is further increasing the post in question's "publicity"; meaning that anyone who looks in said tag can see any posts with those tags.

The other issue here is that people running blogs make the choice as to whether or not they are going to share personal information (of any kind), so posting any blog (or blog post link) here on the forum is entirely exposing a personal social networking account.

It is up to everyone to use proper discretion on social networks, but to keep everyone safe from any potential harassment or unwanted attention, NO private information in any form can be publicly shared, displayed, or discussed on this forum, including links in user profiles.

Again, this is to keep everyone safe. If you want to share other information and social network accounts through Private Messaging, that is FINE, but you do this at your own risk, so PLEASE use discretion.

I just want to explain why this rule is so rigidly enforced. It is not just to single out tumblr. It just so happens that due to tumblr's general lack of restriction, anonymity, and completely public nature, that is where most people seem to be frequenting these days.

I apologize for going off topic once again.

I want to thank you, Magnaphoria, for sharing this here on the forum, and also Lananas and sororityalpha for helping out with more information.
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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 5:08 am

anyone want me to type the handwriting?

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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 8:44 am

Koltin wrote:
anyone want me to type the handwriting?

Someone already transcribed it below the quote.  Razz 
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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 9:27 am

As pointed out the text was taken from a writing by Eric on pg(26202) and dated 10/12/98.
It looks like the person who originally posted this on Tumblr has copied a section of the text from pg(26202) and only posted this section and not the whole piece of writing for whatever reason.

The missing part of the text is at the beginning of the quote on pg(26202) This reads:

"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth." I interpret this to mean that you can't define yourself. No matter how hard you try or for how long, it is impossible. This is most definitely true."
*followed by above quote*
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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 2:09 pm

queenfarooq wrote:
As pointed out the text was taken from a writing by Eric on pg(26202) and dated 10/12/98.
It looks like the person who originally posted this on Tumblr has copied a section of the text from pg(26202) and only posted this section and not the whole piece of writing for whatever reason.

The missing part of the text is at the beginning of the quote on pg(26202) This reads:

"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth." I interpret this to mean that you can't define yourself. No matter how hard you try or for how long, it is impossible. This is most definitely true."
*followed by above quote*
I've always felt that whenever someone told me to "Describe yourself", but I didn't know how to explain it. Eric sums it up perfectly. We all change. Friends change, partners change, jobs change, our bodies and minds change. If anything, we should learn to be mutable like a chameleon, instead of trying to "find ourselves".
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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 03, 2018 12:02 pm


”Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.” I interpret this to mean that you can't define yourself no matter how hard you try or for how long, it is impossible. This is most definitely true. Personally I have been trying to define who I am, to put myself under some sort of catergory, to somehow help myself understand who I am and what I stand for. It seems like every week my point of view changes on people, but yet it stays the same. What a paradox huh. Minds change constantly, whenever I try to figure something out that means something to me I can never come up with an exact conclusion. There is always exceptions and stuff. I dont think humans are meant to define themselves, we just make quick judgements and go with that, sometimes we will spend an entire lifetime trying to figure out someone and even after that length of time we still cant possibly know everything about that person. The same goes for ourselves. Just when we think we know who we are when a new event happens that throws everything we knew about ourselves out the window."

I think this says alot about Erics struggles with moodswings and his sense of identity (or lack of it).
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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 03, 2018 7:18 pm

munchkinphone wrote:

”Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.” I interpret this to mean that you can't define yourself no matter how hard you try or for how long, it is impossible. This is most definitely true. Personally I have been trying to define who I am, to put myself under some sort of catergory, to somehow help myself understand who I am and what I stand for. It seems like every week my point of view changes on people, but yet it stays the same. What a paradox huh. Minds change constantly, whenever I try to figure something out that means something to me I can never come up with an exact conclusion. There is always exceptions and stuff. I dont think humans are meant to define themselves, we just make quick judgements and go with that, sometimes we will spend an entire lifetime trying to figure out someone and even after that length of time we still cant possibly know everything about that person. The same goes for ourselves. Just when we think we know who we are when a new event happens that throws everything we knew about ourselves out the window."

I think this says alot about Erics struggles with moodswings and his sense of identity (or lack of it).

Very true. I believe a LOT of people have the same sort of issues.

It always strikes me just how smart Eric could be in somethings,  yet SO misguided and stupid in others. No
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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 04, 2018 2:52 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:

Very true. I believe a LOT of people have the same sort of issues.

It always strikes me just how smart Eric could be in somethings,  yet SO misguided and stupid in others. No

Agreed, he really seemed split between two people; calm and collected, logical thinking Eric and then very angry, irrational, taking-things-way-out-of-proportions Eric. Obviously Albert wasn't helping him sort himself out
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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?   Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this? Icon_minitime

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Entry from Eric Harris - Has anyone seen this?
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