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 Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably)

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Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Empty
PostSubject: Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably)   Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2023 9:25 am

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Sorry if this was already posted.

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Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably)   Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2023 6:14 pm

who's youtube account is that? the bio says 'dad loves you son' which makes me think it could be salvador's dad, but then why was the account made may 19th 2022, right before the shooting? weird. where did you find this video?

"ain't no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people"
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Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably)   Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2023 7:40 pm

tellecat wrote:
who's youtube account is that? the bio says 'dad loves you son' which makes me think it could be salvador's dad, but then why was the account made may 19th 2022, right before the shooting? weird. where did you find this video?

Honestly, I'm a bit skeptical of the YouTube channel being Salvador's dad. It's 100% possible that I just completely missed it, but I haven't seen this video posted anywhere else. But it could've come from a relative's Facebook page and was reuploaded to YouTube by some rando pretending to be him. That'd explain the 2007-esque quality. Laughing I'll have to look and see if this is the case.

I found the channel + video thanks to some Sal fangirls on Twitter. I almost respect the tenacity they have for him. Rolling Eyes

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Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably)   Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2023 7:42 pm

yves wrote:
tellecat wrote:
who's youtube account is that? the bio says 'dad loves you son' which makes me think it could be salvador's dad, but then why was the account made may 19th 2022, right before the shooting? weird. where did you find this video?

Honestly, I'm a bit skeptical of the YouTube channel being Salvador's dad. It's 100% possible that I just completely missed it, but I haven't seen this video posted anywhere else. But it could've come from a relative's Facebook page and was reuploaded to YouTube by some rando pretending to be him. That'd explain the 2007-esque quality. Laughing I'll have to look and see if this is the case.

I found the channel + video thanks to some Sal fangirls on Twitter. I almost respect the tenacity they have for him. Rolling Eyes

it will be interesting to see if they upload anything else. the sal fangirls get so much shit and they do deserve it bc of how insensitive they are,, but also i think they will grow up to be great investigators lol

"ain't no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people"

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Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably)   Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2023 8:01 pm

tellecat wrote:
it will be interesting to see if they upload anything else. the sal fangirls get so much shit and they do deserve it bc of how insensitive they are,, but also i think they will grow up to be great investigators lol

They really did hit the jackpot with him, haha! I'm a little jealous, ngl. I guess it's because Salvador had such a big digital footprint, it's not a matter of if more videos/photos of him exist, but more when someone will find and release them (or when a fangirl will fork over some money for a super exclusive Sal video lol). I will admit that they're good at digging stuff up, even if they only use it to make edits. They do all the hard work for me! Very Happy

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Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably)   Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 6:24 pm

Didn't Sal have a youtube channel called recvng or some shit, I remember seeing it posted some instagam video of some kid called Connor I think in some school fight
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PostSubject: Re: Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably)   Video of Salvador Ramos taken by his father (presumably) Icon_minitime

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