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 Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk?

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Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Empty
PostSubject: Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk?   Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 10:52 am

Yesterday i was reading "Newtown: An American Tragedy" by Matthew Lysiak and I read that adam lanza had left all the doors to the honda he drove to the school open and that originally the Izhmash Saiga-12, 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun was found inside of his car on the passenger side but was moved to the trunk.
Why aren't there any pictures of this? I would assume that the investigators would take pictures of how everything was originally before moving or removing items unless those pictures were redacted.

Aswell as why did he take it? At first I thought "Maybe he took the shotgun as his original suicide weapon (because of his suicide photos) to ensure he died that day" but then I thought "if he did plan that , why would he take 2 pistols" , I read somewhere that adam had only taken 2 pistols incase the first one didn't work or got jammed during his suicide.

Now onto his sweaters , Why were there 2 sweaters on the floor? It would make some sort of sense if he used it to cover the guns while moving them into the car to make sure no one saw him in the neighbor hood and that is why he threw them onto the floor while removing them from on top of the guns while pulling them out of the car but you would think the car was inside of the 2 car garage and not outside , although I think that is also wrong because the garage door on the left was broken and that is why I still think my theory is credible but I would like opinions an or corrections on this.
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Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk?   Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 11:26 am

he was an autistic schizo who planned for possible success and failure along with redundancies.
About the sweater again, he changed his socks multiple times a day, he likely had more than one pair.
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Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk?   Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 11:37 am

nama3faux wrote:
he was an autistic schizo who planned for possible success and failure along with redundancies.
About the sweater again, he changed his socks multiple times a day, he likely had more than one pair.
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He really did change a lot but I fear that might not apply in this situation , I dont see why adam would need 2 sweaters if he wasn't even going to wear one during the shooting or even be able to change on his way to the school not to mention why they would be on the floor , you know?
About the schizo part I totally agree with

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Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk?   Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 11:57 am

joaingo wrote:
nama3faux wrote:
he was an autistic schizo who planned for possible success and failure along with redundancies.
About the sweater again, he changed his socks multiple times a day, he likely had more than one pair.
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He really did change a lot but I fear that might not apply in this situation , I dont see why adam would need 2 sweaters if he wasn't even going to wear one during the shooting or even be able to change on his way to the school not to mention why they would be on the floor , you know?
About the schizo part I totally agree with
he didn't have a tactical vest iirc or a fishing vest like cho, so i guess he carried magazines in them.
Plus he had a very odd way of dressing, a trait characteristic of schizos, and his obsession with being skinny likely added to his unique fashion choices.

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Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk?   Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 12:24 pm

nama3faux wrote:
joaingo wrote:
nama3faux wrote:
he was an autistic schizo who planned for possible success and failure along with redundancies.
About the sweater again, he changed his socks multiple times a day, he likely had more than one pair.
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He really did change a lot but I fear that might not apply in this situation , I dont see why adam would need 2 sweaters if he wasn't even going to wear one during the shooting or even be able to change on his way to the school not to mention why they would be on the floor , you know?
About the schizo part I totally agree with
he didn't have a tactical vest iirc or a fishing vest like cho, so i guess he carried magazines in them.
Plus he had a very odd way of dressing, a trait characteristic of schizos, and his obsession with being skinny likely added to his unique fashion choices.

this part is a little weird , he was actually wearing a utility vest to hold all his magazines during the shooting as well as his cargos pockets since he carried so much.Im almost certain that the only reason there arent any pictures of it is because it was supposedly covered in a lot blood which would make sense. I think I have a picture of it somewhere in my gallery but it has no blood

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Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk?   Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 30, 2023 12:46 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] do you mean this vest
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Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk?   Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 30, 2023 7:55 pm

proshooter wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  do you mean this vest
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yes. Im not certain that was his tho , it wouldnt really match up

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Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk?   Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk? Icon_minitime

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Why was adam lanzas shotgun moved from the passenger seat to the trunk?
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