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 List of Russian School Attackers

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PostSubject: List of Russian School Attackers   List of Russian School Attackers Icon_minitimeSun May 28, 2023 4:10 am

does anyone have a whole list of all the Russian school attackers since Moscow 2014?
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war criminal

war criminal

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PostSubject: Re: List of Russian School Attackers   List of Russian School Attackers Icon_minitimeSun May 28, 2023 5:05 am


Last edited by war criminal on Fri May 03, 2024 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: List of Russian School Attackers   List of Russian School Attackers Icon_minitimeSun May 28, 2023 6:19 am


- Sergey Gordeyev (Moscow school shooting - 2 killed, 1 injured)
- Mikhail Pivnev (Ivanteyevka school shooting - 4 injured)
- Natalya Kabakova (Shadrinsk school shooting - 7 injured)
- Ilya Ivanistov (Barabinsk college shooting - 1 injured + perpetrator's suicide)
- Vladislav Roslyakov (Kerch Polytechnic College massacre - 20 killed, 70 injured + perpetrator's suicide)
- Ishkandar Khalfin (Kazan school shooting incident and hostage crisis - 1 injured)
- Daniil Zasorin (Blagoveshchensk college shooting - 1 killed, 4 injured + perpetrator's suicide)
- Ilnaz Galyaviev (Kazan school shooting - 9 killed, 23 injured)
- Timur Bekmansurov (Perm State University shooting - 6 killed, 48 injured)
- Polina Dvorkina (Krasnoyarsk kindergarten shooting - 1 killed)
- Ruslan Akhtyamov (Veshkayma kindergarten shooting - 4 killed, 1 injured + perpetrator's suicide)
- Artem Kazantsev (Izhevsk school massacre - 18 killed, 23 injured + perpetrator's suicide)

Other attackers:

- Andrey Emelyannikov (Moscow technical college stabbing - 1 killed + perpetrator's suicide)
- Lev Bidyakov and Aleksandr Buslidze (Perm school stabbing - 14 injured)
- Unidentified (Chelyabinsk school stabbing - 1 injured)
- Anton Bichivin (Sosnovy Bor school stabbing - 8 injured)
- Artem Tagirov (Sterlitamak school stabbing - 4 injured)
- Daniil Pulkin (Volsk school stabbing - 1 injured)
- Vladislav Struzhenkov (Serpukhov school bombing - 12 injured)

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

RAZOR'S BACK [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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war criminal

war criminal

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PostSubject: Re: List of Russian School Attackers   List of Russian School Attackers Icon_minitimeSun May 28, 2023 6:55 am

xDarkRazoR wrote:

- Lev Bidyakov
I think that "Bidzhakov" is the more accurate transliteration of his last name.
Also, about Natalya Kabakova - are there any Russian articles which actually mention her name? I can't find anything, only "a 13-year old girl committed a shooting".
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PostSubject: Re: List of Russian School Attackers   List of Russian School Attackers Icon_minitimeSun May 28, 2023 7:04 am

war criminal wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:

- Lev Bidyakov
I think that "Bidzhakov" is the more accurate transliteration of his last name.
Also, about Natalya Kabakova - are there any Russian articles which actually mention her name? I can't find anything, only "a 13-year old girl committed a shooting".

I can't find any articles with her name mentioned either. But there are some articles in Russian with blurry photos of her face from her VK.

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

RAZOR'S BACK [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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PostSubject: Re: List of Russian School Attackers   List of Russian School Attackers Icon_minitimeFri Dec 08, 2023 2:46 am

Nevermind it wont let me send

Discord is @kazantseva88 
if anyone wants to add me there just send me a request and ill accept
Я вернусь)
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PostSubject: Re: List of Russian School Attackers   List of Russian School Attackers Icon_minitimeFri Sep 27, 2024 1:25 am

sergei gordeev (2014 moscow school shooting)
ilya ivanistov (2018 barabinsk college shooting)
vladislav roslyakov (2018 kerch college shooting)
daniil zasorin (2019 blagoveshchensk college shooting)
ilnaz galyaviev (2021 kazan school shooting)
timur bekmansurov (2021 perm university shooting)
ruslan akhtyamov (2022 veshkayma kindergarten shooting)
artyom kazantsev (2022 izhevsk school shooting)
alina afanaskina (2023 bryansk school shooting)

other attackers
mikhail pivnev (2017 ivanteevka school attack)
lev bidzhakov and aleksandr buslidze (2018 perm school stabbing)
anton bichivin (2018 ulan-ude school stabbing)
natalia kabakova (2018 shadrinsk school attack)
artyom tagirov (2018 sterlitamak school stabbing)
iskander khalfin (2019 kazan school attack)
daniil pulkin (2019 volsk school stabbing)
vladislav struzhenkov (2021 serpukhov school bombing)
grigory belyaev (2023 krasny desant school stabbing)
roman gizatulin (2024 chelyabinsk school stabbing)
artyom b. (2024 balagansk school stabbing)

Твари, вы где?

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PostSubject: Re: List of Russian School Attackers   List of Russian School Attackers Icon_minitimeFri Sep 27, 2024 6:13 am

Sanitater wrote:
sergei gordeev (2014 moscow school shooting)
ilya ivanistov (2018 barabinsk college shooting)
vladislav roslyakov (2018 kerch college shooting)
daniil zasorin (2019 blagoveshchensk college shooting)
ilnaz galyaviev (2021 kazan school shooting)
timur bekmansurov (2021 perm university shooting)
ruslan akhtyamov (2022 veshkayma kindergarten shooting)
artyom kazantsev (2022 izhevsk school shooting)
alina afanaskina (2023 bryansk school shooting)

other attackers
mikhail pivnev (2017 ivanteevka school attack)
lev bidzhakov and aleksandr buslidze (2018 perm school stabbing)
anton bichivin (2018 ulan-ude school stabbing)
natalia kabakova (2018 shadrinsk school attack)
artyom tagirov (2018 sterlitamak school stabbing)
iskander khalfin (2019 kazan school attack)
daniil pulkin (2019 volsk school stabbing)
vladislav struzhenkov (2021 serpukhov school bombing)
grigory belyaev (2023 krasny desant school stabbing)
roman gizatulin (2024 chelyabinsk school stabbing)
artyom b. (2024 balagansk school stabbing)

Also Sergei Lepnev (1997 Kamyshin school massacre, 6 killed and 2 injured)

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