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 What shooting got you interested first ?

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Kłléyn: Lord of Utero
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PostSubject: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 22, 2023 5:41 pm

I remember watching the footage of v tech and being hooked and wanting too learn more
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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 22, 2023 6:13 pm

I think Columbine, but Kazan broke the fucking line

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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 22, 2023 6:50 pm

Aurora Theater and Sandy Hook

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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 22, 2023 7:58 pm

I remember watching the Monterey Park and Robb Elementary shootings on the news. Those are, from my knowledge, the first times I heard about (and actually registered in my mind) school shootings in detail as concepts. I’d previously researched serial killers heavily though. However, later, a little bit after my father died I think—though I can’t remember exactly my reasoning—I took a look at the top deadliest shootings in the U.S. Wikipedia page. I clicked on all the top ones first, but the main ones that stuck out to me, were 2017 Las Vegas, and Sandy Hook. Sandy Hook being the main one of the two that I found interesting. (Come to think of it I also had looked at shooting statistics a lot before this, and I think heard about some when I used to watch Hasanabi stream clips). The big thing that really got me into mass murder as a topic though, was watching a YouTube documentary on Adam Lanza as an individual, and later looking at his spreadsheet of previous mass shooters. Something about Adam Lanza in particular really comforted me in some way with my life in general at the time. From there I ended up researching every aspect of school shootings, and many more of them much more heavily. And now I know like hundreds fairly in-depth. I recall very much taking quite an analytical approach to my research going from article to article, and then began frequenting for a short time the mass killers subreddit too. Now I’m here. (P.S. I appreciate being accepted here; I didn’t get my registry confirmed for a bit so I was a little disappointed. This is a good community, and sorry for what is perhaps an over explanation, I just saw this and thought it was a good place to make a first post).


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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 4:24 pm

100% lanza

Moral code, whuzzat?
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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 6:14 pm

I discovered columbine while writing a paper on the psychological effects of virtual violence in middle school. There's a part of me that wishes I still had a copy for introspective purposes, but realistically it's just the ramblings of a friendless video game obsessed preteen.
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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 7:42 pm

I first started researching mass shootings in 2018 a few months after Parkland. I then looked into Columbine and Sandy Hook. I was in school when the latter occurred but was too young to really understand what had happened. Not long after, there was the shooting/bombing in Kerch which I have invested much time looking into over the years. My interest kind of died off during 2019 and came back during the pandemic. I've since researched hundreds of incidents.

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Kłléyn: Lord of Utero

Kłléyn: Lord of Utero

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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 9:08 pm

LucienBarminswaAlexander wrote:
I remember watching the Monterey Park and Robb Elementary shootings on the news. Those are, from my knowledge, the first times I heard about (and actually registered in my mind) school shootings in detail as concepts. I’d previously researched serial killers heavily though. However, later, a little bit after my father died I think—though I can’t remember exactly my reasoning—I took a look at the top deadliest shootings in the U.S. Wikipedia page. I clicked on all the top ones first, but the main ones that stuck out to me, were 2017 Las Vegas, and Sandy Hook. Sandy Hook being the main one of the two that I found interesting. (Come to think of it I also had looked at shooting statistics a lot before this, and I think heard about some when I used to watch Hasanabi stream clips). The big thing that really got me into mass murder as a topic though, was watching a YouTube documentary on Adam Lanza as an individual, and later looking at his spreadsheet of previous mass shooters. Something about Adam Lanza in particular really comforted me in some way with my life in general at the time. From there I ended up researching every aspect of school shootings, and many more of them much more heavily. And now I know like hundreds fairly in-depth. I recall very much taking quite an analytical approach to my research going from article to article, and then began frequenting for a short time the mass killers subreddit too. Now I’m here. (P.S. I appreciate being accepted here; I didn’t get my registry confirmed for a bit so I was a little disappointed. This is a good community, and sorry for what is perhaps an over explanation, I just saw this and thought it was a good place to make a first post).

This is inaccurate.
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Kłléyn: Lord of Utero

Kłléyn: Lord of Utero

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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 9:09 pm

DelusionalEritrean wrote:
LucienBarminswaAlexander wrote:
I remember watching the Monterey Park and Robb Elementary shootings on the news. Those are, from my knowledge, the first times I heard about (and actually registered in my mind) school shootings in detail as concepts. I’d previously researched serial killers heavily though. However, later, a little bit after my father died I think—though I can’t remember exactly my reasoning—I took a look at the top deadliest shootings in the U.S. Wikipedia page. I clicked on all the top ones first, but the main ones that stuck out to me, were 2017 Las Vegas, and Sandy Hook. Sandy Hook being the main one of the two that I found interesting. (Come to think of it I also had looked at shooting statistics a lot before this, and I think heard about some when I used to watch Hasanabi stream clips). The big thing that really got me into mass murder as a topic though, was watching a YouTube documentary on Adam Lanza as an individual, and later looking at his spreadsheet of previous mass shooters. Something about Adam Lanza in particular really comforted me in some way with my life in general at the time. From there I ended up researching every aspect of school shootings, and many more of them much more heavily. And now I know like hundreds fairly in-depth. I recall very much taking quite an analytical approach to my research going from article to article, and then began frequenting for a short time the mass killers subreddit too. Now I’m here. (P.S. I appreciate being accepted here; I didn’t get my registry confirmed for a bit so I was a little disappointed. This is a good community, and sorry for what is perhaps an over explanation, I just saw this and thought it was a good place to make a first post).

This is inaccurate.

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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 9:50 pm

When in March of 2021 my French teacher made us watch the movie bowling for Columbine.

At the time, i was already fascinated by serial killers and Columbine opened a new door for me.

I didn't really care about the anti-gun message of the film.

I just wanted to know the details of the case.

The more i learned about the case, the more it fascinated me.

As time went by i studied more and more mass shooting.

Right now, i'm less into it then i was a few month back but holy shit did it change my life.

"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum."

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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 10:55 pm

I first discovered my interest in mass shootings when I started to become enamored with the edginess of Columbine. Me and a friend would always jokes about how we were just like them. I began to see them as "rebels" in a way, some of the first true punks.
However, my interest grew a lot more upon my discovery and research of Adam Lanza, who is somebody I can actually relate to on a lot of things. Columbine was kind of my gateway into new interests such as Charleston and Sandy Hook.
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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 11:40 pm

Columbine, because I saw someone on Tumblr bitching about tcc

it never gives me hope

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PostSubject: Re: What shooting got you interested first ?   What shooting got you interested first ? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 20, 2023 12:00 am

The Parkland High School Shooting was the first shooting that I was aware of in real time. I wasn't aware of any more school shootings until the Oxford High School Shooting, then it spiraled out from there.

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