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 What Happened To Nikolas' Other Weapons?

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PostSubject: What Happened To Nikolas' Other Weapons?   What Happened To Nikolas' Other Weapons? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2024 10:40 pm

It's crazy that this kid at the time was able to have so many long guns at 19 before his mass shooting on Valentines Day 2018. In a police report slideshow they stated he had other weapons such as an AK-47, Ruger Sniper Rifle, Multiple shotguns one with a Swastika carved on, and a 9mm carbine despite it being handgun ammunition. What happened to Nikolas Cruz's guns besides the one used in the ultimate crime? Did the Sneeds hold them at auction or sell them or are they with the police or destroyed? Just wondering since I reread the slideshow.
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PostSubject: Re: What Happened To Nikolas' Other Weapons?   What Happened To Nikolas' Other Weapons? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2024 11:18 pm

Not sure, but i think the cops took them away, no way they would allow the Sneed's to keep them.

If they would have tried to sell them, it would have caused a great amount of controversy and i don't think they wanted that.

Or maybe I'm wrong and everything i said was a bunch of crap, who knows !!??

"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum."

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Le Chud

Le Chud

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PostSubject: Re: What Happened To Nikolas' Other Weapons?   What Happened To Nikolas' Other Weapons? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 05, 2024 10:45 pm

i think it's possible they're still in an evidence locker or were sold off to some pawn shop due to them not being directly involved in the shooting. the shotgun with the swastika carved on it was probably destroyed tho, as nobody would wanna buy it.

also 9mm isn't exclusively a handgun round xD
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PostSubject: Re: What Happened To Nikolas' Other Weapons?   What Happened To Nikolas' Other Weapons? Icon_minitime

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