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 2 guys, 1 school

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Le Chud
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2 guys, 1 school Empty
PostSubject: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeWed Jul 10, 2024 1:39 am

On 2022, I've learned that a high school in QC, Canada, have been avoided not one, but two school shootings.
If you're curious about the school, the name is the Centre Éducatif L'Abri high school (or CÉL'A), in the city of Port-Cartier.
August 14, 2021: 20-years-old (at that time) Dimitri Xenos was arrested for making threats towards the CÉL'A by saying that he'll "shoot at people" in the building.

When he got arrested, they found powerful weapons. Such as:

- a russian SKS
- a Type 81 Automatic Rifle
- two assault rifles that looks like an AK-47

Xenos got 9 months in prison.

He also tried to buy grenades.
May 16, 2022: 20-years-old (at that time) Yoan Derosby has been arrested for planning a Columbine-like massacre at the CÉL'A with a Tech-9, knifes, an axe and homemade bombs (one of them was a nail bomb).

Two days earlier, a 911 call was made by Derosby, saying that his mother, Vicky Tremblay, was not responding when he knocked very hard at the window (when Derosby arrived, the door was locked, but he could he his mother from a window outside).

His mother died from an overdose while he was with his best friend.

At first, they thought that Derosby was living with the corpse of his mother.

But, his family members and friends knew that Derosby didn't lived with her mother's corpse.

The next day, after the discovery, the police have found three diaries, which one of them shows the whole map of the CÉL'A, and Yoan's bloodyr obsession for the Columbine massacre.

He was placed in prison for 20 months (at first, it was supposed to be 14 years. But his lawyer made a deal to the court).

That's pretty fucked up! Xenos was looking for grenades, and Derosby was making them!
What would happend if they would planned the shooting, together?

Do you think that it would be worse than the Virginia Tech shooting (32 killed)?

(I know, I've already talked about Derosby in a previous topic)

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Le Chud

Le Chud

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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 9:00 am

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Funny ass picture :p

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Le Chud

Le Chud

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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 9:07 am

where did yoan derosby get a tec 9????
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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 11:12 am

2 guys and 1 school? hmm, that's a good combination? It's kinda like the 2 girls and 1 cup where the 2 girls make love to each other by eating chocolate out of a mug, but 2 guys and 1 school, hohohooo ho boy, there about to bring EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING BADASS!

they will kick some ass and chew bubblegum, they will bring a bunch of stuff at play, they will bring explosives, guns, knifes, anything that screams out "Rambo", they blow up there car, enter the school, make ALL THE WAY to the cafeteria, and then... shit is going down!!! bababababang pewpewpewpewpewww boboboboboom!!!! and everyone is screaming out of the cafeteria likes if its the end of the world, AAHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEK GAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

and then of the guys throws a Molotov Cocktail to one of the tables, but it's not any other Molotov Cocktail you drink at the bar with your friends while watching a lady stripping herself to reveal her vag and big titties, it's a EXPLOSIVE Molotov Cocktail that you can find in GTA: Vice City or I don't know... Postal 2?

anyways, the Molotov SHATTERS and EXPLODES like a dragon, BOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!
everyone is screaming at this point, like if it's an inferno or something, still screaming like never before, AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

and then, the two guys make there way into the Libary, shooting to whoever is in there, and then suddenly, the police show up, surround the two guys... but the two guys have a few more lifes to take... which is... there own!



...and that was the end... of the two guys... people call them heroes... AN heroes!
and as for the victims, well, some of them survived... but some of them... did not.

"The purest surrealist act is walking into a
crowd with a loaded gun and firing into it randomly"
- André Breton (1896 - 1966)

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Le Chud

Le Chud

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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 11:50 am

Patryk wrote:
2 guys and 1 school? hmm, that's a good combination? It's kinda like the 2 girls and 1 cup where the 2 girls make love to each other by eating chocolate out of a mug, but 2 guys and 1 school, hohohooo ho boy, there about to bring EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING BADASS!

they will kick some ass and chew bubblegum, they will bring a bunch of stuff at play, they will bring explosives, guns, knifes, anything that screams out "Rambo", they blow up there car, enter the school, make ALL THE WAY to the cafeteria, and then... shit is going down!!! bababababang pewpewpewpewpewww boboboboboom!!!! and everyone is screaming out of the cafeteria likes if its the end of the world, AAHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEK GAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

and then of the guys throws a Molotov Cocktail to one of the tables, but it's not any other Molotov Cocktail you drink at the bar with your friends while watching a lady stripping herself to reveal her vag and big titties, it's a EXPLOSIVE Molotov Cocktail that you can find in GTA: Vice City or I don't know... Postal 2?

anyways, the Molotov SHATTERS and EXPLODES like a dragon, BOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!
everyone is screaming at this point, like if it's an inferno or something, still screaming like never before, AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

and then, the two guys make there way into the Libary, shooting to whoever is in there, and then suddenly, the police show up, surround the two guys... but the two guys have a few more lifes to take... which is... there own!



...and that was the end... of the two guys... people call them heroes... AN heroes!
and as for the victims, well, some of them survived... but some of them... did not.

dude shut the fuck up you're WEIRD stop derailing threads

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Le Chud

Le Chud

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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 11:56 am

also explosive molotov cocktails arent a thing + your fantasies are rly disturbing im glad ur a britbong cuz i love guns but u shouldnt ever be around one, altho ur too dumb to do any real damage with one

u have that weird ass edgelord quote as ur signature too, shooting random ppl isnt cool luh nibba

imagine ruining the lives of random people over some "waaaaaah im such a victim" bullshit

Last edited by Le Chud on Thu Jul 11, 2024 12:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Le Chud

Le Chud

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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 12:00 pm

finally an hero is a fucking dead meme u werent even sentient when it was invented, stop saying it. encyclopedia dramatica isnt funny anymore and saying decade old memes to be quirky is so extra. ur such a generic, boring edgelord but also a complete freak irl for different reasons. im tired of u unfunny edgelords copying internet lingo from decades ago.

idk why ur parents let u access the internet unrestricted when u clearly have a high level of the 'tism. you're so 'tistic you cant even comprehend the motives for most of these shootings, and this is coming from a guy who likes talking to spergs

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2 guys, 1 school Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 12:51 pm

Patryk wrote:
2 guys and 1 school? hmm, that's a good combination? It's kinda like the 2 girls and 1 cup where the 2 girls make love to each other by eating chocolate out of a mug, but 2 guys and 1 school, hohohooo ho boy, there about to bring EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING BADASS!

they will kick some ass and chew bubblegum, they will bring a bunch of stuff at play, they will bring explosives, guns, knifes, anything that screams out "Rambo", they blow up there car, enter the school, make ALL THE WAY to the cafeteria, and then... shit is going down!!! bababababang pewpewpewpewpewww boboboboboom!!!! and everyone is screaming out of the cafeteria likes if its the end of the world, AAHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEK GAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

and then of the guys throws a Molotov Cocktail to one of the tables, but it's not any other Molotov Cocktail you drink at the bar with your friends while watching a lady stripping herself to reveal her vag and big titties, it's a EXPLOSIVE Molotov Cocktail that you can find in GTA: Vice City or I don't know... Postal 2?

anyways, the Molotov SHATTERS and EXPLODES like a dragon, BOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!
everyone is screaming at this point, like if it's an inferno or something, still screaming like never before, AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

and then, the two guys make there way into the Libary, shooting to whoever is in there, and then suddenly, the police show up, surround the two guys... but the two guys have a few more lifes to take... which is... there own!



...and that was the end... of the two guys... people call them heroes... AN heroes!
and as for the victims, well, some of them survived... but some of them... did not.


I have been desperate to feel anything positive for someone for my entire life.
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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 2:58 pm

Patryk wrote:
2 guys and 1 school? hmm, that's a good combination? It's kinda like the 2 girls and 1 cup where the 2 girls make love to each other by eating chocolate out of a mug, but 2 guys and 1 school, hohohooo ho boy, there about to bring EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING BADASS!

they will kick some ass and chew bubblegum, they will bring a bunch of stuff at play, they will bring explosives, guns, knifes, anything that screams out "Rambo", they blow up there car, enter the school, make ALL THE WAY to the cafeteria, and then... shit is going down!!! bababababang pewpewpewpewpewww boboboboboom!!!! and everyone is screaming out of the cafeteria likes if its the end of the world, AAHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEK GAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

and then of the guys throws a Molotov Cocktail to one of the tables, but it's not any other Molotov Cocktail you drink at the bar with your friends while watching a lady stripping herself to reveal her vag and big titties, it's a EXPLOSIVE Molotov Cocktail that you can find in GTA: Vice City or I don't know... Postal 2?

anyways, the Molotov SHATTERS and EXPLODES like a dragon, BOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!
everyone is screaming at this point, like if it's an inferno or something, still screaming like never before, AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

and then, the two guys make there way into the Libary, shooting to whoever is in there, and then suddenly, the police show up, surround the two guys... but the two guys have a few more lifes to take... which is... there own!



...and that was the end... of the two guys... people call them heroes... AN heroes!
and as for the victims, well, some of them survived... but some of them... did not.

Take your feces meds bro.

ANOMIC, Denethor, SuperspooksteR, Sanitater and Le Chud like this post

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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 3:53 pm

yeah, autists shouldnt have access to internet

If you are afraid, you are already a slave
We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children
Meine Ehre heißt Treue

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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 4:31 pm

where are patryk's parents when we need them

Твари, вы где?

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2 guys, 1 school Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 9:47 pm

Patryk wrote:
2 guys and 1 school? hmm, that's a good combination? It's kinda like the 2 girls and 1 cup where the 2 girls make love to each other by eating chocolate out of a mug, but 2 guys and 1 school, hohohooo ho boy, there about to bring EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING BADASS!

they will kick some ass and chew bubblegum, they will bring a bunch of stuff at play, they will bring explosives, guns, knifes, anything that screams out "Rambo", they blow up there car, enter the school, make ALL THE WAY to the cafeteria, and then... shit is going down!!! bababababang pewpewpewpewpewww boboboboboom!!!! and everyone is screaming out of the cafeteria likes if its the end of the world, AAHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEK GAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

and then of the guys throws a Molotov Cocktail to one of the tables, but it's not any other Molotov Cocktail you drink at the bar with your friends while watching a lady stripping herself to reveal her vag and big titties, it's a EXPLOSIVE Molotov Cocktail that you can find in GTA: Vice City or I don't know... Postal 2?

anyways, the Molotov SHATTERS and EXPLODES like a dragon, BOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!
everyone is screaming at this point, like if it's an inferno or something, still screaming like never before, AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

and then, the two guys make there way into the Libary, shooting to whoever is in there, and then suddenly, the police show up, surround the two guys... but the two guys have a few more lifes to take... which is... there own!



...and that was the end... of the two guys... people call them heroes... AN heroes!
and as for the victims, well, some of them survived... but some of them... did not.

I don't know where he bought it... I'm sorry...

While he was in prison, he filled a sex/name change.

He had 3 choices:

- M (Male)
- F (Female)
- X (Non-binary) (which he tooked)

As for his name, he changed it for "Yoanne", to make it more ungendered.

"Life is the Ultimate MMORPG videogame. Birth is the start, years are levels, drugs, weapons and money are the power-ups that would make us feel invincible. Death is the game over. Then, we have the DLC of Life: Afterlife."

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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 9:54 pm

Sanitater wrote:
where are patryk's parents when we need them

I'm autistic, but it's okay. I'm not mad at you.

"Life is the Ultimate MMORPG videogame. Birth is the start, years are levels, drugs, weapons and money are the power-ups that would make us feel invincible. Death is the game over. Then, we have the DLC of Life: Afterlife."

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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 9:55 pm

Sanitater wrote:
where are patryk's parents when we need them

my bad! wrong post....

"Life is the Ultimate MMORPG videogame. Birth is the start, years are levels, drugs, weapons and money are the power-ups that would make us feel invincible. Death is the game over. Then, we have the DLC of Life: Afterlife."

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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 9:56 pm

Denethor wrote:
yeah, autists shouldnt have access to internet

I'm autistic, but it's okay. I'm not mad at you.

"Life is the Ultimate MMORPG videogame. Birth is the start, years are levels, drugs, weapons and money are the power-ups that would make us feel invincible. Death is the game over. Then, we have the DLC of Life: Afterlife."

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2 guys, 1 school Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 6:59 am

Patryk wrote:
2 guys and 1 school? hmm, that's a good combination? It's kinda like the 2 girls and 1 cup where the 2 girls make love to each other by eating chocolate out of a mug, but 2 guys and 1 school, hohohooo ho boy, there about to bring EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING BADASS!

they will kick some ass and chew bubblegum, they will bring a bunch of stuff at play, they will bring explosives, guns, knifes, anything that screams out "Rambo", they blow up there car, enter the school, make ALL THE WAY to the cafeteria, and then... shit is going down!!! bababababang pewpewpewpewpewww boboboboboom!!!! and everyone is screaming out of the cafeteria likes if its the end of the world, AAHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEK GAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

and then of the guys throws a Molotov Cocktail to one of the tables, but it's not any other Molotov Cocktail you drink at the bar with your friends while watching a lady stripping herself to reveal her vag and big titties, it's a EXPLOSIVE Molotov Cocktail that you can find in GTA: Vice City or I don't know... Postal 2?

anyways, the Molotov SHATTERS and EXPLODES like a dragon, BOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!
everyone is screaming at this point, like if it's an inferno or something, still screaming like never before, AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

and then, the two guys make there way into the Libary, shooting to whoever is in there, and then suddenly, the police show up, surround the two guys... but the two guys have a few more lifes to take... which is... there own!



...and that was the end... of the two guys... people call them heroes... AN heroes!
and as for the victims, well, some of them survived... but some of them... did not.

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PostSubject: Re: 2 guys, 1 school   2 guys, 1 school Icon_minitime

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