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 Columbine High School Musical

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PostSubject: Columbine High School Musical   Columbine High School Musical Icon_minitime16/8/2024, 08:16

I found this pretty weird Columbine High School Massacre musical on some site called, thought I'd share it with you friends. It goes under some names, like The Columbine Project or Columbinus.
Here are some images from a couple of different interpretations of the musical. Yes, people actually preformed this.
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Put future on hold.

NEXT STEP UP, unhingedbullet, Denethor, ThatDelawareReader, ParanoidAndroid, alesanagoon, Cherry1730 and like this post

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Age : 16

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PostSubject: Re: Columbine High School Musical   Columbine High School Musical Icon_minitime20/8/2024, 22:36

I wonder which student is asked if they believe in God. Like, whether they scripted it as Cassie Bernall or Valeen Schnurr.

Let us be meek, and we shall inherit the Earth
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Cherry1730, bloedbad and suzuhiro like this post

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Age : 17
Location : Nottingham, United Kingdom

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PostSubject: Re: Columbine High School Musical   Columbine High School Musical Icon_minitime6/9/2024, 13:30

This shit reminds me of this specific image right here...
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"The purest surrealist act is walking into a
crowd with a loaded gun and firing into it randomly"
- André Breton (1896 - 1966)
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PostSubject: Re: Columbine High School Musical   Columbine High School Musical Icon_minitime

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