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 This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far

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This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far Empty
PostSubject: This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far   This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far Icon_minitimeWed Sep 25, 2024 9:06 am

I know, the Colt gray case was like 2 weeks ago and I certainly won't complain about less deaths, but just try to think of another US shooting this year. I can't remember a single one except that columbine tranny at the beginning of january who killed 2 people and Ree Tardy Oswalds 15 minutes of fame.

This is interesting to me because I would have betted on this year being one of the worst because the mental health decline in america and europe is just staggering at this point AND its an election year where it seems like 50 % of the population hates the other 50. When I compare 2024 to 2023 now it seems almost "peaceful", there were already so much horrible attacks last year at this point, like Allen Mall shooting, Nashville elementary school shooting, and 2022 with uvalde and buffalo shooting and highland park...any idea why the situation calmed down? Or do you think for some reason the dates have just shifted and all the lunatics will act at the end of the year?

Sorry if this post seems annoyingly autistic, but I love comparing statistics and this anomaly just jumped right at me.
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This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far   This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far Icon_minitimeWed Sep 25, 2024 9:12 am

For Russia it wasn't, over 3 terrorist attacks in this year alone.. 😭

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This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far   This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far Icon_minitimeWed Sep 25, 2024 9:20 am

Don't jinx it, maybe the next columfag and xer waifu will give us a Christmas miracle.

Adam Lanza is a smol bean

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This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far   This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far Icon_minitimeWed Sep 25, 2024 11:24 am

It isn't that unusual (2013 and 2014 were quieter than 2012). The last two years were just outliers, and one only because Payton Gendron and Salvador Ramos were coincidentally forced to wait until the same month in 2022. The media attention then maybe inspired brooding copycats from last year to act sooner than they otherwise would have (2024?). The calmness is kind of polarising after the craziness of 2022 and 2023 but I don't think it's a big indicator of anything. You shouldn't expect consistency from such a small sample size.


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This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far   This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far Icon_minitimeWed Sep 25, 2024 12:06 pm

Currings wrote:
For Russia it wasn't, over 3 terrorist attacks in this year alone.. 😭

Yes russia is in a really bad place right now. So many people die in the war and I think over 150 in the terrorist attacks! Thats 2 1/2 times the worst US massacre, the vegas shooting, and all that happened in 9 months...WTF
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PostSubject: Re: This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far   This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far Icon_minitime

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This is an extremely "quiet" year for US mass-shootings so far
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