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 Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?

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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime27/2/2015, 09:20

Hi, I'm just wondering who released the crime scene photos of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Did jeffco just decide to release them or did someone else release them without permission? And what date they were released. Thanks!
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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime27/2/2015, 15:20

This is a very interesting question which I was almost sure I knew the answer to, but now, I can't say for sure. I thought I had read awhile back that it was TIME magazine who released these photos back in December, 1999. But doing a Google search I was unable to find anything about TIME ever releasing the suicide photos. So I kept looking around and I cannot seem to find a clear answer as to when and/or who released the photos.

I did find this article, which seems to be from 'Rocky Mountain News', that was posted by Evan Long stating that 'Over 60 top secret crime scene photos have leaked' and it was dated March 5, 2002. Here is the link to the article.

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Other than that, I really cannot find much more and I've been looking around for quite a bit. If anyone else has a more definite answer about this, please do share.

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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime27/2/2015, 19:07

The National Enquirer released Eric & Dylan's suicide photos on May 24 2002

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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime28/2/2015, 05:23

Thanks guys really appreciate it!!
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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime28/2/2015, 05:30

Graphic crime scene photographs from the 1999 Columbine High School massacre have been leaked to the victims' families and the region's local newspaper.

The leaked photographs reportedly show the killers' bodies, those of their young victims, and the various bombs they had planted around the school. That was from a bbc article dating back to march 7th, 2002. This opens up alot of question to me. :/
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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime28/2/2015, 06:43

_paddy_ wrote:
Graphic crime scene photographs from the 1999 Columbine High School massacre have been leaked to the victims' families and the region's local newspaper.

The leaked photographs reportedly show the killers' bodies, those of their young victims, and the various bombs they had planted around the school. That was from a bbc article dating back to march 7th, 2002. This opens up alot of question to me. :/

Yes, that was one of the article's I read also. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] gave us the information on who actually went public with the photos (thank you for the links, BTW. There were some pretty good quality pictures of the actual magazine article), but I was unable to find any information whatsoever as to who leaked them to the public. I imagine it was someone who worked for Jefferson County since they were the only ones who had access to that kind of stuff. But I guess they either never found out who leaked them, or if they did, they never went public with it.

Also, I was saying in my prior post that I thought it was TIME magazine that released the suicide photos. It was actually the Basement Tapes transcript that TIME released back in December, 1999. I had gotten that confused with the suicide photos.

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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime28/2/2015, 08:47

Would you think they destroyed the crime-scene photos? Only with the basement tapes,of course they may be lying about destroying the evidence but still if they did. Question
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Juicy Jazzy

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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime28/2/2015, 09:45

Crime scene photos of the dead were leaked by an unknown person and were circulated around close circles which included the victims families. I suspect only a small amount of people saw the images, otherwise they'd have found their way onto the internet by now. Anyway it is highly likely that the images of Eric and Dylan were leaked by Brian Rohrbough. The whole world got to see his son Danny's body at the bottom of the stairwell in papers and on TV. So he got his own back by showing the world the bloody mess that was Eric and Dylan.

And I will add this in there: don't be surprised that victim families were circulating these images. A grieving parent will search hell and high water for any sort of closure, and seeing their children and how they were on that day, no matter how sad and horrible it may have been, would have provided a mountain of closure for them.
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Juicy Jazzy

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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime28/2/2015, 09:47

_paddy_ wrote:
Would you think they destroyed the crime-scene photos? Only with the basement tapes,of course they may be lying about destroying the evidence but still if they did. Question
Destroyed or not, there is a snowflakes chance in hell of them ever being released.
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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime28/2/2015, 09:57

I think it was David Perel who obtained the photos for the Enquirer, but never stated how or from who. I seriously hope the rest of the photos have not been destroyed, I'd like to see them one day, grizzly as they are.
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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime28/2/2015, 10:00

My mother has 4 degrees one including Graduate diploma in forensic science. Im sure she would love to have a look, at the crimescene photos!!
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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime1/3/2015, 00:51

I thought i read somewhere it was randy brown, but maybe i am wrong with this?
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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime1/3/2015, 04:28

I wish the pictures of Eric and Dylan had not been released.I would rather have never seen them and I hate how they have just been casually tossed around in the past with people making joking memes out of them or gloating over their deaths.I know there are people here and a majority of people out there who feel no sympathy for E & D but these pictures show two deceased young men who died tragically. Even if you think they totally brought it on themselves I think it is always tragic to die so young. I am glad the victim's pictures will never be released. I've peeked at a few picture's of dead people online in the past but I always found it sad and disturbing but I feel like I "know" the victims in a sense and I would never want to see them like that.

Last edited by PaintItBlack on 2/3/2015, 03:06; edited 1 time in total
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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime1/3/2015, 05:40

Well said mate.
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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime2/3/2015, 22:11

PaintItBlack wrote:
I wish the pictures of Eric and Dylan had not been released.I would rather have never seen them and I hate how they have just been casually tossed around in the past with people making joking memes out of them or gloating over their deaths.I know there are people here and a majority of people out there who feel no sympathy for E & D but these pictures show two deceased young men who died tragically. Even if you think they totally brought it on themselves I think it is always tragic to die so young. I am glad the victim's pictures will never be released. I've peeked at a few picture's of dead people online in the past but I always found it sad and disturbing but I feel like I "know" the victims in a sense and I would never want to see them like that.
Well, I don't think death is disturbing. It's fascinating because 2 minutes ago a person was alive and now they dead. But I HATE Suicide, seriously wasting your self over a problem that's temporary? WHY?!?
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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime3/3/2015, 18:33

KoltiniPad wrote:
But I HATE Suicide, seriously wasting your self over a problem that's temporary? WHY?!?
Because people are different. A part of us is fragile and vulnerable and haven't got a strong psyche. Those people couldn't deal with their problems without help and when they haven't got the one who put them on the right way then they choose a suicide as an immediate solution. The others don't feel good in their skins at all or they think that they don't fit in with this world beacause of many reasons. Personally I see suicide as a selfish deed.
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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?   Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library? Icon_minitime

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Who released the pictures of Eric and Dylan deceased in the library?
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