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 Best places for info on Sandy Hook.

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Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Empty
PostSubject: Best places for info on Sandy Hook.   Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2015 5:18 pm

I am very interested in the Sandy Hook case and feel that I have done a fair amount of research on it, but I am always looking for more information.

I also made a topic like this for Columbine becuse I find it difficult sometimes to find new and accurate sources of information.

So if anyone knows of any good places to find information or any online pdfs of good books, please let me know.

I will start of by saying that the best place I can find for information is [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Also, if anyone knows of any good documentaries.

I have kind of covered all of the main sites, but if anyone knows of any good places, especially more obscure ones, that would be great.

I had it all and I looked at it and I said 'this is a bigger jail than I just got out of'.
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Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best places for info on Sandy Hook.   Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2015 6:12 pm

Documentaries? This one is ok:

Its really mostly about teh victims, not much about Adam.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is indeed prolly the best one of them all. Reed is a person who is very serious about what he does, but he is also passionate about the issue but at the same time very no-nonsense - i can personally vouch for that.

Books? Not many I know of. Geuss its too early.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Posts : 492
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Location : England

Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best places for info on Sandy Hook.   Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 10, 2015 4:40 am

Thank you. It will be interesting to watch a documentary on the victims as I have mainly been focusing my research on Adam himself.

I had it all and I looked at it and I said 'this is a bigger jail than I just got out of'.
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Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best places for info on Sandy Hook.   Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2015 2:52 am

Here's a few good links to reports and Sandy Hook-related stuff you should check out:

* [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (November 2014 Yale Child Study Centre report on Adam Lanza)
* [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (2013 Final Report)
* [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (Hartford Courant article documenting the damaged hard drive in Adam Lanza's bedroom)
* [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (Another article detailing items seized from the 36 Yogananda Street residence)
* [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (Weapons used in the killings)

Hope these help. Surprised
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Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best places for info on Sandy Hook.   Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 04, 2015 1:32 am

I have found Sandy Hook facts to be a very informative site. The onwer C.W. Wade also has videos on youtube under the name Sandy Hook facts. His documetary: Sandy Hook the deadliest minute is very good, the title comes from the carnage in room#8 which is the deadliest minute in any school shooting in America.
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Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best places for info on Sandy Hook.   Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 04, 2015 4:34 am

fantasykingdom985 wrote:
His documetary: Sandy Hook the deadliest minute is very good, the title comes from the carnage in room#8 which is the deadliest minute in any school shooting in America.

Really?! The deadliest minute? That's an interesting, yet frightening concept. I sometimes think to myself that the events that happened at Bath School, Michigan in 1927 may have been more treacherous.
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Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best places for info on Sandy Hook.   Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 04, 2015 11:38 am

As far as school bombings go you are right. The scary thing is that the death toll at Virginia was only 15 less. I shudder to think how much higher the death toll at Sandy Hook could have been if Adam Lanza had been in beter health. His guns kept jamming at the end because he was limp wristing them.
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Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best places for info on Sandy Hook.   Best places for info on Sandy Hook. Icon_minitime

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