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Posts : 111 Contribution Points : 91416 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-12-21
Subject: Did they have their sunglasses on for NBK? Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:22 pm
This post, below, reminded me that I've been wondering this for a long, long time...
Initially (for many years) I had pictured them with the trench coats only at the start of NBK, but I read something recently (don't recall where; could it have been in Krabbe's book?) where the author seemed confident they had their sunglasses on that day. (It was casually mentioned... IIRC it was along the lines of "...and then the two guys with black trench coats and black sunglasses suddenly started shooting east, towards the Western entrance...")
They were somewhat look-conscious, so they probably, in their "avenging gods" role, paid attention to this kind of detail and I'd like to say they had them on. Just like in Hitmen for Hire.
If so... when did they remove them? Surely Eric didn't still have them on when he peekaboo'ed Cassie Bernall or he'd have broken them too.
Any witness testimony regarding sunglasses or no sunglasses? Or none at all?
Posts : 495 Contribution Points : 88065 Forum Reputation : 3 Join date : 2015-06-11
Subject: Re: Did they have their sunglasses on for NBK? Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:57 pm
They aren't wearing sunglasses in the caf. video.
Eric is wearing them in the "Eric Buys Propane" video.
Posts : 111 Contribution Points : 91416 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-12-21
Subject: Re: Did they have their sunglasses on for NBK? Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:07 pm
Oh, right, the "Eric Buys Propane" video. You sure he's wearing them in that vid?
If so, that tends to support what I guessed in the first post of this thread... that they initially had them on, but took them off later, probably upon entering the school. I'm confident that by the time Cassie got shot the sunglasses were gone already.
Posts : 495 Contribution Points : 88065 Forum Reputation : 3 Join date : 2015-06-11
Subject: Re: Did they have their sunglasses on for NBK? Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:37 pm
lio45 wrote:
Oh, right, the "Eric Buys Propane" video. You sure he's wearing them in that vid?
Posts : 56 Contribution Points : 89136 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2015-03-17
Subject: Re: Did they have their sunglasses on for NBK? Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:46 pm
Last edited by meenwhile on Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 624 Contribution Points : 107963 Forum Reputation : 74 Join date : 2013-04-04
Subject: Re: Did they have their sunglasses on for NBK? Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:35 pm
meenwhile, great post.
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Subject: Re: Did they have their sunglasses on for NBK?