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 Possible Source of Photos

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PostSubject: Possible Source of Photos   Possible Source of Photos Icon_minitimeTue Sep 08, 2015 9:45 am

I was speaking with Essdras Suarez, one of the photographers that was on scene the day of the shooting. The first day, he stayed on until 11 pm, which is about the time that law enforcement left that day. He stayed on until a few days afterward, snapping shots and generally observing the tragedy unfold. He won a Pulitzer for his work there.

Anyhoo, I reached out to him to see how to go about finding any forgotten of lost pictures or negatives. He told me that all of the negs that he took were given to the Denver Public Library. I sent them an email, but I am thinking that I would need to be onsite to view the negs, or any other archive data.

Is anyone in the Denver area? : )
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PostSubject: Re: Possible Source of Photos   Possible Source of Photos Icon_minitimeTue Sep 08, 2015 9:58 am

Did you ask him what it was like to be there?

Why does anyone do anything?
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PostSubject: Re: Possible Source of Photos   Possible Source of Photos Icon_minitimeTue Sep 08, 2015 11:41 am

Yeah, here is his quoted response:

"Sorry but I truly have no recollection of what I saw that night. The memories of that day get mixed up with other disasters similar as this one like the Newton Elementary School shooting and other horrible stories like this one that I've also covered in the past.

If you do get your hands on my negs, I myself would be curious to know what I got on that first day. Ciao, Essdras

PS I know for a fact these other RMN shooters: Rodolfo Gonzalez, Cyrus McCrimmon, Dennis Schroeder, Linda MaConnel and Glenn Asakawa were around the area that day too.
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PostSubject: Re: Possible Source of Photos   Possible Source of Photos Icon_minitime

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