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 Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival

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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime08/10/15, 02:09 pm

Eric Harris apparently worked at a festival known as 'Great American Beer Festival' in 1998.

Does anybody know any more information on this? I saw he was wearing a crew shirt for the festival in radioactive clothing. I haven't heard anyone mention this, only that he helped out at firework stands, not even on Tumblr have I heard people mention this beer festival.

I found a similar shirt, not the same one though, and also a 1999 glass with the festival name on it. I'm guessing it's the 1998 he worked on because they have these festival only in October.

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website for the festival:
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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime08/10/15, 06:53 pm

How likely it is that he just bought the shirt at a discount clothes store? Or that someone gave it to him as a present/joke?

I own shirts from several different events/festivals/crews and even one university, none of which I participated in. I just bought them at a discount store, or someone bought them for me.

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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime09/10/15, 12:55 am

It's possible it was given to him. Maybe his brother worked there, and gave him the shirt?

IDK if they would allow a minor to work a beer festival. In Colorado, as far back as 1996, you have to be at least 18 years of age to pour/serve alcoholic beverages.

But, he may have had other duties there.

Regardless, very good find!
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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime09/10/15, 01:05 am

maybe he helped set up the tables or carried speakers for the music etc that they usually have at those events, or even handing out flyers for it at a mall to help spread the word, but yeah you both could be right actually, he could collect festival and tour shirts, he did have that 1997 KMFDM one (not sure if he attended that one either), or his brother could have given it to him.
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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime09/10/15, 02:14 am

I think the KMFDM shirt he had on in the cafeteria video was a Hot Topic purchase. I might be wrong, though.
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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime10/10/15, 06:03 pm

Oh wow! I have been trying to find this shirt for over 2 months! Many thanks!

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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime04/01/18, 09:31 pm

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I think he worked there

He doesn't seem like the type to make donuts just to be a nice guy
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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime04/01/18, 09:34 pm

munchkinphone wrote:
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I think he worked there

He doesn't seem like the type to make donuts just to be a nice guy

Does that say Octoberfest?

Picturing him calling Dylan to "make" something and handing him an apron....

He and Nate used to make stuff they saw on late night cooking shows.
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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime04/01/18, 09:48 pm

The mental picture of them baking is quite funny. Haha
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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime04/01/18, 10:07 pm

Hey, Check this out!

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Number 24, Chicago Pizza/BJ's

So maybe it was a workthing connected to BJs rather than a voluntary thing?
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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime04/01/18, 10:42 pm

Ok nevermind, BJ didnt even stand for black jacks pizza so...
and everyone who worked there was under 21 so unless they had fake IDs it is probably a shirt that Eric borrowed from his dad or his brother.

That means he probably did make donuts just to be a nice guy haha, I wonder who talked him into that Rolling Eyes
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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime04/01/18, 10:43 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
The mental picture of them baking is quite funny. Haha

Dylan eating batter and Eric getting all OCD and grossed out...

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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime04/01/18, 10:45 pm

munchkinphone wrote:
Ok nevermind, BJ didnt even stand for black jacks pizza so...
and everyone who worked there was under 21 so unless they had fake IDs it is probably a shirt that Eric borrowed from his dad or his brother.

That means he probably did make donuts just to be a nice guy haha, I wonder who talked him into that Rolling Eyes

I don't know it seems very un-Eric. If it was for school it shows some school spirit. Lol
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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime07/01/18, 10:58 am

@Shadowedgodess I have already mental imaging him getting angry when it’s not working dropping/destroying like dozens of eggs himself covered in flour. Or him and Dylan being kids throwing flour at eacheaother kitchen messy every women’s nightmare !
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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime07/01/18, 10:04 pm

Rebbie556 wrote:
@Shadowedgodess I have already mental imaging  him  getting angry when it’s not working dropping/destroying like dozens of eggs  himself covered in flour. Or him and Dylan  being kids throwing flour at eacheaother kitchen messy every women’s nightmare !

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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival   Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival Icon_minitime

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Eric Harris worked at a Denver Beer Festival
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