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Wow what a way to learn a lesson. I agree that night was enough punishment for you. Still, I am proud of you and the way you have reacted to this situation. We all make mistakes, how we respond to them is what makes us who we are. You have really learned a lot from this and it has changed the way you think. This may be the best lesson you ever learn. I also think you should know that it's not one action that makes a person who they are. I would trust you in a heartbeat. Thanks for letting me read this and for being in my class.
I think that most people have that one teacher that they can talk to if need be about anything. This teacher, at least on paper, seems to be that for Eric.
Reading what what man wrote made me very sad for him, I wonder how he took the news of what happened that day and who was responsible.
Was he shocked? Surprised? Were they still close when NBK happened? Did he remember the young teenager that he had taught in class? The one that he said that he could trust.
I really need to stop reading records, they make they whole thing so much more sad.
If Frodo can get the ring to Mordor, you can get out of bed.