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 Thoughts on Eric being on Luvox?

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PostSubject: Thoughts on Eric being on Luvox?   Thoughts on Eric being on Luvox? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2016 6:11 am

I'm curious what everyone's thoughts and opinions are in regards to Eric being on Luvox and how it could have affected his homicidal and suicidal thoughts? I realize that he stated in his diversion file that he was having these thoughts prior to being put on Luvox (correct me if I'm wrong).  I'm assuming it was sometime in mid to late April 1998 that he began taking the drug (he states that his doctor wants to give him something for his anger and thoughts on 4/21/98).

I know that we aren't pharmacological experts here, but drawing from my own personal experiences with antidepressants, particularly SSRI's (which Luvox is), I absolutely hated them.  I felt emotionally numb and less inhibited.  I found myself doing things that I would have never imagined  I'd do.  My inhibition was gone.
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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Eric being on Luvox?   Thoughts on Eric being on Luvox? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2016 6:31 am

I think it made him at least slightly worse.It made him more restless and depressed,more hopeless.I think that Eric went into his treatment with an openness and a small sense at hope at first but after a few months when nothing changed and he felt worse or at least no better ,he gave up on it and went back to relying on himself.His own way of coping and thinking about things.
I believe there is a drug out there that could have helped him but I'm not sure what it would have been.

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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Thoughts on Eric being on Luvox? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Eric being on Luvox?   Thoughts on Eric being on Luvox? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 14, 2016 6:46 am

If you're interested, some of us got into this subject [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] a good while back.
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PostSubject: Re: Thoughts on Eric being on Luvox?   Thoughts on Eric being on Luvox? Icon_minitime

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