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 A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan

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Juicy Jazzy
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 3:52 am

So while browsing /k/, 4chan's weapons board, I happened upon a post asking about Tec9s, and in the thread an Anonymous poster mentioned how he was attacked by a Tec9 user once. Iasked him for the story, and as it turned out he was shot at by Dylan at Columbine.

I asked him some questions, and talked with him for a few minutes before he left, and I got some info on Dylan's behavior in the school.

I'll post the screenshots of all the interesting info he posted as people started asking some questions, but be warned: since this IS on 4chan, everything he says should be taken with a grain of salt.

Still, there is a chance that what he is saying could be true, and if so it's a good bit of info.

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You can view the thread here if you want all the replies:  http//

EDIT: He is confirmed for having been to Columbine. He posted this picture for proof.

Last edited by anonacc489 on Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Juicy Jazzy

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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 7:25 am

Well if he's telling the truth we should be able to find out who he was, considering his friends were shot.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 8:24 am

He is referring to Michael Johnson. Whether or not he was really there, I don't know. The information he posted is pretty easy to find on the internet.

From acolumbinesite.

Michael Johnson, 15 in 1999.
Michael was outside the cafeteria with four friends: Denny Rowe, Mark Taylor, John Cook, and Adam Thomas. They were sitting on the grass near the stairs when the shooting began. At first Michael didn't know what was going on but he quickly realized bullets were hitting the ground near him and and his friends. He felt a sensation like someone had poured warm water on his left leg and he and his friends got up to run toward a shed that was about 120 yards from where they were at. As they ran, he heard Mark cry out: "Oh my God! I've been shot!" and the other boy fell to the ground.

As Michael continued running he felt another "warm feeling" on the back of his jaw and realized he'd been shot as well. He managed to make it as far as the shed; Denny, John, and Adam kept running and jumped the nearby fence. Michael laid down and propped himself against the shed and noticed the left leg of his blue jeans was covered in blood from mid-thigh down to his ankle. Michael remained there next to the shed for a while; at one point a teacher, Mr Lowery, came by and told him that he was going to get him some help. Soon after Michael heard what he thought was a pipe bomb exploding and lost consciousness for a bit. The next thing he knew, two students - Evan Todd and Ryan Barrett - were trying to help him. The next thing he remembered after that was being removed from the shed area by law enforcement who transported him to paramedics.

When asked by investigators, Michael told them he knew of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold but didn't actually have dealings with either one of them. He told investigators that he thought they were members of the Trench Coat Mafia but didn't really know anything about the group.

Michael was in intensive care for 8 days during which time doctors had to wire his jaw shut and repaired a ruptured blood vessel in his leg. He was released April 28, 1999.

Though doctors thought he might lose his leg at one point, today Mike can run and has held a job at the Mann Theater. His parents Kathy and Gary feel that though they've gone through a lot, the ordeal has made them closer as a family.

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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 8:24 am


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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 2:31 pm

It could be possible that his memory fails him because it was a scarring moment, and he probably was going into overdrive mode as his fight or flight instincts took over and steered him to get the Hell away from that place. A few missing details are to be expected. That and it's been a while since Columbine happened.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 9:26 pm

Marjorie Lindholm , who was a cheerleader at the school wrote in her book that she saw people slamming into Dylan on purpose in the halls and mocking him and somebody even hit him with a backpack I think it was as they passed by him.
Yet this guy says the exact opposite?
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 11:25 pm

PaintItBlack wrote:
Marjorie Lindholm , who was a cheerleader at the school wrote in her book that she saw people slamming into Dylan on purpose in the halls and mocking him and somebody even hit him with a backpack I think it was as they passed by him.
Yet this guy says the exact opposite?

Well then obviously both are correct, there is no other answer.

Dylan instigated shit being brought onto him and others did it back to him in retaliation, or, they started on Dylan and Dylan repaid them with the same treatment. I'm still betting it was the former.

I just can't ignore anymore how sources keep saying Dylan was bullying special needs children. They both aren't special innocent angels who were coerced into doing Columbine "BECUZ DA BULYIN ;-;"
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 11:28 pm

Okay, so he is confirmed for having been to Columbine. He just posted this picture as proof.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 11:36 pm

anonacc489 wrote:
Okay, so he is confirmed for having been to Columbine. He just posted this picture as proof.
I've seen Columbine students with 1999 yearbooks sell them on eBay before. Him having a yearbook isn't enough to convince me. Obviously he was referring to Michael Johnson, so why won't he just say who he is? Michael Johnson was only with a few other boys so he'd have to be one of them. And I very rarely (as in never, for me) have seen any surviving students participate in questions and answers and especially on a place like 4chan?

I'm very skeptical when it comes to people claiming to be involved in Columbine because there are so many fans who make stuff up and believe me, some of these hardcore fans would spend a few hundred dollars just to have a yearbook with Dylan and Eric in it.

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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 11:44 pm

Jenn wrote:
anonacc489 wrote:
Okay, so he is confirmed for having been to Columbine. He just posted this picture as proof.
I've seen Columbine students with 1999 yearbooks sell them on eBay before. Him having a yearbook isn't enough to convince me. Obviously he was referring to Michael Johnson, so why won't he just say who he is? Michael Johnson was only with a few other boys so he'd have to be one of them. And I very rarely (as in never, for me) have seen any surviving students participate in questions and answers and especially on a place like 4chan?

I'm very skeptical when it comes to people claiming to be involved in Columbine because there are so many fans who make stuff up and believe me, some of these hardcore fans would spend a few hundred dollars just to have a yearbook with Dylan and Eric in it.

You're right.
He obviously ordered a fake Columbine yearbook off Ebay so he could fake being a Columbine student on 4chan.

Also, the point of 4chan is to stay Anonymous. It's obvious he's trying to keep his name away from the thread. Besides, would you broadcast your name on 4chan of all places? And especially if it's connected to Columbine? He probably wasn't counting on anyone looking too far into it and finding his name though, hence why he neglected posting it.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2016 12:02 am

anonacc489 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
anonacc489 wrote:
Okay, so he is confirmed for having been to Columbine. He just posted this picture as proof.
I've seen Columbine students with 1999 yearbooks sell them on eBay before. Him having a yearbook isn't enough to convince me. Obviously he was referring to Michael Johnson, so why won't he just say who he is? Michael Johnson was only with a few other boys so he'd have to be one of them. And I very rarely (as in never, for me) have seen any surviving students participate in questions and answers and especially on a place like 4chan?

I'm very skeptical when it comes to people claiming to be involved in Columbine because there are so many fans who make stuff up and believe me, some of these hardcore fans would spend a few hundred dollars just to have a yearbook with Dylan and Eric in it.

You're right.
He obviously ordered a fake Columbine yearbook off Ebay so he could fake being a Columbine student on 4chan.

Also, the point of 4chan is to stay Anonymous. It's obvious he's trying to keep his name away from the thread. Besides, would you broadcast your name on 4chan of all places? And especially if it's connected to Columbine? He probably wasn't counting on anyone looking too far into it and finding his name though, hence why he neglected posting it.
I'm not saying the yearbook is fake. It probably is real. What I meant was, I've seen students who had the 1999 yearbook sell their copy of it on eBay because people would spend a lot of money to have one. And there is also the possibility that maybe he did go to Columbine but was he actually a survivor? Who knows. To me it seems like he isn't and is trying to pretend to be someone else because if he giving all this other information, why not just say who he is? Seems a bit odd.

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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2016 12:10 am

PaintItBlack wrote:
The Marjorie girl who was a cheerleader at the school wrote in her book that she saw people slamming into Dylan on purpose in the halls and mocking him and somebody even hit him with a backpack I think it was as they passed buy him.
Yet this guy says the exact opposite?

Sometimes people say Dylan and Eric were doing it, sometimes people say it was happening to them, so I've come to the conclusion that low-key bullying was everywhere at Columbine. My understanding is that in their underclassman years Dylan and Eric were the ones being pushed around and when no one did anything about it, they decided to go on the offensive and tried to make sure everyone knew not to fuck with them.

This article talks about the 1998 senior class athletes whose bad behavior was enabled by the school faculty.

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Here's an excerpt that mentions people being pushed around and other incidents but the whole article is interesting. It also brings up the point that not only were the "jocks" getting away with stuff but even Eric and Dylan got a slap on the wrist for their felony van break-in. No one took anything seriously until the shootings.

Quote :
In Harris and Klebold's junior year, an unlikely challenge arose to the jocks' unchecked power -- from Columbine's social underclass. "All of us outcasts got jealous," recalled junior Pauline Colby.

Just as jocks wore an unofficial uniform to school -- white baseball caps -- the outcasts donned black, most noticeably trench coats. When jocks branded them "the Trenchcoat Mafia," they embraced the name.

In line at registration for new classes that year, football players pushed a 4-foot-9 freshman and called her dirty because she dressed like a hippie. On another occasion a boy called "Little Joey Stair," one of the wraithlike Trenchcoaters who was friends with Harris and Klebold, looked up in a hallway to see three football players shoving him into a locker, saying, "Fag, what are you looking at?" remembered classmate Mikala Scrodin.

"Last year there was a group of seniors who picked on everyone, not just the lowest people. Pretty much everyone was scared to take them on; if anyone said anything, they'd come after you, too. I don't think teachers realized it was serious, they just saw it as kids joking around," said Kevin Hofstra, a Yale-bound soccer team captain.

Hoffschneider's circle -- known as "the steroid poster boys" -- had their cafeteria table. On the other side of the room, shy skinny boys -- among them Harris and Klebold -- claimed a table, too. The athletes threw Skittles candy at them, said senior John Savage. Once, athletes threw a bagel close to the table, and the cafeteria emptied for fear of a fight. In the boys' bathrooms, a graffiti war broke out -- "Jocks rule!" Came the rejoinder: "Jocks suck!"

In the halls, body slams were common. Trenchcoat students got pushed more than most. "A football player reached out and stepped on the cord of one of these girls' Walkmen and it ripped out and fell and broke," remembered Melissa Snow, who graduated in 1998. "She just didn't say anything. For those kinds of kids it's really hard to stand up to a bunch of football players, who are all standing around thinking it's really funny what this guy did to you."

Harris and Klebold absorbed it all. As the year went by, they drifted closer to the Trenchcoaters, but unlike most students, they seemed to take the taunting to heart. "They just let the jocks get to them," Colby said. "I think they were taunted to their limits."

That January, during one of their nocturnal pranks, Harris and Klebold were arrested on juvenile charges of felony burglary for stealing from a van. They got the lightest sentence available: a diversion program, with the charges expunged after 10 months of counseling and community service. In fact, their own light sentence has provoked questions among some parents that school officials were lax not only toward athletes, but toward all sorts of student misbehavior.

Days later, on April 6, Hoffschneider and four other star athletes were arrested for ransacking the Denver apartment of a 22-year-old man, according to court records. The arrests made the papers. Within days, the athletes were back at school. Nine months later they pleaded guilty and got probation.

Something had changed by Harris and Klebold's senior year. What began as rage -- held inside -- turned into a vicious plan of revenge. But if it started with athletes, as it evolved, it morphed into a plot to destroy the entire school.

On April 20, some of the jocks who had tormented Klebold and Harris had already graduated. Hoffschneider had, though his brother was in the cafeteria that day. Among those who died, six were athletes, but none of them was considered among Klebold's or Harris's chief taunters, or among Hoffschneider's crowd. Whether the killers even recognized them as athletes is difficult to know.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2016 12:26 am

anonacc489 wrote:
PaintItBlack wrote:
Marjorie Lindholm , who was a cheerleader at the school wrote in her book that she saw people slamming into Dylan on purpose in the halls and mocking him and somebody even hit him with a backpack I think it was as they passed by him.
Yet this guy says the exact opposite?

Well then obviously both are correct, there is no other answer.

Dylan instigated shit being brought onto him and others did it back to him in retaliation, or, they started on Dylan and Dylan repaid them with the same treatment. I'm still betting it was the former.

I just can't ignore anymore how sources keep saying Dylan was bullying special needs children. They both aren't special innocent angels who were coerced into doing Columbine "BECUZ DA BULYIN ;-;"

I know that bullying wasn't the entire reason this happened. But I do believe that the bullying and ostracizing they suffered was the root of the entire thing.Feel free to disagree as you obviously do.

Last edited by PaintItBlack on Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2016 12:28 am

anonacc489 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
anonacc489 wrote:
Okay, so he is confirmed for having been to Columbine. He just posted this picture as proof.
I've seen Columbine students with 1999 yearbooks sell them on eBay before. Him having a yearbook isn't enough to convince me. Obviously he was referring to Michael Johnson, so why won't he just say who he is? Michael Johnson was only with a few other boys so he'd have to be one of them. And I very rarely (as in never, for me) have seen any surviving students participate in questions and answers and especially on a place like 4chan?

I'm very skeptical when it comes to people claiming to be involved in Columbine because there are so many fans who make stuff up and believe me, some of these hardcore fans would spend a few hundred dollars just to have a yearbook with Dylan and Eric in it.

You're right.
He obviously ordered a fake Columbine yearbook off Ebay so he could fake being a Columbine student on 4chan.

Also, the point of 4chan is to stay Anonymous. It's obvious he's trying to keep his name away from the thread. Besides, would you broadcast your name on 4chan of all places? And especially if it's connected to Columbine? He probably wasn't counting on anyone looking too far into it and finding his name though, hence why he neglected posting it.

Yes, 4chan is about anonymity, which makes it odd that he invited those questions in the first place. He had to know people could figure out who he was claiming to be, even if he didn't mention names. Maybe he wanted to talk about his story because he was an actual survivor, maybe he's just someone who is into Columbine and felt like role playing on an anonymous board. Also, Jenn is right, the yearbooks have been known to be sold online so it's not certain that he attended Columbine High School just because he has one (though if he also had one from other years that he attended, then maybe it would be proof). He didn't have to buy it specifically for this 4chan thread. Maybe he's just another researcher who felt connected to the events and bought a real life memento. Then he only decided later to play around and see if he could convince people that he was there. People make things up constantly on 4chan and the yearbook isn't actual proof.

I'm skeptical because people lie to connect themselves to tragedies like this all the time. Everything he related in his story is available in public records aside from his unverifiable anecdotes about Eric, Dylan and life at Columbine.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2016 1:44 am

sscc wrote:
anonacc489 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
anonacc489 wrote:
Okay, so he is confirmed for having been to Columbine. He just posted this picture as proof.
I've seen Columbine students with 1999 yearbooks sell them on eBay before. Him having a yearbook isn't enough to convince me. Obviously he was referring to Michael Johnson, so why won't he just say who he is? Michael Johnson was only with a few other boys so he'd have to be one of them. And I very rarely (as in never, for me) have seen any surviving students participate in questions and answers and especially on a place like 4chan?

I'm very skeptical when it comes to people claiming to be involved in Columbine because there are so many fans who make stuff up and believe me, some of these hardcore fans would spend a few hundred dollars just to have a yearbook with Dylan and Eric in it.

You're right.
He obviously ordered a fake Columbine yearbook off Ebay so he could fake being a Columbine student on 4chan.

Also, the point of 4chan is to stay Anonymous. It's obvious he's trying to keep his name away from the thread. Besides, would you broadcast your name on 4chan of all places? And especially if it's connected to Columbine? He probably wasn't counting on anyone looking too far into it and finding his name though, hence why he neglected posting it.

Yes, 4chan is about anonymity, which makes it odd that he invited those questions in the first place. He had to know people could figure out who he was claiming to be, even if he didn't mention names. Maybe he wanted to talk about his story because he was an actual survivor, maybe he's just someone who is into Columbine and felt like role playing on an anonymous board.  Also, Jenn is right, the yearbooks have been known to be sold online so it's not certain that he attended Columbine High School just because he has one (though if he also had one from other years that he attended, then maybe it would be proof). He didn't have to buy it specifically for this 4chan thread. Maybe he's just another researcher who felt connected to the events and bought a real life memento. Then he only decided later to play around and see if he could convince people that he was there. People make things up constantly on 4chan and the yearbook isn't actual proof.

I'm skeptical because people lie to connect themselves to tragedies like this all the time. Everything he related in his story is available in public records aside from his unverifiable anecdotes about Eric, Dylan and life at Columbine.

Well you'd still be surprised though.
He probably wasn't counting on his story being seen by anyone outside of 4chan anyway, and it was in a low profile thread anyways. I'm just saying it really is not as far fetched as you are making it out to be.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2016 2:11 am

anonacc489 wrote:
sscc wrote:
anonacc489 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
anonacc489 wrote:
Okay, so he is confirmed for having been to Columbine. He just posted this picture as proof.
I've seen Columbine students with 1999 yearbooks sell them on eBay before. Him having a yearbook isn't enough to convince me. Obviously he was referring to Michael Johnson, so why won't he just say who he is? Michael Johnson was only with a few other boys so he'd have to be one of them. And I very rarely (as in never, for me) have seen any surviving students participate in questions and answers and especially on a place like 4chan?

I'm very skeptical when it comes to people claiming to be involved in Columbine because there are so many fans who make stuff up and believe me, some of these hardcore fans would spend a few hundred dollars just to have a yearbook with Dylan and Eric in it.

You're right.
He obviously ordered a fake Columbine yearbook off Ebay so he could fake being a Columbine student on 4chan.

Also, the point of 4chan is to stay Anonymous. It's obvious he's trying to keep his name away from the thread. Besides, would you broadcast your name on 4chan of all places? And especially if it's connected to Columbine? He probably wasn't counting on anyone looking too far into it and finding his name though, hence why he neglected posting it.

Yes, 4chan is about anonymity, which makes it odd that he invited those questions in the first place. He had to know people could figure out who he was claiming to be, even if he didn't mention names. Maybe he wanted to talk about his story because he was an actual survivor, maybe he's just someone who is into Columbine and felt like role playing on an anonymous board.  Also, Jenn is right, the yearbooks have been known to be sold online so it's not certain that he attended Columbine High School just because he has one (though if he also had one from other years that he attended, then maybe it would be proof). He didn't have to buy it specifically for this 4chan thread. Maybe he's just another researcher who felt connected to the events and bought a real life memento. Then he only decided later to play around and see if he could convince people that he was there. People make things up constantly on 4chan and the yearbook isn't actual proof.

I'm skeptical because people lie to connect themselves to tragedies like this all the time. Everything he related in his story is available in public records aside from his unverifiable anecdotes about Eric, Dylan and life at Columbine.

Well you'd still be surprised though.
He probably wasn't counting on his story being seen by anyone outside of 4chan anyway, and it was in a low profile thread anyways. I'm just saying it really is not as far fetched as you are making it out to be.

I don't think it's far fetched. I just have no real reason to believe it's true.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2016 2:24 am

I don't think it's true.
/k/ is full of bs.
also,when the BT searching group became a thing,why he didnt post anything on /b/?
no ones browses the chon without at least visiting /b/ sometimes.
even I,who started browsing /b/ first and expanded my lurk 'n' posting to other boards,still check on /b/ a lot.

'Life is on the wire.The rest is waiting.'

I'll take your brain to another dimension
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2016 4:13 am

Even if it is true, which I doubt it is, he really shouldn't post things like that: 'they handed out reasons to get picked on' What kind of comment is that? Does anyone really deserve to be bullied ? He needs to have some respect. I'm not defending E&D but what a ignorant and misguided comment.

That school was seriously full of some messed
up people.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2016 6:23 am

Belladonna wrote:
Even if it is true, which I doubt it is, he really shouldn't post things like that: 'they handed out reasons to get picked on' What kind of comment is that? Does anyone really deserve to be bullied ? He needs to have some respect. I'm not defending E&D but what a ignorant and misguided comment.

That school was seriously full of some messed
up people.

None more so than Eric & Dylan.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2016 9:15 am

Radioactive_Clothing wrote:

None more so than Eric & Dylan.

I won't argue that. And I definitely believe they were bullies themselves, they say hate breeds hate but not every bullied kid becomes a bully themselves... Another reason why Columbine seemed to be a pretty messed up school.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2016 10:10 am

I believe the story. He wasn't posting in a Columbine thread. You don't spend hundreds on a Columbine yearbook and then wait around for someone to ask you a question so you can impersonate Denny Rowe. His story checks out 100% too. His observations about Michael Johnson were probably not what he saw at the time but what Johnson told him later.

Two interesting pieces of info: was Dylan intentionally firing away from this group so as not to hit them? How else could he have missed them so badly?

Rowe tells us what Langman argues and the 11k confirms--Dylan dished out a huge amount of bullying to other students, which was the dominant factor in the bullying he received.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2016 10:11 am

By the way fantastic find by anonacc489 to bring some real info to the board.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2016 6:25 pm

lasttrain wrote:
By the way fantastic find by anonacc489 to bring some real info to the board.

I thought you didn't like to believe anonymous internet handles without proof to back it up? I guess it depends on what they're saying.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2016 7:22 pm

sscc wrote:
lasttrain wrote:
By the way fantastic find by anonacc489 to bring some real info to the board.

I thought you didn't like to believe anonymous internet handles without proof to back it up? I guess it depends on what they're saying.

There is proof in this instance--a picture of a high school annual from Columbine Class of '99.

Yes, someone could buy an annual online. But this poster was not bragging about his association with Columbine. He only spoke and produced the proof when asked and prodded.

Most people who spent hundreds on an annual for the purposes of false impersonation would not sit around a Tec-9 discussion thread waiting for years for someone to randomly ask them if they went to Columbine.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2016 8:13 pm

Yes, it's so hard to believe that someone would spend hundreds of dollars on a Columbine yearbook with Dylan and Eric in it when fans have spent much more on permanent tattoos, clothes to look like the killers, all kinds of accessories with Dylan and Eric on them including necklaces, clothing, bedding and even going as far as buying Dylan's car.

It's hilarious how much hypocrisy and cherry picking I see from you, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. I am starting to have serious doubts that you are seriously interested in Columbine and I am starting to think your whole purpose for even posting here is to mock the members on this board.

You are constantly pushing the 'Dave Cullen's book should be taken as gospel because he got just about everything right'. Uh...OK? Everyone and anyone knows that Cullen's book is a bunch of lies with a little bit of the story mixed in. You also likes to push the 'Well the doctors said it so it must be true". No 'doctor' can make an accurate diagnosis using only a dead person's journal and we all know that is exactly where the 'Eric is a psychopath' theory came from.

And now we have this ridiculous story (on 4chan of all places) of a person who is saying they went to Columbine and we are to believe them because they have a photo of a yearbook that they could've gotten from anywhere and a word for word description of what happened with Michael Johnson that sounds just like what the author wrote on acolumbinesite. We're to believe this 'story' from a person who will not identify themselves and says we should take everything they say with a grain of salt? If that doesn't scream 'I'm lying' then I don't what does.

And of course this person is going to be prodded when they're claiming to have been there. If everyone who said they were there or said they knew Dylan and Eric were actually telling the truth, the whole damn state of Colorado would have been there or spoke to Dylan and Eric at some point in their lives. And how ironic that this person telling the story just so happened to 'sit' with Dylan and Eric at lunch.

I don't buy one word of this story. And I'm betting the reason they won't tell us which person they are is because then, someone could inform the real person that they are pretending to be. Why else not just say 'I am so and so'.

Yea, exactly.

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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2016 8:19 pm

The people who get tattoos, buy annuals, take tours of their houses are always seeking attention pertaining to Columbine. They don't wait for someone to ask them a question in an unrelated forum.

This poster on 4chan was different. He was posting in a non-Columbine discussion and did not volunteer his affiliation until asked. He also did not volunteer the evidence until later. He wasn't trying to garner attention, just responding to questions. But then when challenged he backed it up with real evidence.

The reason he didn't post his name is obvious. He does not want people to google his name and find him actively discussing the issue. It's easy to understand why he would not want that. Imagine dating, applying for jobs, doing all the things a 35 year-old would do but then having people find an active thread with you posting about a massacre. Probably an association he wants to leave behind.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2016 8:21 pm

anonacc489 wrote:

He probably wasn't counting on his story being seen by anyone outside of 4chan anyway, and it was in a low profile thread anyways. I'm just saying it really is not as far fetched as you are making it out to be.

Could you invite him here to do an AMA?

I would love to have some first-hand perspective on these events. I would especially like to know if he saw what they were doing right before they started shooting.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 25, 2016 1:34 am

lasttrain wrote:
anonacc489 wrote:

He probably wasn't counting on his story being seen by anyone outside of 4chan anyway, and it was in a low profile thread anyways. I'm just saying it really is not as far fetched as you are making it out to be.

Could you invite him here to do an AMA?

I would love to have some first-hand perspective on these events.  I would especially like to know if he saw what they were doing right before they started shooting.

Well, not sure if you know it, but 4chan is an Anonymous image board. Sure, you can use usernames(or tripcodes)but posters who use it are frowned upon because they like to stick to the Anonymity for the most part.

The likelihood of coming across that Anon again on /k/ is very very small, as is convincing him to come here of all places to discuss things. I feel like he gave as much as information as he could.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 25, 2016 1:36 am

Jenn wrote:
Yes, it's so hard to believe that someone would spend hundreds of dollars on a Columbine yearbook with Dylan and Eric in it when fans have spent much more on permanent tattoos, clothes to look like the killers, all kinds of accessories with Dylan and Eric on them including necklaces, clothing, bedding and even going as far as buying Dylan's car.

It's hilarious how much hypocrisy and cherry picking I see from you, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. I am starting to have serious doubts that you are seriously interested in Columbine and I am starting to think your whole purpose for even posting here is to mock the members on this board.

You are constantly pushing the 'Dave Cullen's book should be taken as gospel because he got just about everything right'. Uh...OK? Everyone and anyone knows that Cullen's book is a bunch of lies with a little bit of the story mixed in. You also likes to push the 'Well the doctors said it so it must be true". No 'doctor' can make an accurate diagnosis using only a dead person's journal and we all know that is exactly where the 'Eric is a psychopath' theory came from.

And now we have this ridiculous story (on 4chan of all places) of a person who is saying they went to Columbine and we are to believe them because they have a photo of a yearbook that they could've gotten from anywhere and a word for word description of what happened with Michael Johnson that sounds just like what the author wrote on acolumbinesite. We're to believe this 'story' from a person who will not identify themselves and says we should take everything they say with a grain of salt? If that doesn't scream 'I'm lying' then I don't what does.

And of course this person is going to be prodded when they're claiming to have been there. If everyone who said they were there or said they knew Dylan and Eric were actually telling the truth, the whole damn state of Colorado would have been there or spoke to Dylan and Eric at some point in their lives. And how ironic that this person telling the story just so happened to 'sit' with Dylan and Eric at lunch.

I don't buy one word of this story. And I'm betting the reason they won't tell us which person they are is because then, someone could inform the real person that they are pretending to be. Why else not just say 'I am so and so'.

Yea, exactly.

...I think you're reading into this a liiiiitttlleee bit too far.
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 25, 2016 2:21 am

anonacc489 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
Yes, it's so hard to believe that someone would spend hundreds of dollars on a Columbine yearbook with Dylan and Eric in it when fans have spent much more on permanent tattoos, clothes to look like the killers, all kinds of accessories with Dylan and Eric on them including necklaces, clothing, bedding and even going as far as buying Dylan's car.

It's hilarious how much hypocrisy and cherry picking I see from you, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. I am starting to have serious doubts that you are seriously interested in Columbine and I am starting to think your whole purpose for even posting here is to mock the members on this board.

You are constantly pushing the 'Dave Cullen's book should be taken as gospel because he got just about everything right'. Uh...OK? Everyone and anyone knows that Cullen's book is a bunch of lies with a little bit of the story mixed in. You also likes to push the 'Well the doctors said it so it must be true". No 'doctor' can make an accurate diagnosis using only a dead person's journal and we all know that is exactly where the 'Eric is a psychopath' theory came from.

And now we have this ridiculous story (on 4chan of all places) of a person who is saying they went to Columbine and we are to believe them because they have a photo of a yearbook that they could've gotten from anywhere and a word for word description of what happened with Michael Johnson that sounds just like what the author wrote on acolumbinesite. We're to believe this 'story' from a person who will not identify themselves and says we should take everything they say with a grain of salt? If that doesn't scream 'I'm lying' then I don't what does.

And of course this person is going to be prodded when they're claiming to have been there. If everyone who said they were there or said they knew Dylan and Eric were actually telling the truth, the whole damn state of Colorado would have been there or spoke to Dylan and Eric at some point in their lives. And how ironic that this person telling the story just so happened to 'sit' with Dylan and Eric at lunch.

I don't buy one word of this story. And I'm betting the reason they won't tell us which person they are is because then, someone could inform the real person that they are pretending to be. Why else not just say 'I am so and so'.

Yea, exactly.

...I think you're reading into this a liiiiitttlleee bit too far.
Why? Because I'm not like you and take the word of people on an anonymity board who claim to have been at Columbine and the only thing they have backing it up is a picture of a yearbook and a story that sounds like it came word for word from acolumbinesite. Lol, OK.

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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 25, 2016 2:23 am

PS - And if you don't want people 'taking it too far' and discussing it, then why even post it on a Columbine message board in the first place?

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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 25, 2016 2:47 am

Jenn wrote:
anonacc489 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
Yes, it's so hard to believe that someone would spend hundreds of dollars on a Columbine yearbook with Dylan and Eric in it when fans have spent much more on permanent tattoos, clothes to look like the killers, all kinds of accessories with Dylan and Eric on them including necklaces, clothing, bedding and even going as far as buying Dylan's car.

It's hilarious how much hypocrisy and cherry picking I see from you, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. I am starting to have serious doubts that you are seriously interested in Columbine and I am starting to think your whole purpose for even posting here is to mock the members on this board.

You are constantly pushing the 'Dave Cullen's book should be taken as gospel because he got just about everything right'. Uh...OK? Everyone and anyone knows that Cullen's book is a bunch of lies with a little bit of the story mixed in. You also likes to push the 'Well the doctors said it so it must be true". No 'doctor' can make an accurate diagnosis using only a dead person's journal and we all know that is exactly where the 'Eric is a psychopath' theory came from.

And now we have this ridiculous story (on 4chan of all places) of a person who is saying they went to Columbine and we are to believe them because they have a photo of a yearbook that they could've gotten from anywhere and a word for word description of what happened with Michael Johnson that sounds just like what the author wrote on acolumbinesite. We're to believe this 'story' from a person who will not identify themselves and says we should take everything they say with a grain of salt? If that doesn't scream 'I'm lying' then I don't what does.

And of course this person is going to be prodded when they're claiming to have been there. If everyone who said they were there or said they knew Dylan and Eric were actually telling the truth, the whole damn state of Colorado would have been there or spoke to Dylan and Eric at some point in their lives. And how ironic that this person telling the story just so happened to 'sit' with Dylan and Eric at lunch.

I don't buy one word of this story. And I'm betting the reason they won't tell us which person they are is because then, someone could inform the real person that they are pretending to be. Why else not just say 'I am so and so'.

Yea, exactly.

...I think you're reading into this a liiiiitttlleee bit too far.
Why? Because I'm not like you and take the word of people on an anonymity board who claim to have been at Columbine and the only thing they have backing it up is a picture of a yearbook and a story that sounds like it came word for word from acolumbinesite. Lol, OK.

You're trying to make this sound like some big giant conspiracy though.

Like, I know that Columbine was/is a big event, but with all due respect, and I don't mean to come off as a jagoff, do you think its really THAT likely that someone bought a Columbine yearbook off Ebay for a bunch of money, and then went on /k/ and looked for threads where he could go "hey i got shot at at coplumbine :^) here pic" for jollies? And like I said and that other dude here said - he only posted the pictures and proof when asked. He didn't act all in your face over it.

Oh and by the way

Jenn wrote:
'taking it too far'

anonacc489 wrote:
'...I think you're reading into this a liiiiitttlleee bit too far.'

Taking something too far =/= Reading too far into something
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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 25, 2016 3:11 am

anonacc489 wrote:
You're trying to make this sound like some big giant conspiracy though.
A conspiracy, no? Doubting yet another anonymous person on the internet claiming to have talked to Dylan and/or Eric and was at Columbine, yes.
anonacc489 wrote:
I don't mean to come off as a jagoff
A bit too late for that. Your sarcasm and belittling already makes you come off as one.
anonacc489 wrote:
do you think its really THAT likely that someone bought a Columbine yearbook off Ebay for a bunch of money, and then went on /k/ and looked for threads where he could go "hey i got shot at at coplumbine :^) here pic" for jollies? And like I said and that other dude here said - he only posted the pictures and proof when asked. He didn't act all in your face over it.
Do I think someone would pay a bunch of money for a yearbook? Yes. Did I say that their sole purpose was to troll 4chan? No, I didn't. I never once implied or said that they bought it just to sit and wait for a thread to pop up where they could use. I was making a point that a yearbook is hardly proof of anything because 1. Over 2000 other students in that school have the same exact yearbook and 2. They could have gotten the yearbook somewhere else. I'm sorry but a picture of a yearbook sitting on a desk hardly proves this person was not only at Columbine and was in the middle of the shooting as it was going on but just so happened to know Dylan and Eric too? And to top it off they are scrolling through a thread that has to do with the same kind of gun that Dylan was using? Nah, that doesn't come off fanish at all, does it?

Oh, and by the way, I'd appreciate it if you left the moderating of the threads on this forum to the Administrators and Moderators. They will decide whether or not a thread does or doesn't belong on this forum.

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A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan   A Columbine survivor posted in a thread on /k/ with info on Dylan Icon_minitimeFri Mar 25, 2016 1:36 pm

Jenn wrote:
anonacc489 wrote:
You're trying to make this sound like some big giant conspiracy though.
A conspiracy, no? Doubting yet another anonymous person on the internet claiming to have talked to Dylan and/or Eric and was at Columbine, yes.
anonacc489 wrote:
I don't mean to come off as a jagoff
A bit too late for that. Your sarcasm and belittling already makes you come off as one.
anonacc489 wrote:
do you think its really THAT likely that someone bought a Columbine yearbook off Ebay for a bunch of money, and then went on /k/ and looked for threads where he could go "hey i got shot at at coplumbine :^) here pic" for jollies? And like I said and that other dude here said - he only posted the pictures and proof when asked. He didn't act all in your face over it.
Do I think someone would pay a bunch of money for a yearbook? Yes. Did I say that their sole purpose was to troll 4chan? No, I didn't. I never once implied or said that they bought it just to sit and wait for a thread to pop up where they could use. I was making a point that a yearbook is hardly proof of anything because 1. Over 2000 other students in that school have the same exact yearbook and 2. They could have gotten the yearbook somewhere else. I'm sorry but a picture of a yearbook sitting on a desk hardly proves this person was not only at Columbine and was in the middle of the shooting as it was going on but just so happened to know Dylan and Eric too? And to top it off they are scrolling through a thread that has to do with the same kind of gun that Dylan was using? Nah, that doesn't come off fanish at all, does it?

Oh, and by the way, I'd appreciate it if you left the moderating of the threads on this forum to the Administrators and Moderators. They will decide whether or not a thread does or doesn't belong on this forum.

Okay obviously we're both completely split on this, and if it(the argument)doesn't end it's just going to go on forever. I bow out of this thread/argument. I apologize for any inconvenience.
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