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 Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member

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PostSubject: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 12:20 am

No, that's not an excuse for what they did. But I'm posting this here because I went through this too and it's simply awful.No school employee who is almost always an adult,has the right to bully students, even if they are seen as outcasts or troublemakers or whatever.If you can't restrain yourself from bullying students, you have no business working at a school at any job.

Her statement

Mollie Weksler was a senior at Columbine High School at the time of the shooting.

Mollie said she had her third hour with Dylan Klebold. She said that although Eric Harris was not in this class, he would come in all the time anyway to see Dylan Klebold.
Mollie said that Eric Harris would always wear a white shirt, black baseball cap, black Army type of cargo pants, a black belt, and black Army style boots that we would tuck his pants into and blouse. Mollie said she never saw Eric wear a trench coat. Mollie said Dylan Klebold would dress in the same manner as Eric Harris but he would wear a trench coat and sometimes would wear a black bandana over his head.
Mollie stated she had seen Columbine High School teachers pick on Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris unjustifiably. She said: “You know, you could always tell who were the teachers favorites in class, and Dylan and Eric were not one of their favorites.”
She said there was a female employee of Columbine High School who ran the computer lab, but was not a teacher. Mollie said this female picked on Dylan and Eric unjustifiably. Mollie when this occurred, Dylan and Eric would glare at this female, however, they would not say anything out loud back to her. Mollie said that she didn’t see the jocks pick on the Trench Coat Mafia except to talk about them behind their back, but said the jocks would not talk to the Trench Coat Mafia students either.
Mollie said she did know Brooks Brown and described him as “friendly but strange” with a “short temper”. She also told that Brooks Brown was very angry with the way Columbine High School had treated him and she also said that Brooks had been picked on by the jocks, but as far as she knew, their harassment towards Brooks was verbal harassment only and not physical assaults.

Mollie said about one and half to two weeks before the 1999 Columbine High School prom. Eric Harris come up to her and asked to go ask a female student by the name of Brandi Tinklenberg is she would go to the Prom with him. Mollie said when she went up and asked Brandi for Eric he was watching her do this. **Mollie* said Brandi looked at Eric Harris then shook her head no, indicating to Mollie that she would not go to the Prom with Eric. Mollie said that Eric saw Brandi shake her head no, was very upset about being turned down. She said that Eric would not talk to Brandi after this and in fact would not look at her. Mollie also said that Eric later told her he could believe that Brandi would not go to the Prom with him. Mollie said after Brandi turned hi down for a Prom date, she heard that Eric had asked another female student by the name of Sabrina Cooley to go to the Prom with him, however, she had also turned him down.
Mollie said her father was a military helicopter pilot in Vietnam. She stated at the end of 1998 Columbine High School year, her father went to the school and talked to some students about his experiences in Vietnam and flying helicopters, etc. She said Eric was one of the students that her dad talked to and later said that Eric was very interested in the weaponry used on the helicopter and in the Vietnam war, etc

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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 8:36 am

Very interesting! Thanks for posting!

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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 8:48 am

Interesting indeed. Particularly regarding the staff members, although all she says is that they weren't some teachers favourites. You'd think teachers picking on certain students happens in a lot of schools, but that doesn't make it excusable. There is nothing worse than a teacher singling you out in front of a class time and time again.

Last edited by Hectic on Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 10:30 am

Hectic,I posted this because of two lines in it.

Mollie said this female picked on Dylan and Eric unjustifiably.

Mollie stated she had seen Columbine High School teachers pick on Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris unjustifiably.

I take that to me it was more than just not being favorites in the class.
A teacher picking on you or sitting there laughing while others do is one of the worst feelings you can have in school.
This person, this adult or adults who is supposed to look out for you and protect is is actively causing you more humiliation. You know then that nobody in the school is going to help you.You know there is nobody to turn to.

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 12:34 pm

Or maybe the teachers had a go at them because Eric was sitting talking to Dylan in a class that he wasn't meant to be in?

I don't know about you, but I'd be pissed off if I was a teacher at the lack of respect they were showing me and rightly would get them told.
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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 12:57 pm

It sounds like the article is saying that random teachers picked on Eric and Dylan, not necessarily the teacher that taught the class Eric wasn't suppose to be in .  Also, the lady who ran the computer lab picked on them and wasn't actually a teacher. Either way, an adult who is in a position of authority should not be "picking" on a teenager.....or anyone for that matter. Sounds like the bullying mentality was pretty widespread throughout Columbine in both students and staff (including Eric and Dylan).
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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 1:01 pm

Absolutely, I agree that teachers shouldn't be picking on any student.

I get the impression Eric and Dylan (particularly Dylan) could be real jerks when they wanted to be. Anyone with a bad attitude like Dylan's towards teachers (swearing, glaring, sleeping in class) deserve to be in trouble (not picked on).
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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 5:51 pm

PaintItBlack wrote:
Hectic,I posted this because of two lines in it.

Mollie said this female picked on Dylan and Eric unjustifiably.

Mollie stated she had seen Columbine High School teachers pick on Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris unjustifiably.

I take that to me it was more than just not being favorites in the class.
A teacher picking on you or sitting there laughing while others do is one of the worst feelings you can have in school.
This person, this adult or adults who is supposed to look out for you and protect is is actively causing you more humiliation. You know then that nobody in the school is going to help you.You know there is nobody to turn to.

Teachers joined in with students in harassing and humiliating me while I was at my first high school. Constantly. Until I got myself on a year long waiting list at a brand new high school, and then when I knew I was officially accepted as a student there, I simply up and quit the first hellhole.

This is the only reason I graduated 2 years later than my "peers".

I never stayed back/I was never kept back.

I always had excellent-to-very good grades.

I just couldn't tolerate the abuse and "turning of blind eyes" by essentially everyone there, including the superintendent, who I had to have a meeting with.

I requested the meeting with him of my own volition, and it was the result of what was my personal "final straw" with the faculty in that school.

For my entire tenure there, students endlessly harassed, slandered, bullied, sabotaged, and attacked me.

Teachers did NOTHING about this, and many joined in or blatantly told me it was my own fault "because I chose to be a weirdo and not conform" and because I "looked like a whore.".

Can you imagine an adult saying that to you between the ages of 14-17?

And even though this is irrelevant in the context of this issue, can you imagine it when you're an overall loner who doesn't really talk to anyone, and also a virgin (by choice)?

I had steady boyfriends during those years, but I was a virgin. It was very, very important to me to maintain that part of myself.

Yet, I dressed how I pleased; in clothes that I liked, and I guess boys found me attractive, so, I was ganged up on and harassed, attacked, accosted, ostracized, slandered, and humiliated every single day until I left.

I had another teacher say something similar to me during the beginning of my senior year. Right in front of his entire class.

One of my teachers had assigned me to pass out the attendance lists to every classroom each morning. If a class was in session, I was to slide it under the door. If a class wasn't yet in session, I was to walk into the classroom and place it in the hands of the teacher, or put it in the center of their desk.

I went to this particular classroom, and the class was a few minutes away from starting, so the door was still open.

So I walked in and handed the teacher the list.

He said, and I quote: "I really don't want you coming into my classroom. I want you to stay the fuck away from my students. In fact, I'd like you to stay the hell away from this corner of the building. You look like a dirty slut, and you disrupt my class. Get out of here."

Then I had an English teacher during my senior year who also didn't like me.

I was the only girl in her class.

I used to sit with a friend of mine, because the seating arrangements were literal desks for 2, and you were supposed to choose a partner for the semester to work on assignments with.

Again, all of the students in this class, aside from me, were all boys.

So, one day I raised my hand to tell her I was ready for a test.

She had given us an assignment the previous Friday that was due 3 weeks from that day; including the test for it. And I had read all of the materials over the weekend and was ready for the test that Monday.

It took me 3 days, not 3 weeks.

So, I raised my hand to let her know I was ready for the test.

She rolled her eyes and said "What is it?!!".

I told her I had read the book, and the other packets over the weekend, because I enjoy reading, and that I was ready to take the test.

Do you know what she said to me?

She said: " Does your mother know you leave for school looking like a whore every day?"

I repeated "Mrs. Nicholson, I've completed the assignment almost 3 weeks early, and I'm ready for the test. May I please have the pass to go to the testing center?"

"You like being a smartass and ignoring your elders, don't you?" she said. "You didn't answer me. Does your mother let you leave the house looking like a tramp, or do you sneak and do it because she's not home in the morning?"

I asked her one more time for the testing pass, and she gave it to me with a horrific attitude, and continued to insult my appearance as I walked out the door to the testing center.

I finished my test and walked to the office, and asked one of the deans/assistant principals if I could speak to the superintendent, and they set up an appointment for me.

When I spoke to the superintendent a few days later, he danced around what I told him, and told me I was misinterpreting the miserable teachers in question, and that I was probably being retaliatory due to poor grades.

When I reiterated that I was ahead of the other students in my English class (the class the nasty bitch was teaching), and that I wasn't even part of the class where the other asshole had insulted me, he told me again that I was being overly sensitive; possibly even lying, and that "being so eccentric and provocative with my attire" that I "probably brought all of it on" myself "if it's even true to begin with."

I contacted my friend who had enrolled at the new high school and got the information for enrolling. I did it, waited for the results, and when I was accepted, I just never showed up to that other shithole ever again.

At my new school, I graduated with honors in accelerated classes, and I received a partial scholarship for college. I also got a job at a radio station through this new school. That had been my dream since I was a child. And while it didn't pay well (and never did), I maintained employment in that field for over 12 years.

So, something good came out of my 4 years of abuse in that dump known as my first high school.

And that is: It forced me to leave and go to this new school, and all of those wonderful things happened for me in the end.

I never went through the horror that your friend did, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], but believe me when I tell you, I DO know what it's like to deal with this from almost everyone in your school, including the faculty, who are supposed to guide you, teach you, and do what is needed within their jurisdiction to protect you, or to contact those who can protect you.

I know this happens, and I have no doubt whatsoever that it happened at Columbine high school, and I'd bet the damn bank that it still occurs to this day.
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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 6:36 pm

This kinda surprises me. I assumed since Columbine was a big school the teachers wouldn't take the time to get close to certain students.

I went to a small high school in a small town and most of the teachers went to high school with the students parents or taught students siblings and teacher favoritism was horrible. Kids who didn't have any connection to the school would get in trouble for small things while other students would act out in class and the teacher would let it slide because they were friends with their parents. It sucked.

I remember one time this kid was getting picked on in gym class and the teacher watched and laughed because he was related to the kid picking on the other student. I'm actually surprised no one tried shooting or stabbing anyone at my school.

So I can totally see Eric and Dylan being pushed over the edge being picked on by students AND teachers. Also the principal rubs me the wrong way... He totally reminds me of the principal I had.
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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 6:55 pm

Ayy , this is off-topic but i'll join in with some of my own stuff I went through in HS, hopefully people don't mind . I remember a few things off the top of my head among hundreds that happened:

I used to be the loser of the class and sadly in high school i got into a class with a few of my grades 5-8 tormentors. Talk about luck :

1. Since I was shy and introverted I didn't speak to anybody because I didn't have anything to talk about with them. At one point in grade 12 I believe I became so... numb (let's say) that I completely stopped taking care of myself (hygene). I was @ the first table in the row next to the windows and all the kids 2 desks behind me would move because I was basically filthy and you know what I mean by that. I simply stopped caring and no one ever came to ask me if anything was wrong (not even the second and only loser beside me in the class).
2. Got literally kicked in the ass by a popular girl in the hallway with everyone staring and laughing.
3. Two guys passed me in the hallway and said "you're a monster" (they meant ugly by that).
4. Once I think a few in the class ganged up on me in grade 5-8 , can't remember which, and surrounded me (while i was sitting down) and started throwing chalk and that sponge you clean the board with. It took all my courage to get up and go to the HS teacher office in that recess. Since I was very scared and shy by nature, I entered the teacher room (there were like 5+ in there) and I started mumbling something and one teacher spoke and this is what she said : "Come on , L. , can't you speak a proper sentence?" . After that, of course, I lost all my will to do anything.
5. Grade 12 I started sleeping in class any chance I got. Recess, during class , it didn't matter. One of the bullies would come and pound on my desk or pick it up while I had my head down and slam it. I just put my head down again to sleep. I was past feeling alive, you could've brought a gun and try to kill me and I probably would just get scared but relieved it was over. Since grade 5 I pretty much lost that enthusiasm for life and that persists to this day.
6. Got slapped by an asskisser of the bullies for daring to keep the window open (it was spring and hot outside and it was recess). I called him out in front of everyone that was in class saying he's only doing this to impress people. He got so mad his face turned red as a tomato and slapped me. Too bad I didn't beat him up. But I didn't want to get expelled and upset my parents. So I never did anything.
Now , I'm not excusing anybody, but I'll be clear on one thing : happy people don't kill people (barring severely mentally ill individuals).
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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2016 8:57 pm

Some of these stories are just plain awful. I do understand what it's like to be bullied as my ex used to bully me so badly that he threatened to cut all my hair off while I was sleeping, picked my cat up by his tail and told me he hoped I would drive my car off a bridge and die. He called me every name you could think of including telling me the best part of me ran down my Father's leg. It was the verbal and mental abuse he put me through that got me into Columbine in the first place. Reading about Columbine actually helped me to finally leave him because in my case, it was probably myself I would have ended up killing, not him or anyone else. And Columbine also brought me to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and he really is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

As for high school, these stories make me appreciate my high school experience. I was never bullied or made fun of. The teachers, from what I could see, never picked on the students and they took discipline seriously and the principal was a really nice and decent guy who treated people fairly. I attended the same school district the entire time I was in school and sure I had fights and disagreements with people but I was never harassed or picked on. It wasn't until much later in life that I knew what it felt like to be bullied.

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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeTue Apr 05, 2016 1:31 am

I was bullied by students but never teachers.  Teachers tended to like me or tolerate me because I never said much of anything. I never got into trouble because I never did anything besides sit and do work.  There were definitely teachers who I disliked, though.
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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2016 9:39 am

I can remember one horrible incident in which a teacher singled me out back in school. A few minutes into the class, I guess because I wasn't doing to well at the subject he asked me if I'd done my homework really loudly, I said yes but he still grabbed my copy book and started running through the pages. He couldn't seem to find where I did my work, so he then started shouting ''you barely scrapped a pass in your last test''. Now I was very quiet, but spoke up for myself if I needed to., so started to say ''sir if you keep checking you will see I did my work and he then shouted ''shut up'', before basically throwing my copy book back on my desk. I was humiliated and was being bullied by students around that time so it didn't help.
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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeSat Apr 09, 2016 3:45 am

Pretty sure the "teacher" she spoke was of Peggy Dodd. Dylan called her a bitch a few weeks before the shooting
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PostSubject: Re: Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member   Student Mollie Wesker says E &D were bullied by teachers and staff member Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2020 4:23 pm

PaintItBlack wrote:
No, that's not an excuse for what they did. But I'm posting this here because I went through this too and it's simply awful.No school employee who is almost always an adult,has the right to bully students, even if they are seen as outcasts or troublemakers or whatever.If you can't restrain yourself from bullying students, you have no business working at a school at any job.

Her statement

Mollie Weksler was a senior at Columbine High School at the time of the shooting.

Mollie said she had her third hour with Dylan Klebold. She said that although Eric Harris was not in this class, he would come in all the time anyway to see Dylan Klebold.
Mollie said that Eric Harris would always wear a white shirt, black baseball cap, black Army type of cargo pants, a black belt, and black Army style boots that we would tuck his pants into and blouse. Mollie said she never saw Eric wear a trench coat. Mollie said Dylan Klebold would dress in the same manner as Eric Harris but he would wear a trench coat and sometimes would wear a black bandana over his head.
Mollie stated she had seen Columbine High School teachers pick on Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris unjustifiably. She said: “You know, you could always tell who were the teachers favorites in class, and Dylan and Eric were not one of their favorites.”
She said there was a female employee of Columbine High School who ran the computer lab, but was not a teacher. Mollie said this female picked on Dylan and Eric unjustifiably. Mollie when this occurred, Dylan and Eric would glare at this female, however, they would not say anything out loud back to her. Mollie said that she didn’t see the jocks pick on the Trench Coat Mafia except to talk about them behind their back, but said the jocks would not talk to the Trench Coat Mafia students either.
Mollie said she did know Brooks Brown and described him as “friendly but strange” with a “short temper”. She also told that Brooks Brown was very angry with the way Columbine High School had treated him and she also said that Brooks had been picked on by the jocks, but as far as she knew, their harassment towards Brooks was verbal harassment only and not physical assaults.

Mollie said about one and half to two weeks before the 1999 Columbine High School prom. Eric Harris come up to her and asked to go ask a female student by the name of Brandi Tinklenberg is she would go to the Prom with him. Mollie said when she went up and asked Brandi for Eric he was watching her do this. **Mollie* said Brandi looked at Eric Harris then shook her head no, indicating to Mollie that she would not go to the Prom with Eric. Mollie said that Eric saw Brandi shake her head no, was very upset about being turned down. She said that Eric would not talk to Brandi after this and in fact would not look at her. Mollie also said that Eric later told her he could believe that Brandi would not go to the Prom with him. Mollie said after Brandi turned hi down for a Prom date, she heard that Eric had asked another female student by the name of Sabrina Cooley to go to the Prom with him, however, she had also turned him down.
Mollie said her father was a military helicopter pilot in Vietnam. She stated at the end of 1998 Columbine High School year, her father went to the school and talked to some students about his experiences in Vietnam and flying helicopters, etc. She said Eric was one of the students that her dad talked to and later said that Eric was very interested in the weaponry used on the helicopter and in the Vietnam war, etc

Is this from the 11K?
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