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 People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong.

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People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Empty
PostSubject: People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong.   People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 1:04 pm

Michael Moore: If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine or the people in that community, what would you say to them if they were here right now?

Marilyn Manson: I wouldn't say a single word to them I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did.

People often use Manson's quote to talk about how no one listened to Eric and Dylan. Sirs and madams, he's not talking about Eric and Dylan. Just thought I'd clear that up.
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People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Empty
PostSubject: Re: People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong.   People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 2:02 pm

"to the kids at Columbine"

To be fair, Manson may have thought that meant E/D.

"I wouldn't say a single word to them I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did."

His answer sounds like it may have been meant for E/D. Nevertheless it is debatable and you make an excellent point in bringing this up. Too bad Manson's not an easy person for us plebs to get in contact with. Sad
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People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Empty
PostSubject: Re: People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong.   People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 2:07 pm

How do you know he wasn't referring to Dylan and Eric? He could have been.

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Dignified and true
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As you'd have done to you”
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People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Empty
PostSubject: Re: People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong.   People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 2:21 pm

Who do you think he was referring to? I think all the evidence points towards the fact that he WAS referring to me Eric and Dylan, especially the letter he penned to Time magazine.
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People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Empty
PostSubject: Re: People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong.   People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 3:12 pm

Er, Manson was asked what he would say to "the kids at Columbine or the people in that community." Seems pretty clear cut to me.
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People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Empty
PostSubject: Re: People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong.   People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 5:10 pm

I'm going to go a wee bit off topic here in regards to the MM quote..

If Marilyn Manson was referring to just listening to E & D as oppose to coming at them from an authority level, I'm not so sure that would've made that much of a difference either. I mean, yeah sure, maaaaybe because they would've had "Marilyn Manson's" ear. Then again, they called MM gay, so, who knows..


Eric and Dylan had school counselors, and I'm guessing they intentionally chose not to spill their guts. I guess they would've thought the counselors are too close to school authority to even consider speaking on a personal level. Eric had a psychiatrist for christsakes. That's about as personal and patient/doctor confessional as you can get. But I'm guessing Eric was careful what he revealed in those sessions too (although will never known since Albert has sealed his lips).

Then there's the recent post from Chris Lau at Blackjacks on this board (which was, I guess, from the original forum). Lau saw E & D running in BJ's all flustered upon occasion after having been pursued or bullied by some jocks and Lau did try to prod them to confess to him, to get them to open up about it, but they really didn't want to reveal too much. Also, the guy before Lau (can't recall his name), Eric and Dylan liked a lot and probably didn't view him as an authority or threat. He was no role model which is why they dug him - still, if they ever alluded to anything or said anything about their problems, nothing happened.

The two were determined to keep it all to themselves when given the chance to pour their guts to others. They were determined to go through with it regardless as to whether they had a passive ear to listen to them.

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People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Empty
PostSubject: Re: People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong.   People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 5:24 pm

InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
I'm going to go a wee bit off topic here in regards to the MM quote..

If Marilyn Manson was referring to just listening to E & D as oppose to coming at them from an authority level, I'm not so sure that would've made that much of a difference either. I mean, yeah sure, maaaaybe because they would've had "Marilyn Manson's" ear. Then again, they called MM gay, so, who knows..


Eric and Dylan had school counselors, and I'm guessing they intentionally chose not to spill their guts. I guess they would've thought the counselors are too close to school authority to even consider speaking on a personal level. Eric had a psychiatrist for christsakes. That's about as personal and patient/doctor confessional as you can get. But I'm guessing Eric was careful what he revealed in those sessions too (although will never known since Albert has sealed his lips).

Then there's the recent post from Chris Lau at Blackjacks on this board (which was, I guess, from the original forum). Lau saw E & D running in BJ's all flustered upon occasion after having been pursued or bullied by some jocks and Lau did try to prod them to confess to him, to get them to open up about it, but they really didn't want to reveal too much. Also, the guy before Lau (can't recall his name), Eric and Dylan liked a lot and probably didn't view him as an authority or threat. He was no role model which is why they dug him - still, if they ever alluded to anything or said anything about their problems, nothing happened.

The two were determined to keep it all to themselves when given the chance to pour their guts to others. They were determined to go through with it regardless as to whether they had a passive ear to listen to them.

The post/thread regarding BlackJack is from Jason Secor. Secor was a manager. He does discuss Chris Lau, as he was the owner during his (Secor's) tenure. The owner prior to Lau was Bob Kirgis (sp?).
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People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Empty
PostSubject: Re: People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong.   People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 6:30 pm

tfsa47090 wrote:
InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
I'm going to go a wee bit off topic here in regards to the MM quote..

If Marilyn Manson was referring to just listening to E & D as oppose to coming at them from an authority level, I'm not so sure that would've made that much of a difference either. I mean, yeah sure, maaaaybe because they would've had "Marilyn Manson's" ear. Then again, they called MM gay, so, who knows..


Eric and Dylan had school counselors, and I'm guessing they intentionally chose not to spill their guts. I guess they would've thought the counselors are too close to school authority to even consider speaking on a personal level. Eric had a psychiatrist for christsakes. That's about as personal and patient/doctor confessional as you can get. But I'm guessing Eric was careful what he revealed in those sessions too (although will never known since Albert has sealed his lips).

Then there's the recent post from Chris Lau at Blackjacks on this board (which was, I guess, from the original forum). Lau saw E & D running in BJ's all flustered upon occasion after having been pursued or bullied by some jocks and Lau did try to prod them to confess to him, to get them to open up about it, but they really didn't want to reveal too much. Also, the guy before Lau (can't recall his name), Eric and Dylan liked a lot and probably didn't view him as an authority or threat. He was no role model which is why they dug him - still, if they ever alluded to anything or said anything about their problems, nothing happened.

The two were determined to keep it all to themselves when given the chance to pour their guts to others. They were determined to go through with it regardless as to whether they had a passive ear to listen to them.

The post/thread regarding BlackJack is from Jason Secor. Secor was a manager. He does discuss Chris Lau, as he was the owner during his (Secor's) tenure. The owner prior to Lau was Bob Kirgis (sp?).

Yes, thanks. Secor and Kirgis and a bit of Lau mentioned as well in that thread.
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People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Empty
PostSubject: Re: People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong.   People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong. Icon_minitime

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People getting Manson's quote from Bowling for Columbine wrong.
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