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 Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER

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Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Empty
PostSubject: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2017 1:54 pm

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[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (retrieved by August 7 1997)

Hey wasuuup.


Atlanta, Pholus, Peltro, and Pazzie are complete.

For those of you that don’t know who they are, they are the first 4 true pipe bombs created entirely from scratch by the rebels (REB and VoDkA). Atlanta and Pholus are each 1 ¼” by 6” pipes, Peltro is 1" by 6“, and Pazzie is ¾” by 5". Each is packed with powder that we got from fountains, mortar shells, and crackling balls. Each also has a +14” mortar shell type fuse.

Now our only problem is to find the place that will be “ground zero”.

Me and VoDkA also have made 2 more noisy crickets.

God damn it I’m sick of people saying “wick” when talking about fireworks! Don't falkin' say anothuh falkin' WICK or I’s gone to rip yer falkin' HAID off and YOU-rinate down yo' falkin' neck! IT’S FUSE!

If you haven’t made a C02 bomb today, I suggest you do so. Me and VoDkA detonated one yesterday and it was like a fucking dynamite stick. Just watch out for shrapnel.

I have created a duke map that’s almost exactly like the area in which we do our missions. Please check it out if you want to learn a bit more and see yourself what it’s like, plus it’s a good damn map and it’s got bitch loads of awesome explosions. It’s on the clan page, updated often.

Special thanks to Excaluber, KiBBz, VoDkA, Jester, and Imaginos for helping me make this page happen.

Hey, the clan page is currently down. If you have a strong desire to learn about us just mail me. I’ll let you all know when I decide to put the page back up (so don’t even try to click on duh little thingy below!)

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Remember, these pages are viewed best with Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Not with AOL's browser. It sucks.

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Wie gehts. [How are you]


Yo, this page will be getting some big ass changes soon. I’ll be adding some new pages to it such as “New group names” and “Top 10 lists”. It’s going to have some cool shit. Check it out or I’ll blow you up because JO mamma… is so fat.

Homework sucks.

Mother fucker blew BIG. Pazzie was a complete success and it blew dee fuck outa a little creek bed. Flipping thing was heart-pounding, gut-wrenching, brain-twitching, ground-moving, insanely coo1! His brothers haven’t found a target yet though.

Atlanta, Pholus, Peltro, and Pazzie are complete.

For those of you that don’t know who they are, they are the first 4 true pipe bombs created entirely from scratch by the rebels (REB and VoDkA). Atlanta and Pholus are each 1 ¼” by 6” pipes, Peltro is 1" by 6“, and Pazzie is ¾” by 5". Each is packed with powder that we got from fountains, mortar shells, and crackling balls. Each also has a +14” mortar shell type fuse.

Now our only problem is to find the place that will be “ground zero”.

Me and VoDkA also have made 2 more noisy crickets.

God damn it I’m sick of people saying “wick” when talking about fireworks! Don't falkin' say anothuh falkin' WICK or I’s gone to rip yer falkin' HAID off and YOU-rinate down yo' falkin' neck! IT’S FUSE!

Special thanks to Excaluber, KiBBz, VoDkA, Jester, and Imaginos for helping me make this page happen.

Hey, the clan page is currently down. If you have a strong desire to learn about us just mail me. I’ll let you all know when I decide to put the page back up (so don’t even try to click on duh little thingy below!)

This will not work with AOL 3.0's browser because AOL sucks too much.

Remember, these pages are viewed best with Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Not with AOL's browser - It sucks.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (retrieved by August 7 1997)

NEXT MISSION=ah whenever.

Ok people, I’m going to let you in on the big secret of our clan. We ain’t no God damn stupid ass Quake clan! We are more of a gang. We plan out and execute missions. Anyone pisses us off we do a little deed to their house. Eggs, teepee, superglue, busy boxes, large amounts of fireworks, you name it and we will probably or already have done it. We have many enemies in our school, therefor we make many missions. It’s sort of a night time tradition for us.

Download CORRIDOR.MAP. It’s a very close replica of the mission sites. But we have never seen the inside of the house… so we just guessed. It’s also cut off where the area isn’t important (you know, I didn’t want to put in all of the neighborhood).

The mission has been done. And the rebels… once again… emerged victorious. Vee falking blew de sheeeit outta losse stoof!

As for the next mission, we haven’t decided what to do or where to do it. I had some thoughts about hiding in some large bushes or trees and shooting stuff. Or maybe some more aerial attacks. But we need to go up to Wyoming and load up on that stuff. We are running low. Plus we just got our pay checks… they aren’t big… but they can cover quite a bit of shit. We still need to get the fuses too. So far, the next mission will probably be in July sometime. But we AIN’T SURE.

6. Awww yeya. This mission was so fucking fun man. Ok, first of all, my dad was the only parent home, so it was much easier getting out. But still hard since all these rocks in my backyard make so much noise. Plus the neighbor’s faulting dog barking its faulting head off. First we went through the corridor… going through some very tall grass fields… not as tall as the ones in Lost World, but close. Felt kind of cool. Then we setup the strip of 1152 firecrackers. Using 2 cigarettes as starting fuses, we had plenty of time to spare. We also had a nice little crackling fountain hooked up to the fuses too. After a few minutes of setting up, we lit it and went over and hid in on top of this big cement pipe going under a street. We were on the side of a hill so we hid in the grass. There was also a full moon that night and not a foaming cloud in the sky. So it was like noon on the equator when we were out in the open. But black clothing and tall grass sure helps. After about 5 minutes (forever) it began. Beforehand we watched as some lights in the Target’s house went on… then off. Maybe the bastard heard something. But when the strip started, he turned his bedroom lights off. The strip lasted for about 30 seconds… we think… it was very fucking long. Almost all of it went off, loud and bright. Everything worked exactly how we wanted it to. After about 15 minutes we started down the bike trail to the next target. The first target’s lights were on again in the bedroom, but we think we got away undetected. While we were walking to the next target, we shot some stuff. Heh, VoDkA brought his sawed-off BB gun and a few BB’s too. So we loaded it, pumped it, and fired off a few shots at some houses and tress and stuff. We probably didn’t do any damage to any houses, but we aren’t sure. The gun was not loud at all, which was very good. At the next target, we setup the saturn missile battery and the rockets. These both have fuses 2-3 feet long. I lit them as VoDkA and KiBBz were over hiding in the shadows. Luckily there were some trees and stuff at the 2nd target so we could hide pretty good. Anyway, I lit and went over to the others. We watched as the fuses burned and burned… then the rockets went off. It was pretty nice, not so much meant as a prank, but more as a nice little fireworks show. They made some noise but nothing to shit your pants about. But the battery didn’t work. So I went back, checked it out, and the fuse had burned down to about 2 inches. So I just said up yours baby and lit it. Right as I made it to the others it went off. It was pretty quick and loud too. Since the missiles are whistlers they probably woke up a few residents. YEY. Then we started heading up to this construction site. It’s right on the side of a kind of busy road but before the houses. We dodged a few cars, messed around at the site. And we also swiped some signs from this fence that was put up around the soon-to-be-foundation of whatever is being built. The signs read “RENT-A-FENCE” and had some 1-800-number on them. So we got some very nice souvenirs from that place. Then, as KiBBz and VoDkA were down in the foundation hole and I was up on top, a cop drove by. We had enough time to see it, take cover and watch it go by, so it didn’t get us by surprise. But once we saw it was a cop we decided it was time to LEAVE. He didn’t stop, he drove right by, but shit he might have been looking for us. So we got out of the fence, grabbed our signs and went into the neighborhood again. We didn’t have that much trouble getting back home, just some dogs and shit. Once we got in, we were tired as a priest after a 5 hour orgy. The total mission took about 3 hours. We left around 12:30 and got back around 3-3:30. We aren’t very sure, but it lasted a while. And damn it, it was well worth it. We needed that mission too. We were all pretty tired of waiting and our nerves were just about shot. So it was pretty relaxing to be free like that.

5. This mission was one of the best we ever did. This was from KiBBz’s house to several locations in his neighborhood. That night was probably the longest walk we ever did. First, we went to this soccer field/playground. It was right on the corner of a very busy intersection, so every minute we had cars going by. There was a lot of moonlight that night. We got to the playground and dodged the lights of cars for about 20 minutes. Then we decided what our first strike would be like. We got a big McD’s cup and went to center field of the soccer field. We got out about 20 bottle rockets that were stripped together, and a 100-something strip of black cats. Each had very good and long fuses so we had lots of time. We lit them, and ran over and got in front of these big pine trees. We were totally out of vision. The rockets went off first. They launched out over the field and then the strip went off. After that we started going back the way we came, which went through this trail about 35 yards wide with houses on either side. We found this large metal tub, perfect for firecrackers! We decided that KiBBz and VoDkA would walk off toward the street on the other side of the trail and hide behind some trees while I lit it. Except… the street was over 100 yards away. And they were about 15 yards past it. Once they signaled me, I lit the small assortment of thunder bombs and about 50 stickless bottle rockets – they would only make sound, no visual effects. But anyway, I lit, and sprinted the whole fucking way. About 3/4th’s the way the fireworks went off right in the middle of this big ass trail. I never ran so fast in all the missions. But I made it to the others and watched all these lights go on from the houses. Then we walked over to this big open hill between some houses and a busy street. We got a long wooden board and placed it on the hill. We had a long strip of about 200 and a little brick of about 3 packs of thunder bombs. This time was used a cigarette fuse, we only needed about an inch of it. We lit the cigarette and went over to hide behind some trees. When it went off, it was VERY loud where we were, so we bolted out of there. After a few minutes we went back to see if all the stuff had gone off and it all did. So we got some souvenirs and went home. Drank some Aftershock that night too. We were supposed to have a few chicks come with us but they couldn’t make it… so maybe next time.

4. This mission was freaking unique. The mission was from my house (REB), through the corridor, and to the place where we do all of our fireworks. It was supposed to be like the other missions to this place. The weather was nice. We had 4 items made up and ready for use. The first fuse didn’t work. The second fuse malfunctioned also. Both of those items were just about 100-120 thunder bombs stripped together. We had one more like the first 2 and we also had a little contraption of bottle rockets. These bottle rockets were stripped together and put into a bottle. We placed this bottle on top of a large hill, so quite a few people could see. After about the 3rd try, I decided to just light the fuses that were directly from the rockets. Usually we use long fuses so we have time to get away. But this time, with VoDkA and KiBBz standing over in front of some big ass shrubbery, I just did the direct fuse. After lighting it I ran like a son of a bitch to VoDkA and KiBBz. By the time I made it to them the rockets were starting to go off. We had about 50 in the assortment, so it lasted a while. It was rather pretty. Then we busted the bottle and went BACK to the 2 strips that didn’t work. They both had rather crappy quality fuses so they went out before they reached their target. I took the last one, tied the remainder of the first 2 fuses to it, and lit it for the final fucking time. Since I am the fastest in the group, I usually light the fuses and KiBBz would be at the point where we stop running. VoDkA would keep guard while I light. This time both of them went over and laid down on the side of this hill about 100 yards away. This would be the first time we have ever seen our own work in action. All the other times we just heard them. I lit it, ran to the hill, and watched the lovely ass fireworks go off. They lasted about 45 seconds - a total of around 400 went off. Dogs were barking and everything. It was really cool to see them all too. After that we went to this point in the trails that looked like the Q from Quake. We smoked some cigars and headed home. Except… when we were a few blocks away from home, we had an incident. We were walking along the sidewalk when a fucking garage door opened at the house that we were right by. We bolted into that person’s yard… and ducked down and tried to be as quiet as possible. This adult came out, got his newspaper (it was about 4:30 in the AM) and went back in. I tried to signal VoDkA and KiBBz but they didn’t see me. We waited… a few minutes later the man got in his car and started down his driveway. The flood of lights from his car just covered us. He stopped, got out, and yelled “Who are you?” We got up, said we were just passing through and stuff and he kept saying “Get out of here”, “I’ll call the cops”, and “Who are you?” - We fucking hauled assholes and elbows home. This mission was also liquor free as a result of this person named Brooks Brown (303) 972-0602 who tried to narc on us - telling my parents that I had booze and shit in my room. I had to ditch every bottle. I had to lie like a fucking salesman to my parents. All because Brooks Brown thought I put a little nick in his windshield from a snowball… Bullshit? Yes. Anyway, that was mission 4.

3. This mission was an attack on the people who shot VoDkA’s bike, and on some random houses. First, after sneaking out of my house at around 1:55, we lit off 1 strand of 200 thunder bombs and 6 bottle rockets. We had also set a time delayed assortment too. This was made of 10 bottle rockets and a few crackling balls. We aren’t really sure if those went off though because by the time they would have we were a mile away. After the fireworks we went over to this asshole’s house. His name is Brooks Brown, phone number (303) 972-0602, address is 8003 South Vance Street, if any of you feel pranking him. Anyway, we didn’t really do much to him. Just put some model putty on his Mercury [car]. Then we went to another kid’s house and started to teepee his big, tall, thick, thorny-ass tree. We set off the motion detectors about 4 times and we dodged 1. But we didn’t get caught! His tree was completely covered and wrapped in ass wiping paper. Even though we only had 4 rolls, we did one hell of a good job. After that we moved some rather large rocks onto people’s driveways and tagged RC [Rebel Clan] into a fence. Then we came home and got drunk while watching Bordello of Blood.

2. Our second mission was against this complete and utter fag’s house [Nicholas Baumgart]. Everyone in our school hates this immature little weakling. So we decided to “hit” his house. On Friday night (2/7/97) at about 12:15 AM we arrived at this queer’s house. Fully equipped with 3 eggs, 2 rolls of toilet paper, the cheap brand with no pretty flowers (we were disappointed too), superglue, and the proper tools to make his phone box a busy box (for those of you that are stupid, a busy box is where you set their box so that when they try to make a call, they get a busy signal and when someone else calls, they get a busy signal too). We placed 2 eggs in his very large, thick bushes. We just barely cracked them open so they will be producing a rather repulsive and extremely BAD odor for some time. We placed the last egg on his “welcome” mat. It was very neat. I cracked the egg, put the yoke in the center, and the 2 halves on either side of the yoke. Then we teepeed his large pine tree and this… oak? tree - I don’t know, it’s big though. It wasn’t a complete teepee but it was enough to agitate the home owner greatly. We also put the superglue on the front door and on the little red mail box flag.

1. The first was when we put an entire assortment of very loud fireworks in a tunnel, and lit them off at about 1:00 AM. This mission was part of a rebellion against these assholes that shot one of our bikes one day. They were rather angry that night, and we were very happy. We will be doing another hit on their house sometime in the near future. And that one will be much closer, and louder.

After each mission we get drunk. Not with wimpy beer, we only use hard liquor: Aftershock, Irish Cream, Tequila, Vodka, Whiskey, Rum, and sometimes a few shots of EVERCLEAR. We also sometimes make up our own shooters. And sample others (never try a prairie fire, its killer!) In our next few missions, we are planning to hit the dork’s house a few more times, along with a few other houses. And also set off some more fireworks at that tunnel. We each have a large supply of fireworks… loud ones. And soon I will have my license and we can drive around any place we want to, heh heh. Soon I will be putting our directions for mixing drinks that we make up. We will put up any good shooter or other drink that we try. So check this place out often.

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This page was written by REB


[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (last modified July 3 1997)

JO mamma's kitchen lights are SO bright that you can see grease, dust, or any other bad thing in need of seeing… JJJEEAAAA!!!!!!!!!

JO mamma sees so many stray dogs in her neighborhood that she talks [to] the humane society a lot… JJJEAAAAA

JO mamma is so creative that she has made her own decorations MANY times… and has even sold them! JJJJEAAAA!!!

JO mamma has so many phones in her house that she can answer a phone in ANY room... because there’s a phone in every room… because there’s so many... JJJEEAAA!

JO mamma has seen so many rainy days that she can tell what KIND of rain is raining during a storm...because she's seen so many rain storms... JJJEEAAAAAA

JO mamma can dial phone numbers so fast that people want her to call ticket master for them... because she dials their number fast... so she gets tickets... JJJJEEAAA!!!

JO mamma likes cheesecake so much that she makes a pretty good one herself!... whenever she wants!... one... JEEEYAAAAA!!!

JO mamma likes to take walks so much she takes one every day! Sometimes twice a day! JJJEEEYAAAA!!!

JO mamma is so ambidextrous that she can even throw with both hands! JEEYAAAAA!!!

JO mamma so fat she doesn’t even look at the nutrition value tables on the food boxes she eats… she just buys them and eats them… because she’s fat... JJJEEYAAAAAA!!!!

JO mamma is so well behaved at dinner parties that no one ever has to tell her to behave! JEEEYAAAA!!

JO mamma has so many bag clips that her neighbors ask to use some occasionally! JEEEYAAAA!!!

JO mamma's health care plan is so great that she can afford to get sick and hurt and stuff! JJJEEEYAAAAA!!!!!

JO mamma is so good at counting in seconds that she doesn’t need a watch to time things! Except long things... JJJEEEYAAAA

JO mamma got smacked so hard by the water when she dove off the diving board that even her mom felt it... because she got hit hard... and her mom is psychically tuned into her... because she is her mom... so she felt it to... JJJEEEYAAAA!!!!

JO mamma so stupid she thought Saturday was Sunday... until she looked at the paper and saw the date... but for that particular time she wasn’t smart at all! JEEEYAAAAA!!!

JO mamma can smell so good... she knows when people are having barbeques or cook outs! JJJEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so much printer paper, that she can print out large documents any time! JJJEEEYAAAAA!!!

JO mamma watches movies so much, she gets excited when she finds out that sequels are coming soon! JJJEEYAAAA!!!

JO mamma enjoys sandwiches so much, she can make her own! JJJEEEYAAAA!!!

JO mamma has so many extension cords that she has the availability to run various appliances where ever she wants in a room! JJJEEEYAAAAAA!!!!!

JO mamma is so stressed out that she needs to relax in a hot tub at least once a week! JJEEEEYAAAAAA!!!!

JO mamma has so many bank deposit slips that she never needs to use the ones at the actual bank! JJJEEEYAAAAA!!!!

JO mamma's new haircut is so good that people say “Goodness, that’s a fine looking haircut!” JJEEYAAAAA!!!

JO mamma has so many decks of cards that you can play any time at all, because there’s always one there... waiting to be played... anywhere in the house!! JJEEEYAAAAA!!!

JO mamma has said the word carrot so many times, that she is very good at pronouncing it! JEEEEYAAAAA!!!

JO mamma hears so good, that she can tell when someone is talking far away!! JEEEYAAAA!!!

JO mamma uses Vidal Sassoon so often, that she has really good hair... it’s not damaged... or dry... or oily!! JEEEYAAAA!!!

JO mamma wears combat boots! JJJEEEYAAAAA!!

JO mamma is so unpredictable that people almost never know what she is going to say next... unless it’s obvious... then they could tell… but otherwise they couldn’t... JJJEEEEYAAAA!!!!

JO mamma is so cold she thought she was in a freezer! JJEEEEYAAAAA!!!

JO mamma's fingers are so short, when she puts on a glove, the fingers are too long! JEEEYAAAA!!!

JO mamma likes so many kinds of candy that when she goes to the grocery store, she wants to buy candy, but she doesn’t know which kind to buy... JJJJJEEJA!!!!!!!!!

Well JO mamma has so many frequent flyer miles that she could take a trip!!!!!!!!!... with them... JJJJJEEAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

JO mamma likes to read so much that she has a frequent user discount at the library! JJJEEEEYAAAA!!!

JO mamma's handwriting is so bad that it’s barely legible to most people! JJJEYAAAAA!!!!!

JO mamma so slow, when she’s driving, people honk at her, because she's going slower than the rest of traffic! JEEEYAAAAA!!!

JO mamma has so much salad every day that she buys salad at Sam's club & it saves her money... JJEJAAAA!!!!!!!

JO mamma is so unpredictable that people almost never know what she is going to say next... unless it’s obvious... then they could tell... but otherwise they couldn’t... JJJEEEEYAAAA!!!!

JO mamma so fat she eats a lot of food! JJJEEEYAAA!!!

JO mamma is so good at math that she don’t even need a calculator!! Even for the advanced classes! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so many bottles of water that she hardly ever uses the faucet! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma is so young at heart that she likes to climb trees sometimes! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma eats so many apples, that all the seeds in them are starting to make her not feel good! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so many remote controls in her living room that she sometimes gets them mixed up... like when she wants to use the TV! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO momma has so much ice cream in her refrigerator that her family has ice cream for dessert EVERY night! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO momma has so many brooms in her broom closet that her floors are cleaner than most peoples. JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so many tables in her house that when she has company over, there’s always room for drinks... on the tables... because there’s a lot of them! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma is so thirsty that she drinks from the fire hydrant sometimes! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma is so fat that she can’t find very many diet plans that help her! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma is so fat the people say, “damn, there’s an obese woman!” JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma is so old that she has lots of grey hairs! And they are even overdue! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma's car is so blue, that people say it’s almost black! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma scissors are so dull, that she can’t cut paper very well with them! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma is so bad at biology that she thought the silkworm was a cow! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma is so old that she is starting to have arthritis problems! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so many shirts that she doesn’t do the laundry very often, because she has lots of shirts to wear! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma is so kind that she does a lot of work at homeless shelters... and hospitals! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma is such a bad cook that she can’t even make a glass of water… because she tries to cook it!... JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma is so southern, that she goes to pro wrestling matches a lot... and she likes them! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma's stapler is so old, that it doesn’t even have staples in it! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has such bad social skills, that she argues a lot! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so many rings that she wears them on her fingers... and in her jewelry box... because that’s where they go! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so much scratch paper that she always has something to write on... in every room... if she has a pen... to write with... or a pencil! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO momma painted her walls in her house so good that people say “boy o boy, your walls sure are painted good,” & she acknowledges it, too! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so many fast food coupons that she gets a lot of good deals when she orders... even at places that don’t give out many coupons.... because she has some! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma likes public parks so much, that she goes there every afternoon! And stays for hours! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so much insulation in her house that she stays warm even in the winter! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma's car has so much room in it, people have her transport their large things...because it can carry them... but it’s not a van or a truck... it’s just a big car! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so many red blood cells, that the doctor gave her medicine... and told her to be careful! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO momma has purchased so many garden items that the people at Home Depot say hi to her because they know her... because she goes there a lot... for garden stuff! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so many pages in her magazines that people say they are bigger than most other magazines! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma drinks so much orange juice that people say she should just eat the oranges... instead of drinking them! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma likes movies so much that she voted… more than once... on the award shows! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so many parking violations that the cops are getting angry, because they are sick of her getting them... and they don’t like writing
them out... and putting them on her car! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO momma 's mouse pads are so old that they are falling apart... and even store owners tell her to buy new ones... because even they know that her mouse pads are old & falling apart... because she’s famous for that! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma can flick the top of a pop can so well that she can hit things that are somewhat far away! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO momma has seen so many scary movies that she’s not scared anymore when she sees one, & she EVEN spoils the endings for people when she sees a scary movie that she has seen already! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has so many problems with her knees that the doctors say she should get SURGERY! And soon too! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has such a weird screen name on AOL that people sometimes ask her why she has that name & she can’t give an answer because it’s so weird! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma is so evil that she doesn’t even say grace at the dinner table... or even says a prayer before going to bed! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma so stupid she thinks that P.T.A. stands for Paranormal Teraindustriational Activators... when it doesn’t! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

JO mamma has such old clothes... that they have a few holes in them... and they even have a tear here and there! JEEEEYAAAA!!

JO mamma wears so many purple clothes that her closet looks purple because there are a lot of purple clothes in it! JEEEEYAAAA!!

JO momma thinks so hard that her head hurts sometimes... that’s how hard she thinks! JEEEEYAAAA!!

JO momma has so many toothbrushes that she sometimes doesn't know which one she wants to use! JEEEEYAAAA!!

JO mamma's jeans are so blue that people think that she just got them... when she didn’t... because they are really old... but still blue! JEEEEYAAAA!!

JO momma has so many keys on her key rings that people say “Gosh, you must be a janitor or something,” but she isn't... she just has a lot of keys! JEEEEYAAAA!!

JO mamma believes in Santa Claus so much that sometimes she stays up late & watches the sky on Christmas Eve! JEEEYAAA!!!

JO mamma likes the holidays so much that she isn’t part of the percentage of depressed people during the holiday season! JJJEEEYAAAAA!!

JO mamma has so many different kinds of diet soda in her pantry that she always has what everyone wants... even skinny people... because diet soda is for everybody... JJEEAAAAA!!

JO mamma likes to play tag so much that most of the kids in the neighborhood are always asking her to come out and play... JJEEEYAAAA!!

JO mamma wears so many sunglasses so much of the time that everything seems bright when she takes them off... JJJJEEEEEEEAAAAAAA!

JO momma listens to the radio so much that she listened one time... and won a contest... because she listened to the radio a lot! JJJEEEEYAAA!!

That’s all for now G’s. More will be up soon!

Insults done by REB, VoDkA, and KiBBz.

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Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeFri Oct 16, 2020 9:12 pm

Sadly a lot of images/files from directory are missign

I'm your holy totem, I'm your sick taboo, Radical and radiant. I'm your nightmare coming true! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeFri Oct 16, 2020 10:53 pm

Sadly a lot of images/files from directory are missign
Welcome to the internet!

The gremlins in my mind won't show me the light.
For fucks sake reflect the light for everyone and the person I try to be
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2020 3:56 am

Koltin wrote:
Sadly a lot of images/files from directory are missign
Welcome to the internet!
Eh what you mean?
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Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeMon Oct 19, 2020 5:04 pm

very cool.
i wish the html files had've been saved too, but the text is still cool to see

"i'll always be here for you, baby, rain or shine, you'll always be mine"
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeMon Oct 19, 2020 7:21 pm

therivstur wrote:
very cool.
i wish the html files had've been saved too, but the text is still cool to see
You can have an idea how harris' site looked. The site of Sol Pais is avaible yet, idk why didnt shutdown.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeMon Oct 19, 2020 9:14 pm


You can have an idea how harris' site looked. The site of Sol Pais is avaible yet, idk why didnt shutdown.

I know this isn't the place to discuss this but Sol's last digital entry doesn't seem legit. I also heard the page was accessed/hacked after she passed.

Research. Truth. Understanding. Prevention.

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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeMon Oct 19, 2020 9:19 pm

GrayFox wrote:

You can have an idea how harris' site looked. The site of Sol Pais is avaible yet, idk why didnt shutdown.

I know this isn't the place to discuss this but Sol's last digital entry doesn't seem legit. I also heard the page was accessed/hacked after she passed.

yes, it was. the hacker gained access and changed the first page you see when you type in the URL, and added that final entry.

"i'll always be here for you, baby, rain or shine, you'll always be mine"

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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2020 8:49 am

therivstur wrote:
GrayFox wrote:

You can have an idea how harris' site looked. The site of Sol Pais is avaible yet, idk why didnt shutdown.

I know this isn't the place to discuss this but Sol's last digital entry doesn't seem legit. I also heard the page was accessed/hacked after she passed.

yes, it was. the hacker gained access and changed the first page you see when you type in the URL, and added that final entry.
Oh i didnt knew that. Lol
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Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2020 9:32 am

Koltin wrote:
Sadly a lot of images/files from directory are missign
Welcome to the internet!
Eh what you mean?
Pages get lost to time, even break. Hence why I said that.

The gremlins in my mind won't show me the light.
For fucks sake reflect the light for everyone and the person I try to be

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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2020 4:20 pm

As I understand it, there is no website now?
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Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2020 7:36 pm

Noname wrote:
As I understand it, there is no website now?

Totally gone.

Research. Truth. Understanding. Prevention.
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Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeMon Nov 23, 2020 12:53 am

GrayFox wrote:
Noname wrote:
As I understand it, there is no website now?

Totally gone.
I'm sorry if i asked stupid question. Just I've met a lot of wrong information about it. I want to get true answer here.
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Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeMon Nov 23, 2020 12:58 am

Noname wrote:
GrayFox wrote:
Noname wrote:
As I understand it, there is no website now?

Totally gone.
I'm sorry if i asked stupid question. Just I've met a lot of wrong information about it. I want to get true answer here.

Don't worry. And I hope you don't think I was making fun of you. I was wondering why you were asking because I still believe someone, somewhere, has things we haven't seen/expected to see.

If you're interested in learning more about Columbine, have a look around the forum - lots of interesting stuff.

Research. Truth. Understanding. Prevention.
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Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeMon Nov 23, 2020 1:08 am

GrayFox wrote:
Noname wrote:
GrayFox wrote:
Noname wrote:
As I understand it, there is no website now?

Totally gone.
I'm sorry if i asked stupid question. Just I've met a lot of wrong information about it. I want to get true answer here.

Don't worry. And I hope you don't think I was making fun of you. I was wondering why you were asking because I still believe someone, somewhere, has things we haven't seen/expected to see.

If you're interested in learning more about Columbine, have a look around the forum - lots of interesting stuff.
I've been getting wrong information for two years. This forum is my salvation  Smile

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Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeMon Nov 23, 2020 6:48 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

^ Images of Eric's site while it was up Assumedly taken by the Brown family and forwarded to the Police. (I cannot remember where I found these)

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
^ Perfect or near perfect Mirror of one of Eric's sites hosted on the dying acolumbinesite

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
^ Same site featured in the Documentary "An American Tragedy - The Littleton Massacre"
Credit goes to Bill Ockham's Upload of said Documentary. A segment from Said Documentary Above.

Names are for friends, So i don't need one

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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeMon Nov 23, 2020 9:16 am


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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2020 10:16 pm

Eric’s writing just make me laugh. I love reading about all the shit he hates. 😂
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Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeSun Jan 03, 2021 6:59 pm

The jo mamma jokes are what I find the funniest. They're purposefully bad to the point that it is just funny.

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"

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Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2022 9:51 am

The jo mama jokes are just so… normal teenager stuff, it’s one bit of the writings they left that you can just imagine a load of boys sat together having a massive laugh and trying to out do the others.

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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeFri Jun 24, 2022 8:03 pm

Are that supposed pics from EH website real?

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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2022 12:46 am

wow, you guys look really deep.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER   Eric Harris AOL Profile/Website - REBDOOMER Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2022 4:46 am

Real-Life wrote:
wow, you guys look really deep.
Eh what?
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