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PostSubject: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 12:40 am

I am sorry if this is not where this should be posted or if this has been posted before, but I just came across this and was wondering if any of you have seen this and what your thoughts are on it? Apparently a ghost hunting crew went  and did an investigation at Columbine. I don't know if this has been debunked or not and found it rather interesting.

I am assuming that the spirit that this person felt that wanted a cigarette is Rachel? Pretty interesting EVPs too, if they are real.

I cannot post a link as I am a new member but  anamparanormal dot com is the site

EDIT: I just found a topic similar to this.

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 1:21 am

They should drop any ghost hunt in course, if there had been the slightest chance of Eric living an afterlife, the crew would have already been dead, since he said multiple times that he would have come back as a ghost and kill / terrorize everybody for revenge, if the universe gave him the chance to do so.

GeoCities fangirl
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Randy Stair
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 10:37 am

Everyone as ghosts would be amazing....I can dream.

I had to die in order to truly live. Just because I think you're okay today doesn't mean I won't hate you tomorrow.

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 11:16 am

If anyone is interested, here is the direct link:

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 1:15 pm

sororityalpha wrote:
If anyone is interested, here is the direct link:

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Doesn't work for me for some reason. Can't get to the site through google either.
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Randy Stair
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 1:20 pm

sororityalpha wrote:
If anyone is interested, here is the direct link:

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Yeah, I've seen that site before...Idk what to make of it.

I had to die in order to truly live. Just because I think you're okay today doesn't mean I won't hate you tomorrow.

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 5:57 pm

Amarantha wrote:
They should drop any ghost hunt in course, if there had been the slightest chance of Eric living an afterlife, the crew would have already been dead, since he said multiple times that he would have come back as a ghost and kill / terrorize everybody for revenge, if the universe gave him the chance to do so.

I can imagine Eric has a very vengeful poltergeist. I don't know how he'd kill anyone though. But throwing shit around or setting alarms off, yeah. I see it.

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 6:03 pm

While I am on the topic of the paranormal, has anyone seen that video of those mediums channeling the "Columbine Killers?" I haven't watched it yet and I want to know if I even should.

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2017 6:11 pm

vodkasauce wrote:
While I am on the topic of the paranormal, has anyone seen that video of those mediums channeling the "Columbine Killers?" I haven't watched it yet and I want to know if I even should.

I've only seen the one where they do it at the memorial - not sure if it's the one in the link that didn't work for me further up the thread.
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 26, 2017 12:09 am

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I watched some of it... I dunno what the hell to think. How are you a medium and confuse the two? It's interesting, but I hate to think that these women are exploiting others.

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 09, 2017 1:34 pm

sororityalpha wrote:
If anyone is interested, here is the direct link:

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You are a ghost
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William Atchison
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 09, 2017 4:18 pm

EGSandrew wrote:
Everyone as ghosts would be amazing....I can dream.

I guess you're going to find out ding ding ding

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 04, 2018 3:16 am

FIBAgent wrote:
I guess you're going to find out ding ding ding

you too buddy.
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 8:29 am

pess1mist wrote:
FIBAgent wrote:
I guess you're going to find out ding ding ding

you too buddy.
Let's hope you're not repeating the trend.
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 9:11 am

Ivan wrote:
pess1mist wrote:
FIBAgent wrote:
I guess you're going to find out ding ding ding

you too buddy.
Let's hope you're not repeating the trend.

Am I the only one who sees their posts and shudders? Shocked The simple fact they had replied to each other never stops being just plain out weird.
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 10:32 am

vodkasauce wrote:
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I watched some of it... I dunno what the hell to think. How are you a medium and confuse the two? It's interesting, but I hate to think that these women are exploiting others.

I believe the women confused the two because when you're dead, you don't look like you did when you were alive, you have no shape or form...However, I believe these women are lying, because they apparently did a channeling of Prince, where apparently they claim Prince told them that he died from a drug overdose and I know for a fact that is not the case, so I believe these women are lying.
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 10:48 am

Actually Prince did die from an accidental opioid overdose...not that I’m defending those supposed mediums however.  They are obviously fake.
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 12:41 pm

Ainjel wrote:
Actually Prince did die from an accidental opioid overdose...not that I’m defending those supposed mediums however.  They are obviously fake.

Yeah that's what they told the public.. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 1:18 pm

FIBAgent wrote:
EGSandrew wrote:
Everyone as ghosts would be amazing....I can dream.

I guess you're going to find out ding ding ding

But did he become a ghost with tits? C'mon Bill, you have to tell us.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 1:23 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
FIBAgent wrote:
EGSandrew wrote:
Everyone as ghosts would be amazing....I can dream.

I guess you're going to find out ding ding ding

But did he become a ghost with tits? C'mon Bill, you have to tell us.

The world will never know... Haha
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 2:43 pm

Personally I wouldn't mess about with anything relating to the potential of Eric and Dylan being ghosts as [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] says "since he said multiple times that he would have come back as a ghost and kill / terrorize everybody for revenge, if the universe gave him the chance to do so." And it's the 20th anniversary isn't it in the next couple of years (correct me if I'm wrong) whose to say they won't come back on the anniversary and cause chaos etc then. It makes you wonder though if such a thing as ghosts exist (didn't Devon have Dylan come into the theatre room and flick the lights on and off? Again correct me if I am wrong) where have they been hanging out in between Dylan popping back to keep an eye on Devon?
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 2:56 pm

You should check out huff paranormal he did investigattion on Sandra bland
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 3:08 pm

katherinex wrote:
Personally I wouldn't mess about with anything relating to the potential of Eric and Dylan being ghosts as [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] says "since he said multiple times that he would have come back as a ghost and kill / terrorize everybody for revenge, if the universe gave him the chance to do so." And it's the 20th anniversary isn't it in the next couple of years (correct me if I'm wrong) whose to say they won't come back on the anniversary and cause chaos etc then. It makes you wonder though if such a thing as ghosts exist (didn't Devon have Dylan come into the theatre room and flick the lights on and off? Again correct me if I am wrong) where have they been hanging out in between Dylan popping back to keep an eye on Devon?

Yes, this year it’s the 19th anniversary. I’ll be living in  Denver then!!

You are correct that Devon had 2 paranormal visits from Dylan. He cane to the theatre and also saved her and Zach from a car accident.

I don’t believe this nor the good old astral projectors who hang out with them.... dreams are one thing...
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 4:30 pm

katherinex wrote:
Personally I wouldn't mess about with anything relating to the potential of Eric and Dylan being ghosts as [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] says "since he said multiple times that he would have come back as a ghost and kill / terrorize everybody for revenge, if the universe gave him the chance to do so." And it's the 20th anniversary isn't it in the next couple of years (correct me if I'm wrong) whose to say they won't come back on the anniversary and cause chaos etc then. It makes you wonder though if such a thing as ghosts exist (didn't Devon have Dylan come into the theatre room and flick the lights on and off? Again correct me if I am wrong) where have they been hanging out in between Dylan popping back to keep an eye on Devon?

Jesus Christ, of course Eric said that, Eric was angry about a lot of things. More so than anything because he had half of an entire school giving him shit everyday, his father on his ass all the time and on top of that, he hated the way he looked, he was so fed up with life and was angry with those around him, so of course he would say something as angry as, "I'll come back and haunt/kill people." However I'm sure, once he and Dylan crossed over, they let all that anger and hatred go, because that's what happens when you cross over from the physical world to the dimensional world, you are no longer the same person you were when you were alive, your feelings aren't the same, your emotions aren't the same (unless you are a demonic entity that was put in a human body from birth, specifically to cause evilness in the world and I 500% don't believe Eric and Dylan were that.)

So, if a true, serious medium contacted Eric and Dylan - and not just for some curious minded person or some crazed fangirl but for say - Sue or Kathy, (I doubt Wayne would want to talk to Eric period, just my belief and opinion), I believe that medium would get in contact with a very different Eric and Dylan that were on this Earth. I have said before and I will say again, there's a massive change and cross-over that happens when you die and enter the astral plane, the dimensional world. So no, Eric and Dylan would not come back and haunt or kill anyone in spirit form. A lot of the hateful shit they said, they said because these were two, angry, hurting young kids who felt they could only express their anger and hurt through words and then eventually through actions.
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 9:52 pm

I wish I could believe in ghosts, I truly do. But there is more people who've died than alive so the world should be a ghost world, and not to mention the early stages of humans billions of years ago we slowly evolved from, they all died too and we would see ghosts everywhere.

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 08, 2018 8:46 am

I do believe in spirits or ghosts if you want to call them that but I really don't believe any of them are actual people that have died. I just don't I think if you are contacting something from the beyond it is either an angel or more likely a demon.

That would explain why you get so many angry things out of a ouija board

Hold me now I need to feel complete
Like I matter to the one I need
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 25, 2018 3:35 pm

I just really wowed at this thread. My god it's creepy how Stair and Atchison both posted here - so strange and sad.
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 25, 2018 4:46 pm

EGSandrew wrote:
Everyone as ghosts would be amazing....I can dream.

So hows the ghost pussy Andrew?
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 26, 2018 12:25 am

NSAhoneypot wrote:
I just really wowed at this thread. My god it's creepy how Stair and Atchison both posted here - so strange and sad.

Creepy that they posted to the site or this thread specifically? Cause really while it might be a bit morbid to see a dead person's posts the actual content of said posts don't seem creepy at all to me - rather they demonstrate what kinds of personalities they had. Randy saw a thread about ghosts, so naturally, being fanatically devoted to his own paranormal delusions, he walks in and talks about ghosts. After Randy's killing spree, Billy boy comes into the thread and makes a little quip at Randy's expense, reflecting his love of sarcastic, somewhat dark colored humor. 

That was more analytical then I planned on it being.  tongue

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 6:53 am

Very rare to find a Randy Stair post on here.
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Oliver Evail

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2022 1:47 pm

vodkasauce wrote:
I am sorry if this is not where this should be posted or if this has been posted before, but I just came across this and was wondering if any of you have seen this and what your thoughts are on it? Apparently a ghost hunting crew went  and did an investigation at Columbine. I don't know if this has been debunked or not and found it rather interesting.

I am assuming that the spirit that this person felt that wanted a cigarette is Rachel? Pretty interesting EVPs too, if they are real.

I cannot post a link as I am a new member but  anamparanormal dot com is the site

EDIT: I just found a topic similar to this.
Don't worry. no one will come back to attack.
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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 16, 2022 11:00 am

EGSandrew wrote:
Everyone as ghosts would be amazing....I can dream.

And you went on a rampage just to join your Ghost Squad..... jocolor

FIBAgent wrote:
EGSandrew wrote:
Everyone as ghosts would be amazing....I can dream.

I guess you're going to find out ding ding ding

It's interesting to have both murders post in the same thread.

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 29, 2022 7:17 am

Well, why hasn't Ghost Adventures or any group like that done the Columbine school yet?

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 29, 2022 8:28 am

bradt93 wrote:
Well, why hasn't Ghost Adventures or any group like that done the Columbine school yet?
Presumably it would be deemed in bad taste for several reasons. It’s still too soon in history, and children died who still have families that want to have memories with dignity, not some one trying to contact their spirit. These ghost programmes only seem to deal with like, Victorian ghosts that are unknown to most people alive. To paraphrase Chris brookmyre, ghosts are always in period costume, but there should be some out there from the 80s with mullets and Frankie says relax tee shirts who never seem to turn up!

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PostSubject: Re: Haunting?   Haunting? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 30, 2022 3:48 am

We all know Devon has had paranormal experiences happen to her. but I wonder if current students or students after 1999 have had paranormal experiences happen to them at the school?

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