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 Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened?

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Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Empty
PostSubject: Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened?   Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 07, 2013 12:46 am

Reading through the files on Dylan and came across a man who claimed to have encountered on a skiing trip and said that he talked about bombing Columbine high school before he ever even went there. Not sure if we've discussed this before but this is completely new to me.
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Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened?   Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 07, 2013 2:08 am

I considered this a made up story, someone wanted his 5 seconds of fame by hanging up a BS story. You've probably also read the statement of an officer's friend who talked to Klebold online, the bottom line was that Klebold was gay and told him beforehand that the shooting was going to happen.
There are loads of these made up story's throughout the 11K.
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Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened?   Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 07, 2013 2:13 am

Jaan wrote:
I considered this a made up story, someone wanted his 5 seconds of fame by hanging up a BS story. You've probably also read the statement of an officer's friend who talked to Klebold online, the bottom line was that Klebold was gay and told him beforehand that the shooting was going to happen.
There are loads of these made up story's throughout the 11K.

And didn't he also supposedly talk to this 'friend' over the telephone and told him that he and Eric were lovers?

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As you'd have done to you”
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Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened?   Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 07, 2013 2:14 am

Jenn wrote:
Jaan wrote:
I considered this a made up story, someone wanted his 5 seconds of fame by hanging up a BS story. You've probably also read the statement of an officer's friend who talked to Klebold online, the bottom line was that Klebold was gay and told him beforehand that the shooting was going to happen.
There are loads of these made up story's throughout the 11K.

And didn't he also supposedly talk to this 'friend' over the telephone and told him that he and Eric were lovers?

Yep, that's the one. Pathetic.
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Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened?   Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 07, 2013 2:22 am

Jaan wrote:
Jenn wrote:
Jaan wrote:
I considered this a made up story, someone wanted his 5 seconds of fame by hanging up a BS story. You've probably also read the statement of an officer's friend who talked to Klebold online, the bottom line was that Klebold was gay and told him beforehand that the shooting was going to happen.
There are loads of these made up story's throughout the 11K.

And didn't he also supposedly talk to this 'friend' over the telephone and told him that he and Eric were lovers?

Yep, that's the one. Pathetic.

Yes, I agree. I don't think any of these people actually talked to either of them. There was someone on the old board who was saying stuff about how they used to talk to Eric in AOL chat rooms.

“And may you grow to be proud
Dignified and true
And do unto others
As you'd have done to you”
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Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened?   Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 08, 2013 2:21 pm

MarmaladeSkies wrote:
Reading through the files on Dylan and came across a man who claimed to have encountered on a skiing trip and said that he talked about bombing Columbine high school before he ever even went there. Not sure if we've discussed this before but this is completely new to me.

i heard about this on a podcast last year
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Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened?   Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2013 8:54 am

I read somewhere on the internet that Nostradamus actually knew his name.

And you know that everything on the internet is true.
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Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened?   Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 28, 2015 11:17 pm

Page 010438-010440 Mike Connors Statement in the 11K

** But the reference to the skiing trip 5 years ago story with Dylan is from James Martin Middleton Page 010441
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PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened?   Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened? Icon_minitime

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Did Dylan plan to bomb Columbine five years before it happened?
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