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 Terror attack in Stockholm

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PostSubject: Terror attack in Stockholm   Terror attack in Stockholm Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 12:27 pm

At the moment, three persons are confirmed dead and eight injured after today's happenings. A person in military-style clothing, drove a van in the middle of Drottninggatan, Stockholm, Sweden. There is no official suspect, no-one has been arrested, the Swedish police considers this as a terror attack. Civilians are asked to stay away from the centre of Stockholm.

Even if I live in a relatively small city and therefore we are not so exposed to such happenings, it is not impossible that it would happen to us too. It is way too close, just in the neighbourhood.

I am not happy with this. Not at all. Even if I don't know personally any of the victims, their death was meaningless.
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Terror attack in Stockholm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Stockholm   Terror attack in Stockholm Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 12:47 pm

Continuing: no-one is allowed to leave the center of the city, and the whole underground line (tube) is closed.

The van that was used for the terroraction had been stolen from a local brewery.

The royal family of Sweden immediately interrupted their official trips abroad. Crown Princess Victoria is already in Sweden, the King will arrive tomorrow.
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PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Stockholm   Terror attack in Stockholm Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 9:00 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Stockholm   Terror attack in Stockholm Icon_minitimeFri May 05, 2017 12:55 pm

Hello and welcome to my first post.
I came here to research columbine but ended up finding this post about my current town.
I was working 10 minutes away (with metro) when all this happened.

We have some sort of internet cafe and there was this lady telling us that someone or some people have drove a truck in to a crowd of people in Drottninggatan.

People were walking from innercity to a special meeting place for all buses that took people around city.
It was complete shutdown of the city.

If someone have more questions about this, feel free to ask them here.
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Posts : 527
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Terror attack in Stockholm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Stockholm   Terror attack in Stockholm Icon_minitimeSat May 06, 2017 6:39 pm

xul wrote:
Hello and welcome to my first post.
I came here to research columbine but ended up finding this post about my current town.
I was working 10 minutes away (with metro) when all this happened.

We have some sort of internet cafe and there was this lady telling us that someone or some people have drove a truck in to a crowd of people in Drottninggatan.

People were walking from innercity to a special meeting place for all buses that took people around city.
It was complete shutdown of the city.

If someone have more questions about this, feel free to ask them here.

Welcome too the forum ! And I can't bare all the see terror attacks, religion causes so much drama.
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PostSubject: Re: Terror attack in Stockholm   Terror attack in Stockholm Icon_minitime

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