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 Probably not asking in the right place!

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Join date : 2017-04-11
Age : 27

Probably not asking in the right place!  Empty
PostSubject: Probably not asking in the right place!    Probably not asking in the right place!  Icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 3:57 am

How long did they keep the car memorials for Rachel Scott and John Tomlin's car and truck in the parking lot?

I've been trying to find out this for days. I'm new here, so don't know if I am posting in the right place!
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Probably not asking in the right place!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Probably not asking in the right place!    Probably not asking in the right place!  Icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 4:16 am

They moved Rachel's car to Clement Park parking lot where John Tomlin's truck was as well.

They were still there on May 6 1999

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*After Rachel's car was moved from the memorial her parents kept it at their house.
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Probably not asking in the right place!
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