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 Writing a letter to Sue Klebold

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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 1:06 pm

Hello everyone first of all thank you for letting me join the forum. I have been interested on the subject since I saw the news in 1999. I'm the same age Eric would be now.
I'm reading Sue Klebold's book and I wanted to send her a letter. Does anyone know if she has a p.o. Box or address of some sorts? I have been googling with no results. An email address would also work but I would prefer to write by hand.
Thank you
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 1:33 pm

I am not sure if it would be right to post her information on a public forum.

You could do a google search instead.
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 1:44 pm

I tried that Sad could anyone private message me instead please?
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 1:48 pm

The information is available online.

Last edited by sororityalpha on Tue Apr 11, 2017 9:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 2:13 pm

Thank you, I really tried many different searchers... I hope you get the permission. It's just a support letter I want to send with my personal stories. I wouldn't use it for anything horrible nor will I post the info online cos after you mentioned it, it really is not ok to post it in public. Thank you!
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 2:32 pm

Adore wrote:
Thank you, I really tried many different searchers... I hope you get the permission. It's just a support letter I want to send with my personal stories. I wouldn't use it for anything horrible nor will I post the info online cos after you mentioned it, it really is not ok to post it in public. Thank you!

It is available on Whitepages. Search there

Hold me now I need to feel complete
Like I matter to the one I need
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 2:34 pm

Thank you. I found that but didn't thought it would be real.
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 8:40 pm

Thank you to the person who sent me the information. For some reason I can't answer the message. I have written the letter and will send it soon. I hope it can provide Sue with some comfort...
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeThu May 25, 2017 12:52 pm

Hi, I also have been looking for the contact information to write a letter. This is simply to write a support letter, does anyone have any information? Thanks
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2018 3:22 pm

I would also like to write her a letter as I just finished the book. Whoever got the P.O. box info could you privately share it please? Thank you!
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 1:05 am

Please don't send messages to Sue Klebold.
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 6:30 pm

Even if you have the best intentions and only want to be kind to her, keep in mind that Sue Klebold is not a celebrity. You read her book, good, but leave her alone. She didn't choose to be the mother of one of the Columbine shooters, and so she didn't choose to be put in the light. Sure she gained more visibility when she decided to become a public figure to share her story, but she shares her story when she wants and agreed to. When she is not on interview or at a public event, she didn't agree to think or be reminded about Columbine. Her home is her private life, a safe place where people should not, in theory, be able to remind her about the shooting. So please don't write her a letter, leave her alone and if you really want to talk to her, try to see her in a meeting or something if you live in the US.

Also keep in mind that for us Columbine is an interest but that's all. We are not as emotionally involved as Sue Klebold is, we do not suffer as she does, we didn't lose our son. One word that you have not chosen very well, one word that triggers a peculiar memory in Sue's mind and you can put her in great sadness for the whole day.

You are not the only one who wants to send her a letter, your letter will be part of many more letters. Imagine receiving on a daily, or at least weekly, basis several letters by people you don't know reminding you of the shooting. Maybe she doesn't want to read about her dead son, about the victims when she wake up and read the mail. What you think would be good and nice for her is not necessarily what she finds good.
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 6:51 pm

Neah wrote:
Even if you have the best intentions and only want to be kind to her, keep in mind that Sue Klebold is not a celebrity. You read her book, good, but leave her alone. She didn't choose to be the mother of one of the Columbine shooters, and so she didn't choose to be put in the light. Sure she gained more visibility when she decided to become a public figure to share her story, but she shares her story when she wants and agreed to. When she is not on interview or at a public event, she didn't agree to think or be reminded about Columbine. Her home is her private life, a safe place where people should not, in theory, be able to remind her about the shooting. So please don't write her a letter, leave her alone and if you really want to talk to her, try to see her in a meeting or something if you live in the US.

Also keep in mind that for us Columbine is an interest but that's all. We are not as emotionally involved as Sue Klebold is, we do not suffer as she does, we didn't lose our son. One word that you have not chosen very well, one word that triggers a peculiar memory in Sue's mind and you can put her in great sadness for the whole day.

You are not the only one who wants to send her a letter, your letter will be part of many more letters. Imagine receiving on a daily, or at least weekly, basis several letters by people you don't know reminding you of the shooting. Maybe she doesn't want to read about her dead son, about the victims when she wake up and read the mail. What you think would be good and nice for her is not necessarily what she finds good.

Yeah, what Neah said and more. I doubt she even reads letters anymore. Its perfectly fine to have an interest in true crime, and things of that nature. But when you start reaching out to the victims, that is crossing a line.
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeFri Oct 05, 2018 8:34 am

EthanEmerson wrote:
Sue has told many people many times she loves getting letters of support from people... check your intentions, but based on what she has said about receiving letters, if it's support for her work and her book and what she's doing with her life, that's exactly what she says keeps her going... but if you're going to write to her to tell her you love her son and want to have his baby, that's something she doesn't want to hear.

True. Be respectful.  I'm sure she still scans each letter briefly looking for certain words and then tosses it if she finds them. Evil or Very Mad
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeMon Nov 26, 2018 2:16 pm

I've written her a letter as well. I couldn't find an address, but there is a person who has close contact with her that can forward a letter to her.
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Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Empty
PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitimeTue Nov 27, 2018 3:53 pm

Leave Sue Klebold alone, I don't think even Dylan would want anyone harassing his mother.

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PostSubject: Re: Writing a letter to Sue Klebold   Writing a letter to Sue Klebold Icon_minitime

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