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 I read "No Easy Answers"

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Lunkhead McGrath

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I read "No Easy Answers" Empty
PostSubject: I read "No Easy Answers"   I read "No Easy Answers" Icon_minitimeTue 30 May 2017, 04:41

Brooks' stories of his own bullying experiences seem uncannily like my own, although Columbine is still probably worse than where I went to high school (in spite of being less rednecky.) He gave a classic example of HIM getting in trouble for someone kicking him in the crotch.

He told off Frank DeAngelis! I don't know how to feel about that--Cullen weirdly liked DeAngelis, but the Ralph Larkin book made DeAngelis look like a twit. I *guess* I would side with Brooks, but he's probably being a little harsh.

The ketchup-tampon apocryphal story is not mentioned. Wonder why...

I was pretty annoyed by Brooks' crack that Bill Clinton's behavior (lying to a grand jury--a bad thing, yes, but he wasn't lying about anything that really mattered) was indicative of a shallow moral climate in the late 90s. I mean, maybe it was, but God only knows what Brooks thinks of the world we're in *now*.

Brooks' stories about how the police department treated him are pretty frustrating too, albeit in his favor.

Is it sick that I laughed at Brooks encountering someone in a chat room who claimed to be him? At least he told off the worst Columbiners, the ones writing stories about wanting to have sex with E&D.
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I read "No Easy Answers"
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