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 A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend

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A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Empty
PostSubject: A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend   A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Icon_minitimeSat Jun 24, 2017 12:06 am

Was reading the 11k and noticed something I never noticed before. It seems they mutilated Lauren Townsends corpse (vagina area) and made a sick joke about it.

Proof of theory?

See Here:

Victim Body Positions:

Victim [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], later identified as LAUREN TOWNSEND, was found tying on her left side, bent at the waist, head to the north, feet to the east, under the northwest corner of the table. She was dressed in a blue top, denim pants and dark boots. Multiple bullet holes were noted in the back of the shirt. Bloodstains associated with the upper two holes were consistent with drainage of blood while the body was positioned as found. Minimal drainage was present around the two lower holes. Concentrated drainage of blood was present under the left arm. A linear blood drainage stain was present in the rectal area. Bullet holes were present in the right thigh area with surrounding blood drainage stains consistent with the position of the body as found. Transfer bloodstains were present on the lower legs and on the sides and bottom of the boots. These bloodstains were not associated with injuries to the victim. Bloodstains on the carpet indicated that the legs of the victim were moved to the east through wet bloodstains to their position as found. The position of Table 2 and the surrounding chairs were marked on the carpet and then moved to view the body. Additional bullet holes were noted in the front crotch area when the body was moved. Photographs were taken of the position of the body, the bloodstains present on the body, and the bloodstains on the carpet surrounding the victim. A bloodstained shirt was present under Table 2 to the south of victim [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. Medical treatment type packages and bandages were present in this area. Bloodstain patterns on the carpet and on the vertical supports of Table 2 along with the shirt and bandages indicated that multiple injured individuals were present at some time under the table and then moved from the scene.

And here:

What people heard the killers say:

Bree Pasquale – Between Table 20 & Bookshelves along the West Windows:
 All you jocks stand up, then he made a reference to white hats.
 One of them made a statement about getting revenge – This is for all you put us through this last year.
 The pigs are here.
 Peek-a-boo.
 I hit myself in the face.
After a shot, one of them said [redacted – bitch/dick comment?] while laughing.
 She was asked more than once if she wanted to die. [Laughing] Everyone’s going to die. Shoot her. No, we’re going to blow up the school anyway.
 Oh look, it’s a ni**er.

So they shot her in the crotch and made a bitch with a dick comment?
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PostSubject: Re: A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend   A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Icon_minitimeSat Jun 24, 2017 7:50 am

I thought the dick comment was directed towards possibly Isaiah?

as for shooting her at the crotch, I would have to re-read what you pointed out and digest the whole thing.

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PostSubject: Re: A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend   A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Icon_minitimeSat Jun 24, 2017 12:12 pm

I think the "bitch/dick" comment was the witness not being sure exactly what she heard- either "look at his dick" (which Amanda Stair claims to have heard) or "look at this bitch". I could be wrong, that's just what I remember.
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A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Empty
PostSubject: Re: A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend   A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Icon_minitimeSat Jun 24, 2017 7:44 pm

Littlelo wrote:
I think the "bitch/dick" comment was the witness not being sure exactly what she heard- either "look at his dick" (which Amanda Stair claims to have heard) or "look at this bitch". I could be wrong, that's just what I remember.

well the name of who they were talking about is redacted.

[redacted – bitch/dick comment?] while laughing.

I would assume that they are referring to a female if one doesn't know whether it was bitch or dick, but i could be wrong. i am just speculating.

And no bodies were nude.

I would deduce that it wasnt a 'look at his dick' comment.

Imo, this only relates to the bullet hole in the crotch area, which would almost have to be intentional due to the body position.

i surmise this is what happened.

she is shot in the head then shot in the genital area and the comment goes, 'I hope this bitch didnt have a dick'

i lost another point i had in the 11k.. if you have read them, im sure you understand.

i hope this isnt true, although I believe it to be.

Last edited by pacshine on Sat Jun 24, 2017 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Empty
PostSubject: Re: A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend   A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Icon_minitimeSat Jun 24, 2017 7:47 pm

shades wrote:
I thought the dick comment was directed towards possibly Isaiah?

as for shooting her at the crotch, I would have to re-read what you pointed out and digest the whole thing.

i dont understand the comment to be attributed to Isaiah.

He was shot in arm/shoulder

also with:

'never seen a n***ers brains before'

was one.

but he wasnt shot in the head whatsoever.

(not arguing you, just thinking out loud)
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PostSubject: Re: A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend   A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Icon_minitimeSat Jun 24, 2017 10:32 pm

pacshine wrote:
shades wrote:
I thought the dick comment was directed towards possibly Isaiah?

as for shooting her at the crotch, I would have to re-read what you pointed out and digest the whole thing.

i dont understand the comment to be attributed to Isaiah.

He was shot in arm/shoulder

also with:

'never seen a n***ers brains before'

was one.

but he wasnt shot in the head whatsoever.

(not arguing you, just thinking out loud)

Isaiah apparently got a 'death erection' which some people get when killed in a violent manner. Eric/ Dylan must have noticed this and told the other to take a look.
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PostSubject: Re: A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend   A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Icon_minitimeSun Jun 25, 2017 8:32 am

Draw_It_White wrote:
Isaiah apparently got a 'death erection' which some people get when killed in a violent manner. Eric/ Dylan must have noticed this and told the other to take a look.

Thank you. Yeah that's what I was getting at

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A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Empty
PostSubject: Re: A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend   A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Icon_minitimeMon Jun 26, 2017 5:42 am

I am more apt to think that Lauren could have gotten shot in the crotch because of the way she fell after she was shot herself. That perhaps another bullet from shooting someone else or a random bullet hit her. I don't think they stood there and shot her crotch over and over. Lauren was left in an odd position when she fell.

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A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Empty
PostSubject: Re: A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend   A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Icon_minitimeThu Jul 13, 2017 8:16 am

I think this is just where 2 of the shot's on Lauren's body happened to land.I seriously doubt it was done deliberately.

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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PostSubject: Re: A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend   A SICK Thing they did to Lauren Townsend Icon_minitimeSat Jul 15, 2017 5:02 pm

maybe they wanted to prevent her from having babies if she survived? idk just a theory
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