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 What Adam looked like in December

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What Adam looked like in December Empty
PostSubject: What Adam looked like in December   What Adam looked like in December Icon_minitimeThu Aug 10, 2017 1:21 pm

Seeing as the photos of Adam with guns to his head or the photos of his body haven't and probably won't be released I threw this photo together to try and illustrate what he looked like around the time of the shooting. The most recent photo of his face available is his drivers license photo and taken after that is the video of him playing DDR in June 2012 in which he had long hair so assuming he didn't get it cut between then and December this is what I think he looked like. I know it's pointless and looks terrible.

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What Adam looked like in December Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Adam looked like in December   What Adam looked like in December Icon_minitimeThu Aug 10, 2017 5:57 pm

I'd say thats a good illustration of possible looks, adding on he probably did have his hair a slight bit longer than we see in the original driver ID photo as at the scene the Glock was found to have fairly long hairs and blood on the barrel from the lower rear of his head, also he stayed in for many months during 2012 including the hurricane blackout, i doubt he would be thinking of getting a haircut with a massacre on the horizon.
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What Adam looked like in December Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Adam looked like in December   What Adam looked like in December Icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2022 11:36 pm

In one of the articles I stumbled upon whilst surfing the web someone had said "They then described a man "busting into their room "holding a long bazooka-style gun". They said he was wearing a green army jacket, seemed to have a beard", officer Venghele had also said "The suspect had long , blondish , wispy hair and a very straight and pronounced jawline" he had most likely not taken care of himself the weeks prior.
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PostSubject: Re: What Adam looked like in December   What Adam looked like in December Icon_minitime

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What Adam looked like in December
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