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 Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?

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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitimeSat Oct 07, 2017 5:54 pm

From all the research o have been doing into Stephen Paddock and his attack at the mandalay bay area i have constantly kept hearing reports of Ammonium Nitrate,16,000 rounds and Tannerite being found in his car, as we all know ammonium nitrate is a powerful explosive detonated by a smaller explosion (blasting cap) and was used by Mcveigh and Breivik. Tannerite is an explosive used for exploding targets and is used by gun channels on YT, it is detonated by being shot at. if you put this all together it could of been possible that he had planned to leave this outside the hotel and festival so that after firing the shots at the crowd he could wait until the fleeing civilians started pouring out towards his car to then zero in with one of his scoped rifles and shoot at the tannerite in the car which would subsequently detonate the ammonium nitrate causing a massive explosion which would spray and ignite the 16,000 rounds like shrapnel and would of killed many more people and may of even damaged nearby buildings. the reason im bringing this up is because he seemed very intelligent and extensively planned all the way from the killbox window format to the weapons attachtments and even the camera setup, he also fired at the aviation fuel silos at camp mcarran airport trying to trigger an explosion but luckily it failed. with all this planning in mind im sure he wouldn't just leave the explosives in their standalone form in the car without any other bomb making materials especially considering the tannerite and the nature of how its detonated by bullet, i believe he must of ended up forgetting or not bothering due to the car being parked out of view but if this was his plan we could see an even higher kill count. what do you think?

i will be posting alot on the Vegas shooting in the future due to the mysteriousness of info and the motive, i believe there are some strange things going on with stephen paddock and im not talking about conspiracies or "4th floor shooters" but what made him commit the acts and the strange amount evidence linking him to a mysterious guest he was hanging around with in the days and or weeks prior to the shooting such as the 2 meal room service receipt for 2 people and the non matching phone charger found in his room aswell as the fact that every who knew him said he was a kind normal man who may of been quirky but would gift random strangers and was very known across gambling/casino communities in the US.
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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitimeSat Oct 07, 2017 6:10 pm

I think this one will take a while to sort out. A lot of things just don't add up. The possibility of someone else being involved, the contradicting reports of him being a nice guy in one report, then in another he was said to be an ass, etc. This case is so confusing.
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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 10, 2017 9:59 am

I don't know how much tannerite he had in the car. I've used tannerite to blow up stuff on the farm and it messes stuff up. The tannerite wouldn't have detonated any of the rounds in the vehicle but it may turn them into shrapnel if there was a large amount mixed.

Many people have the perception that if the powder in the bullet is heated enough that the bullet will shoot just like it would if shot from a gun. But the bullet would have no velocity, it would be the same as hitting a rimfire round with a hammer, it will go off, make a loud bang but it won't travel very far. The bullet has to be shot through something to gain velocity thus a rifled or polygonal barrel.

The tannerite explosion would have scattered the bullets from the shockwaves it created but it wouldn't ignite the powder and make the bullets shoot. But if there were a lot of tannerite mixed in the car then the bullets themselves wouldn't need to go off to become shrapnel. Ball Bearings would have worked just as well if placed properly (swordfish).

There are no laws of nature that prevent humans from making choices.
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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 10, 2017 3:47 pm

silentprocess wrote:
I don't know how much tannerite he had in the car.  I've used tannerite to blow up stuff on the farm and it messes stuff up.  The tannerite wouldn't have detonated any of the rounds in the vehicle but it may turn them into shrapnel if there was a large amount mixed.  

Many people have the perception that if the powder in the bullet is heated enough that the bullet will shoot just like it would if shot from a gun.  But the bullet would have no velocity, it would be the same as hitting a rimfire round with a hammer, it will go off, make a loud bang but it won't travel very far.  The bullet has to be shot through something to gain velocity thus a rifled or polygonal barrel.  

The tannerite explosion would have scattered the bullets from the shockwaves it created but it wouldn't ignite the powder and make the bullets shoot.  But if there were a lot of tannerite mixed in the car then the bullets themselves wouldn't need to go off to become shrapnel.  Ball Bearings would have worked just as well if placed properly (swordfish).

in this case the tannerite would act as a trigger to detonate the ammonium nitrate which is an extremely powerful explosive and would turn the whole car into shrapnel.
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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 10, 2017 3:54 pm

TheyAllFloatDownHere wrote:
silentprocess wrote:
I don't know how much tannerite he had in the car.  I've used tannerite to blow up stuff on the farm and it messes stuff up.  The tannerite wouldn't have detonated any of the rounds in the vehicle but it may turn them into shrapnel if there was a large amount mixed.  

Many people have the perception that if the powder in the bullet is heated enough that the bullet will shoot just like it would if shot from a gun.  But the bullet would have no velocity, it would be the same as hitting a rimfire round with a hammer, it will go off, make a loud bang but it won't travel very far.  The bullet has to be shot through something to gain velocity thus a rifled or polygonal barrel.  

The tannerite explosion would have scattered the bullets from the shockwaves it created but it wouldn't ignite the powder and make the bullets shoot.  But if there were a lot of tannerite mixed in the car then the bullets themselves wouldn't need to go off to become shrapnel.  Ball Bearings would have worked just as well if placed properly (swordfish).

in this case the tannerite would act as a trigger to detonate the ammonium nitrate which is an extremely powerful explosive and would turn the whole car into shrapnel.

Any thoughts on why he didn't try to detonate the car bomb?
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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 10, 2017 4:06 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Any thoughts on why he didn't try to detonate the car bomb?

maybe he forgot about it or just didn't bother as it was out of view or parked somewhere away from the hotel
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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 17, 2017 6:31 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:

Any thoughts on why he didn't try to detonate the car bomb?

Maybe he was worried that the explosion might be big enough to harm him. Or maybe he was going to escape and just had the explosives in there so if the police found him so he could suicide bomb them.
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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 17, 2017 10:21 am

InsaneIntruder wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:

Any thoughts on why he didn't try to detonate the car bomb?

Maybe he was worried that the explosion might be big enough to harm him. Or maybe he was going to escape and just had the explosives in there so if the police found him so he could suicide bomb them.

The money, time and effort of getting/making the bomb and then not even trying to use it just seems strange to me, but again nothing about this case makes any sense whatsoever. scratch
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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 17, 2017 11:00 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
InsaneIntruder wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:

Any thoughts on why he didn't try to detonate the car bomb?

Maybe he was worried that the explosion might be big enough to harm him. Or maybe he was going to escape and just had the explosives in there so if the police found him so he could suicide bomb them.

The money, time and effort of getting/making the bomb and then not even trying to use it just seems strange to me, but again nothing about this case makes any sense whatsoever. scratch
Yes, it is quite confusing.
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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 18, 2017 2:54 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
TheyAllFloatDownHere wrote:
silentprocess wrote:
I don't know how much tannerite he had in the car.  I've used tannerite to blow up stuff on the farm and it messes stuff up.  The tannerite wouldn't have detonated any of the rounds in the vehicle but it may turn them into shrapnel if there was a large amount mixed.  

Many people have the perception that if the powder in the bullet is heated enough that the bullet will shoot just like it would if shot from a gun.  But the bullet would have no velocity, it would be the same as hitting a rimfire round with a hammer, it will go off, make a loud bang but it won't travel very far.  The bullet has to be shot through something to gain velocity thus a rifled or polygonal barrel.  

The tannerite explosion would have scattered the bullets from the shockwaves it created but it wouldn't ignite the powder and make the bullets shoot.  But if there were a lot of tannerite mixed in the car then the bullets themselves wouldn't need to go off to become shrapnel.  Ball Bearings would have worked just as well if placed properly (swordfish).

in this case the tannerite would act as a trigger to detonate the ammonium nitrate which is an extremely powerful explosive and would turn the whole car into shrapnel.

Any thoughts on why he didn't try to detonate the car bomb?

I would speculate that blowing up the car was part of his original plan. Maybe he intended to escape and blow it up as the crowd was fleeing, though I can't imagine a person could rationally envision getting out of the room or the hotel after that kind of rampage. He may have overestimated how realistic that was. Or maybe he intended to position the car before the shooting started but got spooked by the guard coming up and decided to abandon it.
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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 18, 2017 12:26 pm

curious2017 wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
TheyAllFloatDownHere wrote:
silentprocess wrote:
I don't know how much tannerite he had in the car.  I've used tannerite to blow up stuff on the farm and it messes stuff up.  The tannerite wouldn't have detonated any of the rounds in the vehicle but it may turn them into shrapnel if there was a large amount mixed.  

Many people have the perception that if the powder in the bullet is heated enough that the bullet will shoot just like it would if shot from a gun.  But the bullet would have no velocity, it would be the same as hitting a rimfire round with a hammer, it will go off, make a loud bang but it won't travel very far.  The bullet has to be shot through something to gain velocity thus a rifled or polygonal barrel.  

The tannerite explosion would have scattered the bullets from the shockwaves it created but it wouldn't ignite the powder and make the bullets shoot.  But if there were a lot of tannerite mixed in the car then the bullets themselves wouldn't need to go off to become shrapnel.  Ball Bearings would have worked just as well if placed properly (swordfish).

in this case the tannerite would act as a trigger to detonate the ammonium nitrate which is an extremely powerful explosive and would turn the whole car into shrapnel.

Any thoughts on why he didn't try to detonate the car bomb?

I would speculate that blowing up the car was part of his original plan. Maybe he intended to escape and blow it up as the crowd was fleeing, though I can't imagine a person could rationally envision getting out of the room or the hotel after that kind of rampage. He may have overestimated how realistic that was. Or maybe he intended to position the car before the shooting started but got spooked by the guard coming up and decided to abandon it.

I was confused as some reports saying that he had intended to escape, while others said that he had left no indications of planning an escape.

No one had a clue what was going on with this man. Its like they are reporting every single possibility in the vain hopes of getting something right.
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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?   Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack? Icon_minitime

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Did Vegas Shooter plan to detonate a car bomb during the attack?
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