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 Deadly Women

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PostSubject: Deadly Women   Deadly Women Icon_minitimeThu Oct 12, 2017 4:54 pm

Does anyone watch this show? I find it quite intriguing.

The majority of the murderesses featured on the show, are psychopaths/sociopaths.
I’ve noticed an interesting pattern and distinction between male psychopaths and female psychopaths, by watching this show.
Female psychopaths tend to be very materialistic, greedy and do everything in their power to procure the hefty sum of money and lavish lifestyle that they feel like they’re entitled to.

They often hire hitmen to do their dirty work for them, so that the homicide can’t be traced back to them. Sometimes they even manipulate family members into committing a serious crime for them, not giving a shit whether they land their own flesh and blood in trouble.
They are horribly unfit mothers since they lack the ability to forge an emotional connection with other people. So they tend to use their children as pawns, in order to get what they want. The child seen is considered an extension of them, not as a person with his/her own individuality and needs. The main reason they have kids, is so that the kids can eventually take care of them.

Male psychopaths/sociopaths are more interested in dominating and hurting other people, since they derive pleasure from it. So therefore, they tend to murder and torture their victims for the fun of it, not necessarily to gain money or material possessions. They mostly commit sex-related crimes and/or become calculated serial killers. Male psychopaths mainly kill for the sake of killing. Female serial killers are very unheard of.
Female psychopaths are certainly not above killing other people, but usually they murder their victims because they’re standing in their way and preventing them from acquiring something; Money, a higher status, a partner and etc. Or they kill in order to get rid of obstacles and things they find unpleasant. For example, a sickly child who takes up a lot of their time and energy (since they lack emotional empathy and patience, they get easily frustrated with the child, don’t feel sorry for the child and perceive their disorder as inferiority which leads to feeling resentful towards of the child).

If you watch this show, what's your favorite episode?

"My skin is very young, but my heart is very old" - Isaac Dunbar.
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PostSubject: Re: Deadly Women   Deadly Women Icon_minitimeMon Oct 16, 2017 10:56 am

Marie Hilley is one of the interesting ones to me. She was not very special I guess but she stands out Probably due to the Unsolved Mysteries case I saw on her years and years ago. I just always think of her first when I think of Deadly women.

She poisoned and killed her husband and tried to poison her children with arsenic. It was a miracle her daughter survived.

There are a lot of women that just make me sad in general just because a lot of times they seem to go after their kids. Idk if they made an episode on her with this show but of course Casey Anthony and Andrea Yates

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PostSubject: Re: Deadly Women   Deadly Women Icon_minitimeMon Oct 16, 2017 1:37 pm

Lizpuff wrote:
Marie Hilley is one of the interesting ones to me.  She was not very special I guess but she stands out  Probably due to the Unsolved Mysteries case I saw on her years and years ago.  I just always think of her first when I think of Deadly women.

She poisoned and killed her husband and tried to poison her children with arsenic. It was a miracle her daughter survived.

There are a lot of women that just make me sad in general just because a lot of times they seem to go after their kids.  Idk if they made an episode on her with this show but of course Casey Anthony and Andrea Yates

Yup, she is featured on the show. She poisoned her family in order to get her husband’s insurance money. Typical female psychopath. If it wasn’t for the fact that she pretended to be her imaginary twin sister (which I found odd and creepy), she wouldn’t have piqued my curiosity.

The Andrea Yates case, as disturbing as it is, is also a particularly sad case. She wasn’t a cold-blooded and materialistic psychopath who committed homicide out of malice, excitement or in order to get a hold of cash. She was severely psychotic and believed that her children would be tormented by Satan if she didn’t kill them. Very disturbing, but also very sad since she regrets it. Apparently she spends her days at the mental hospital by watching home-made videos of her dead children.

"My skin is very young, but my heart is very old" - Isaac Dunbar.
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PostSubject: Re: Deadly Women   Deadly Women Icon_minitimeMon Oct 16, 2017 1:43 pm

Glamazon wrote:
Lizpuff wrote:
Marie Hilley is one of the interesting ones to me.  She was not very special I guess but she stands out  Probably due to the Unsolved Mysteries case I saw on her years and years ago.  I just always think of her first when I think of Deadly women.

She poisoned and killed her husband and tried to poison her children with arsenic. It was a miracle her daughter survived.

There are a lot of women that just make me sad in general just because a lot of times they seem to go after their kids.  Idk if they made an episode on her with this show but of course Casey Anthony and Andrea Yates

Yup, she is featured on the show. She poisoned her family in order to get her husband’s insurance money. Typical female psychopath. If it wasn’t for the fact that she pretended to be her imaginary twin sister (which I found odd and creepy), she wouldn’t have piqued my curiosity.

The Andrea Yates case, as disturbing as it is, is also a particularly sad case. She wasn’t a cold-blooded and materialistic psychopath who committed homicide out of malice, excitement or in order to get a hold of cash. She was severely psychotic and believed that her children would be tormented by Satan if she didn’t kill them. Very disturbing, but also very sad since she regrets it. Apparently she spends her days at the mental hospital by watching home-made videos of her dead children.

I think that thing that gets to me about Andrea is she had severe post partum depression, anxiety and psychosis. She reported to her husband that she did not feel safe with her kids and he left her alone with them. Not only that though he also continued to have kids with her despite the fact that the ones she had already were too much for her. She accepted she needed help. No one helped her.

IMHO the husband Randy is just as much to blame for the deaths as she was.

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PostSubject: Re: Deadly Women   Deadly Women Icon_minitimeMon Oct 16, 2017 1:58 pm

Yes, there certainly are deadly women out there or here?

A note about male serial killers... not all enjoy torturing or deriving pleasure from the suffering of their victims. There are sadistic killers, yes, but you will find that most victims of serial killers are knocked out or killed quickly (give or take a few hours).
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PostSubject: Re: Deadly Women   Deadly Women Icon_minitimeMon Oct 16, 2017 4:43 pm

I absolutly hated the show's episode on Brenda Spencer, mostly because they treated the abuse allegations as fact. As Dr. Peter Langman so eloquently puts it here
the various allegations of abuse that she has made over the years have been self-contradictory and only have one source; Brenda herself. Although it is possible (albeit unlikely given the available evidence) that abuse occurred, this show and so many others like it presenting it as fact without referencing the various contradictions never fails to irk me.

"If opportunities for role fulfilment fall far short of the demand by those capable of filling roles, and having expectations to do so, only violence and disruption of social organization can follow. Individuals born under these circumstances will be so out of touch with reality as to be incapable even of alienation. Their most complex behaviors will become fragmented. Acquisition, creation and utilization of ideas appropriate for life in a post-industrial cultural-conceptual-technological society will have been blocked."
- John B. Calhoun

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PostSubject: Re: Deadly Women   Deadly Women Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2018 4:38 am

I'm not sure if this is the same thing, but occasionally I watch 'Female Killers' on YouTube. They covered Melinda Loveless, who was partly responsible for the murder of Shanda Sharer.

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This murder was verrry long, and particularly sick. They were all so young. I'd highly recommend reading about it:

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PostSubject: Re: Deadly Women   Deadly Women Icon_minitimeWed Feb 14, 2018 8:52 am

04daviszoe wrote:
I'm not sure if this is the same thing, but occasionally I watch 'Female Killers' on YouTube. They covered Melinda Loveless, who was partly responsible for the murder of Shanda Sharer.

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This murder was verrry long, and particularly sick. They were all so young. I'd highly recommend reading about it:

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Oh yes I remember that case! The poor girl held on so long in that trunk. I couldn't believe she was still alive after all that happened to her. True torture if I have ever heard of it

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PostSubject: Re: Deadly Women   Deadly Women Icon_minitimeWed Feb 21, 2018 6:14 pm

STK wrote:
I absolutly hated the show's episode on Brenda Spencer, mostly because they treated the abuse allegations as fact. As Dr. Peter Langman so eloquently puts it here
the various allegations of abuse that she has made over the years have been self-contradictory and only have one source; Brenda herself. Although it is possible (albeit unlikely given the available evidence) that abuse occurred, this show and so many others like it presenting it as fact without referencing the various contradictions never fails to irk me.
Yeah, I hate when people treat her claims as fact. She's a psychopath that'll do anything to get parole.
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PostSubject: Re: Deadly Women   Deadly Women Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2020 9:19 pm

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