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 Adam was cremated and the location is secret

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Adam was cremated and the location is secret Empty
PostSubject: Adam was cremated and the location is secret   Adam was cremated and the location is secret Icon_minitimeMon Oct 23, 2017 12:20 pm

It is said in an article that there will be no ceremony for Adam unlike Nancy who will get one and will be attended by family and friends. [ARTICLE BY TheMirror].
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Adam was cremated and the location is secret Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam was cremated and the location is secret   Adam was cremated and the location is secret Icon_minitimeSun Oct 14, 2018 12:34 am

I swear ive seen it in a obituary somewhere but idk if its true

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Adam was cremated and the location is secret Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam was cremated and the location is secret   Adam was cremated and the location is secret Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2018 1:26 am

I wonder if Nancy would want Adam to be buried with her had she known what he did. He seemed to be the best and worse thing in her life.
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Adam was cremated and the location is secret Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam was cremated and the location is secret   Adam was cremated and the location is secret Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2018 2:22 pm

His ashes should've been flushed down the toilet or maybe the sewer. I can't think of a better way to honor that piece of garbage.

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Adam was cremated and the location is secret Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam was cremated and the location is secret   Adam was cremated and the location is secret Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2018 2:55 pm

From what I can recall; Peter Lanza did claim Adam's ashes and had private arrangements made for them. But it's unknown if he spread them somewhere or hid them away someplace secret.
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Adam was cremated and the location is secret Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam was cremated and the location is secret   Adam was cremated and the location is secret Icon_minitime

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Adam was cremated and the location is secret
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