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 Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas)

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Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas) Empty
PostSubject: Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas)   Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 25, 2017 11:22 pm

Who do you guys think killed tupac.
We all know the fact tupac was going to las vegas for a party at a casino.

I think he was going to see the Mike Tyson fight or something. On his way to the fight he got into altercation
with a crip gang member orlando andersen.

Then I think at night he was shoot by slaying. And then he was taken to a hospital and died 7 day later.

I wonder who slayed tupac his case is still open. His autopsy picture are online. People say it was the crips,other people
say his manger suge knight did it (I dont belive this).
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Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas)   Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 27, 2017 1:37 pm

Wasn't Tupac a crip?

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Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas)   Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 27, 2017 5:29 pm

Suge knight most likely. He wanted 2pac dead.
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PostSubject: Re: Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas)   Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas) Icon_minitime

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Tupac Shakur murder in 1996 (Las Vegas)
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