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 Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school?

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Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Empty
PostSubject: Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school?   Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 03, 2018 12:20 pm

Why do you think security footage of Adam entering the school has not been released? And who decides rather or not the footage should be leaked to the public or not, the school,the FBI,or maybe both(probably both)? My theory is that they didn't release footage of him entering the school and or at least driving up to the school because I suppose it would be traumatizing to those affected, but I wanna read everyone's theory on why it hasn't been released to the public. Conspiracy theories usually use this as an indictment for it being a hoax which is annoying.
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Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school?   Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 03, 2018 12:26 pm

inertianess wrote:
Why do you think security footage of Adam entering the school has not been released? 

I'm guessing they thought it was unnecessary to broadcast and potentially upsetting for the survivors to see.

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Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school?   Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 03, 2018 12:48 pm

There was no camera at the front of the school (or anywhere in the school) that was capable of recording.

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The only recordings from outside of the school were the dashcams on the police cars (and a few homemade videos that were never released) but obviously, these videos were recorded after Adam entered the school.
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Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school?   Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 03, 2018 1:26 pm

sscc wrote:
There was no camera at the front of the school (or anywhere in the school) that was capable of recording.

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The only recordings from outside of the school were the dashcams on the police cars (and a few homemade videos that were never released) but obviously, these videos were recorded after Adam entered the school.

I never knew that, thank you for the information. I think it's strange how they don't have working cameras there, I believe most schools(or at least the schools I went to) have working cameras that are capable of recording I think.
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Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school?   Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 03, 2018 1:45 pm

inertianess wrote:
sscc wrote:
There was no camera at the front of the school (or anywhere in the school) that was capable of recording.

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The only recordings from outside of the school were the dashcams on the police cars (and a few homemade videos that were never released) but obviously, these videos were recorded after Adam entered the school.

I never knew that, thank you for the information. I think it's strange how they don't have working cameras there, I believe most schools(or at least the schools I went to) have working cameras that are capable of recording I think.

It was an Elementary School. Not a High School or College. Cameras weren't necessary because while children have to be under constant supervision, Teens and Adults don't. Also, there aren't too many fights or "bad acts" ;) committed in Elementary Schools like there are in High Schools etc etc etc.
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Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school?   Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 04, 2018 12:24 pm

Because it would piss off all the white knight facebook redneck soccermoms.
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Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school?   Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 05, 2018 6:53 am

You would think though that they would have cameras able to record even if it was just at entrances/exits into the school, just to keep an eye on the comings and goings of staff, visitors, parents and the children.
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Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school?   Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school? Icon_minitime

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Why don't they release footage of Adam entering the school?
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