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 Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend?

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Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend? Empty
PostSubject: Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend?   Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 3:16 am

hi all. i am looking for the original source of this statement. i found it today while foraging for information. i hadn't seen it before. i'm wondering if there is a second page?

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i've always been very intrigued by Adam's only friend. it was after the falling out that he stopped leaving the house altogether. i have wondered if the dissolution of the friendship (and loss of his only human contact other than his mother) contributed to the deterioration of his mental state and ultimately the decision to carry out the shooting.

any help would be much appreciated! cheers.
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Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend?   Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 7:43 am

There is an interview with the friend and there are three pages in an e-mail that were sent which covers the topics that they discussed together. It cuts off so it seems unfinished but this is all that was released and the file said that pages 4 and 5 of the e-mail were blank.

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Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend?   Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 4:43 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that's so helpful, thank you so much!
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Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend?   Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 09, 2018 4:34 am

sscc wrote:
There is an interview with the friend and there are three pages in an e-mail that were sent which covers the topics that they discussed together. It cuts off so it seems unfinished but this is all that was released and the file said that pages 4 and 5 of the e-mail were blank.

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How.Annoying.They.Cut.Off.The.Cookie.Part Evil or Very Mad but this is some good stuff! Very insightful, big thanks to you [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] king
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Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend?   Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend? Icon_minitime

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Written statement from Adam Lanza's DDR friend?
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